White America is doomed. There's no saving it. Your ideology of markets, freedom...

White America is doomed. There's no saving it. Your ideology of markets, freedom, and individualism made you rich and powerful very quickly, but it has also brought you to the brink of destruction. You are 56% white and your demographic destiny cannot be reversed.
There is no quick way to success in this world and an ideology like yours, an ideology of pure greed and materialism, will lead any nation to ruin. As we can see in Europe, as American influence has grown, your degenerate culture of materialism, greed, individualism, and multicultilism has spread like the plague and causing the same sociatal disintegration.

Europe is still capable of being saved. All remaining white Americans should return to their ancestral homelands. Your experiment has failed.

You ok?

Bottom right is white.

i dont think the top left is even american though

post the full deniro orc spawn photo


>top left
face makes me laugh every single time

youre right, (?)she is polish iirc

You would know portch monkey.


>insults someone else
>cant spell porch

>you will live to see white genocide become a reality

Thank you Jesus

thanks, jews

I have a theory about this shit... Women like the idea of having mixed babies because it allows them to limit parental bonding. The less the baby looks like you the easier it is to neglect the child without feeling guilty.

A similar phenomenon can be seem with autists and their Asian girlfriends. It is easier on their anxiety if they view their partner as being slightly "unhuman" (i.e. it doesn't matter if you fuck up and they end up hating you because they aren't even entirely human)

>Wogs in the south
>slavs in the east
>Europe is white

here's a fun thing to try next time you're in a grocery store or something and see some single white woman with a mixed race kid in a stroller or hanging by her just be all "wow, he/she looks just like you!" and watch the gears turn in her head, maybe even watch her start crying a little

Why doesn't the black population increase?


last time i saw a graph like this Blacks were decreasing

what the fuck happened, we cant let niggers get bigger

Nice try Schlomo. You can't even speak out against the problem in Europe without being jailed by your Orwellian hate speech laws.

I don't get it, why would she cry?

>More alive today than at any other point in history

That being said, my brethren and I will still rid the world of whites, that's just what they get for making fun of my nose.


Aids is racist

Look at the projected population increase of Africa for this century.

the less whites, the stronger they will become
you think jews are so dominant and powerful because they are great In number? no, its the opposite

I know you dropped out but surely crack dealers know 13 is bigger than 12

I brought this up in pol and it got one jew very anxious

Yeah, straight from the jungles of Poland.


That was years ago.

This will probably be ignored in a sea of ignorance but whatever I'll just post.
Race isn't the issue. Class divide + wealth gap is.
And classism is coming to envelop us all.
I live in Toronto and right now it's really cold so homeless drug addicts are flocking to the 24 hour restaurants, making everything filthy, smearing shit all over the bathrooms, sleeping in the car seats. Most of them are white males in their 20s to 30s. I just witnessed an exchange between an Indian fast food worker and a white male druggie which ended with him ranting how she was discriminating against him because he was white, when it was actually because he wasn't actually ordering anything, knocking over chairs, covering all the seats with his dirty bags, and squatting in the restroom.
I don't completely blame him though, I blame his drug addiction and apparent poverty.
Also there is (justified) level of discrimination in this city where if you look remotely homeless business owners will give you the evil eye. Just happened to me tonight as I walked into a convenience store because it was 2AM and I looked unkempt (probably). Two of the workers stared at me as I walked in maintaining a cold eye contact until I walked past them. It doesn't feel good. On the other hand they've probably had tons of homeless people stealing shit recently.

you sure about that niggeR?

Abortion is a big factor. Makes me wonder why right wingers are pro life when abortion culls a lot of people they don't want being born.


unga bunga me america
nigger so cool haha
delicious jew dick

The world is literally doomed if that happens.

