How did he get away with it?

While Hollywood crashes and burns with baseless sexual harrassment allegations with zero evidence?

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the willpower of a 1000 Sup Forumstards

The media was too busy reporting on Hillary's emails to cover it seriously

It's easy for him. He's got a bottomless pit of money that he can throw at everyone.

TMZ rumors can only do so much until you're attacking someone with real power and influence

fuck off libtards
tapes of him talking years ago and shakey, and inconsistent testimonies from women (who eventually dropped the whole thing) aren't evidence dipshit

Weinstein Spacey and CK were all very vocally anti Trump. The Trump curse is real.

His "crime" was being alpha. He unabashedly pled guilty to it.

Hollywood got charged with the same crime. They apologized, validating it's social illegality and destroying themselves in the process.

"...and they let you get away with it"
Donald Trump, 2005 'Billy Bush Bus Video'

He was innocent

he's not going out to LA nightclubs whatever he does is carefully arranged

You garbage people need to watch the last time America had dignity.


pretty cool but they walk like NPCs in an old video game.

damn i wonder if they have had sex

Post more of Jinping's wife

They walk with pride and precision. The dignity ordered by the understanding their representing millions of unknown dead.

The libs go after soft targets

That's the same way I walk when I have diarrhea

Because he didn't do it, so they couldn't find any credible accusers and he could just confidently deny it and that was the end of the story. Meanwhile, Spacey and Weinstein basically admitted to it, so those accusations clearly weren't baseless.

he became president

They went after trump pretty hard, they still are. The fact is baseless accusations are nothing unless there's proof or you admit guilt, all the hollywood people fold like the spineless queefs they are.

That, and trump doesn't answer to some jew exec that's more worried about pr.

Same way every other president has gotten away with it. By being president.

Oddly enough, becoming president likely saved him from falling with the rest.

I'm not even American and I have more reverence than you fuckers. That shit makes me cry.

>zero evidence

Kevin Spacey literally said it was something he would've probably done...Are you high?

>Grab em by the pussy

He wasn't actually saying he did that, he said specifically, "you COULD do that".

As for all the people who accused him, he told them to lawyer up upon which they all backed-the-fuck-away very quickly.

Silicon Valley is next

Because they decided that that weapon had dried up and that the Russia narrative looked more promising. Just wait, Russia will vanish as soon as a more alluring prospect rears its head.

get away with what? being in the presence of groupies/escorts? thats nothing

He's 71 years old and has been president for less than 1 year. How did he get away with it all those other years? Face it, all those accusations coming out right before the election was just a bit too convenient and everyone with a working brain realized that.

It's sad

Do you really want to know the answer? It's actually quite simple.

It's because unlike others, Donald Trump almost entirely funded his campaign by himself. So while for most politicians such alligations could sink their entire life, such as Mitt Romney when people got upset about his 47% comment, Trump did not have to really on backers who might possibly pull their support. Trump could say almost anything he wanted to because he did not need other people to support him.

Because normal people don't care about such trivial bullshit as a woman feeling uncomfortable.

he did a presidential campaign for almost 2 years incase you missed it, if there was any basis for an accusation both republicans in the primaries and then democrats in the general elections would have gladly used it against him. There are whole teams dedicated to digging out dirt from the past of their opponent.

So all soy-boys will have to face that there is simply nothing to accuse him with and that they get to enjoy him at least for another 3 years

It's beautiful because it's how I want to think of Americans. It's their best feature. But not lately. I love the idea and it breaks my heart when they fail so badly.

An alpha.


I think Emperor Lemon actually did a very good job at explaining how Trump became the president, and how controversy doesn't seem to affect him.

the benefits of only dating russian strippers who don't give a shit or will shut up for life if you buy them a car

>How did he get away with it all those other years?
Same way all the other Hollywood types got away with it all these years. Nobody was brave enough to come forward, or nobody believed anyone who did.

Trump caved into the Jew and is doing their bidding now

Literally lmaoing at the libtards saying nonstop that Trump is going to be horrible at foreign relations. You demand respect you get respect.

Because right wingers are immoral. They fake outrage for couple of days and then forget all about any allegations unless the guy was caught with a hand in the cookie jar.

