
Duane trying to be all deep

those blood eels look like they're half vliegeng or something

maybe they're made of people's memories of vliegeng?

I love Duane when he's religious. It's kind of nice to see someone who believes deeply in their religion treated so well by a story.

Same. It's pretty rare for religion to be treated as not exactly "right" or "wrong", but still have a deep impact on a character and their worldview.

this, I don't know how to feel about many of my religious hangups but it's nice to see them represented as not entirely bad

He died and decomposed.

>A girl who...did not deserve him
Damn titty-bird.
Right in dem feels.

It's a little strange too, because Cope says she's an ardent atheist. You would think would take a sterner view of religions and the religious.

You can not believe in a god but still recognize the good things that religion can bring, and it's not like she ignores the bad things we've seen a lot of bullshit stuff that's root causes can be brought back to hardcore Ssaelit or Gefendur believers.

She's also ardently a living human being but doesn't shy away from writing zombies. Imagination, I guess.

She probably sees sette as a rival of some sort.

Are good writer can write about stuff they don't believe in, or characters they find deplorable. A bad writer include no depths

and to think she was "welcome back sette" a few chapters ago.

>treated well

and the silver dogs are the crescians mounts

I wonder if Birdtits is just manipulating Duane or if she has a new favorite? It would be great to see Bastion's face if the latter is true.

Not all atheists necessarily hate religion just because they don't personally believe in it.

must irk her to no end a none-existent paper god can inspire greater fervor and devotion in his followers than she ever could.

all of her followers are using her for their own ends or that of mankind. it's incomprehensible to her why Duane struggles so hard for a God who explicitly will not lift a finger to help him.

titty-bird has been feeding the tongues knowledge for ssael knows how long. considering duane is the product of a black tongue I'd say the chances of her manipulating duane to further her own agenda is %1,000.
Now where that agend lies on ye olde d'n'd alignment chart we don't know.

You know, Unsounded usually gets away with it because of the art, but it really is even more wordswordswords than Order of the Stick

That's not inherently a bad thing though, especially if the writing is good. And after all, Ashley calls it a 'graphic novel' not a comic or something

well, to be fair, some people like to bandy the term 'graphic novel' way too loosely, so I dont give it much thought. Although, it is fitting in this case.

The difference is OOTS has the problem of most of the words being pointless over elaboration or repetition. Ashley at least has the characters say things with all those words.

Also, the characters in the OP are looking at something lovely while speaking about an important in-comic philosophy instead of an evil stick-figure skeleton smelling his own farts for 10 panels about how powerful he is.

There are still more happy memories (golden landscape, fish) than bad ones (monstrosities, eels and barren red landscape) it seems. So the world is not so bad afterall.
Also its neat how Duane is still in the nightmare red land because he just woke up from one. Maybe next he'll venture deeper into happy land and remember something good for a change.

I can forgive monologuing when done sparingly, the words actually have meat to them, and if it's an easy read. Unsounded tends to satisfy these so I have no real issue.

>because Cope says she's an ardent atheist

Bullshit no one can write the line "God is forever" with a straight face and consider themselves an atheist.

>noone can separate fictional characters from their real life beliefs

It was only a matter of time until one of you people showed up.

Speaking as someone who was pretty devout at one point, I've gotta say she imagines religion darn well for an atheist.

>gets away with it

Oh look, it's one of them.

I'm an atheist and recently stayed as a guest at some evangelical's place, when asked I said with conviction "God exists, no doubt"

Of course God exists in the minds of worhsippers, and this is a kind of existence that will endure far longer than any individual human or even human civilizations. Actual demiurge creator kickstarting everything? Maybe if we're living in a simulation, but in that case he's an unethical shit and I'd like to kick him in the face.

Dang. Never thought of it that way.

I read on Patreon that Ashley's going to be gone for a week. I wish she kept a personal blog so I could stalk her better. Does anyone know if she has one hidden away somewhere?

I enjoy the writing more than the art in Unsounded, so these "wordy" pages are candy to me. Sometimes I wish it was a regular fantasy novel instead of a comic so she could tell the story faster, and it could get inside the heads of the characters more.

That 4th panel had me confused for a moment. It looks like the golden fish is the one talking, because its mouth is open and the bubble is right next to it.

Her personal's Glassshard on tumblr.