Btw blacks dont increase once in the west but they keep importing them and africans will be half the world by 2100

>White America is doomed
...and that's bad, because? Birds and all the other animals gets extinct all the time. You don't really hear people complaining about it, do you? Why does it matter? So the race disappears? So what? People still exist. They're going to exist unless meteorite hits us. But that can happen with or without white people. So again, there's no difference.

He means in america

the entire population will collapse eventually since niggers can't do anything without whites or asians and nothing will be left except little violent nigger tribes spread extremely thinly across a barren planet

Perhaps. Whites will always be the most beautiful and sought after race. The smartest, richest, most attractive whites will only grow more so as the gaps in wealth and genetics grow wider. When genetic engineering and designer babies come into play it'll be primarily rich whites and Asians who have access. Minorities will start creating white babies and whitening their own skin.

With white people we could ve colonize other worlds, cold war prove it
With half the world blacked we wont


Pretty sure Africans are just like deer and eventually they will overbreed to the point where there simply isn't enough food to sustain the population and like 90% of them will starve to death.

Abortion. Democrats want a reliable vote farm but don't want them to get any bigger in population, otherwise they'll take over the party and chimp it up.

learn to read graphs, they're increasing greatly in comparison to whites

12/64 to 13/43

Too bad retarded shortsighted fucks don't see this and instead keep feeding and maintaining all of them while many out of the other side of their mouths whine about overpopulation.

Fucking deluded idiots will be the death of us.

>we wont
hahahaahah nobody is going to ask you for permission whitey

>Oh no, whites are decreasing in number in a country they stole from another race anyway.

Thats already hapening but the UN keeps parachuting food


Natives sold the land for beads.

jesus christ only minorities care about this gay shit. whites are too busy actually getting on with their lives instead of living with an eternal chip on their shoulders

Imagine how confused ETs would be would be if they were to intercept the Voyager disk and show up 500 years from now. Instead of an advanced civilization they find humanity has reverted back to the stone age

>great in number

There are like what, 20 jews in the world?

Thats why we have the lowest fertility rate


Maybe that happened in every alien civilization
20 milion

>there are people RIGHT FUCKING NOW who want third worlders to enter this beautiful country


It's just the nightly leaf spammer. The average Sup Forums poster is dumb as rocks though so people keep taking the b8.

Point I'm trying to make is, what you should be scared about is NOT black/brown people taking over the world.
What you SHOULD be scared about is the onset of discrimination, at the level that black people have been suffering for years, except race agnostic and based on your perceived level of wealth.

>t. John Hernandez

Why dont you post this on Sup Forums instead so everyone there can make fun of you.

No one cares about your bland ass "its about class not race maaaan" monologue dude.

Take solace. White people are doomed and nothing can change that, but China will at least stop the African apocalypse. And since China is one of the few states that don't give a fuck about ethics in genetic engineering, they might just make themselves Aryan anyways.

Losing whites will leave asians as the only remotely human race

>the yellow tinted machine aliens become the humans

*fries a dog*

they function just like ants and even have the tunneling capability as seen in ww2 and the vietnam war

They should, as should you. The way I said it may be bland, but it's real and happening right now.
Race issues had effectively been solved since the mid 2000s, but now it's back in full force because it's a convenient distraction from the real social issues at hand. Both convenient for the people with no wealth or power looking for someone to blame and for the people with wealth and power trying to distract the lower classes.

television and film

why do jews back the blacks when hispanic is the leading minority?

>There are people dumb enough to still believe blacks are useless savages because of class division

Literally debunked with 5 seconds of searching but I guess that hurts your narrative.

>can't spell can't

Unfortunately due to their vast numbers and Communist China still existing the subhuman Asians are very noticeable. True Asians like those in Korea and Japan will go on to inherit the earth because despite their lack of souls they pose as the same industrious spirit of the white man. Soon artificial wombs will solve their birth rate problem and they will be the last ally of the white man or they will carry on his legacy

>Europe is still capable of being saved.

holy shit for a sec I thought the end of the graph was today, wew