No, it's actually quite the opposite. See and

>say the word 'pussy' 10 years ago
>libshit retards so desperate for a gotcha they conflate it with rape
>brush it off and win anyway

Reminder that Donald J Trump won the popular vote

>forbidden city
>eating there
>it's forbidden
>do it anyway

pipe down lunatic

nice projection retard

Trump didn't give a fuck about the bullshit accusations brought up against him and made fun of the women that brought them forward.

>these women are to ugly for me to harass
>just look at them

Hollywood built the the culture of hypersexualize society at the same time advocate for “zero tolerance” against any sexual misconduct and push against “victim blaming” so now the thing they advocate more bite them in that ass. I don’t even care if the allegations are true or false for liberals. If it was true, then the liberal is a hypocrite and digusting human being all alone. If a liberal get ruined by false accusation, it’s their just dessert because they were the ones pushing hard for policy that enable it in the first place.

Different situations.

Trump never pretended to be an SJW soy boy feminist ally.

Finding out Trump likes to grab sluts by the pussy unapologetically is like finding out David Duke is a racist. Whoop.

Are you actually retarded? The ones tearing down these hollywood figures are the left itself. They're eating themselves.


Basically this. Trump's supporters do not care about sexual harassment. Let alone sexual harassment of sloots.

I've never seen any credible accusations against Trump. Just election smear shit.

Good question. I speculate as follows: Many of the people who ended up voting for Trump were so deeply against the possibility of a Clinton win that they had a powerful emotional reason to ignore the allegations. On the other hand, virtually no-one actually DEEPLY cares about the consequences of a Weinstein or Spacey or Louis CK collapse.

Why do shills write “this” so much? Is there a handbook or something? Their posts are all so similar. It’s odd.

He doesn't do dumb cuck shit like ask women if they'll watch him masturbate or beg women to shower with him.

>He's 71 years old and has been president for less than 1 year. How did he get away with it all those other years?
All the other Hollywood types didn't start getting taken down until THIS year. Trump dodged it by ending up president before all this went down.

Whether something happened with him or not, there's no way a sitting president gets taken down with that kind of thing, especially when there will always be party loyalists on whatever side who will defend that sitting president no matter what.

Sup Forums here.

You're wrong. We have morals. But we do fake moral outrage when convenient.

Who cares. Libshits don't have morals either. Just virtue signalling and purity spiralling.

(+1 upvote)

You alright?

Very few people have credible accusations right now, but they're getting dragged down and smeared anyway. People are going down without any evidence and fully on court of public opinion.

Not a shill. It's just a fact. No one on Sup Forums gives a shit about meme harassment. It's hard to give a fuck about a literal whore sucking cock to get ahead when Muslims are literally raping thousands of white children in Europe.

Lol I remember him making fun of the porn star that accused him

He became president.

>Who cares. Libshits don't have morals either. Just virtue signalling and purity spiralling.
That's what you like to think, cause it makes your own weak morals more acceptable to yourself. The truth is, some libshits have morals, others don't. Some mainstream Republicans have morals, others don't. Some Sup Forumstards have morals, but the fraction that do is smaller than the fraction of libshits or Repubs that have morals. If that were not the case, Sup Forumstards wouldn't jerk themselves off over mass murder so much.

What a babe.

Did you forget all about the "As a husband and a father to a daughter I am shocked by this and I condemn it entirely!" shit a ton of the people from the GOP did after the Access Hollywood tape was leaked? Plenty of shock and chagrin and then they still voted for him.


1. His flaws were overlooked for lack of a better option. Most of Sup Forums didn't belive he would deliver on promises. It was about changing the culture and sending a message and MAYBE helping move things in the right direction.

2. The allegations were laughably false.

3. Half the allegations against Weinstein were too, but he's a fat liberal kike, so who cares.

Well, there's also the fact that Bill Clinton has a far more substantial share of sexual assault and harassment allegations and Hillary was famously destroying the credibility and lives of those women for years. So even if you deeply cared about victims of sexual harassment, Trump would have still been the lesser of 2 evils.

basically this

Not could you fucking moron, can.

Yeah, but that's because the people getting taken down associate with people who "LISTEN & BELIEVE", while Trumps followers are literally the opposite.

>That's what you like to think

Liberals either lie and are ammoral, or their moral system is so flexible and confused it may as well not exist.

Sup Forums, far more so than mainstream Republicans, have one concrete moral ideology that's fairly inflexible. Everything else is fair game above and beyond that though - and it IS a den of socially retarded miscreants raised on the worst corners of the internet. They're relatively well adjusted if you think about it.