What scene or action(s) really tells you Aku is as evil as he boasts and not a villain always played for laughs?

What scene or action(s) really tells you Aku is as evil as he boasts and not a villain always played for laughs?

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Lulu being almost certainly dead.
Holding the Princess's planet hostage.
Killing all of those sea people.
Sending that one guy to the mines, after stealing all of his people's water.
Killing Demongo so brutally.
Crucifying all those doggo slaves.
Literally all of the scenes in Japan with Aku/his minions.
Creating the Ultrabots.
Jack being infected by Aku.

Those are just the ones that spring to mind that we see on screen, and not the implied things like "enslaving billions upon billions of people for millennia."

The time he date-raped Jack via a false-identity

The graveyard episode where he becomes a bunch of evil tentacles and almost kills Jack

> killing Demongo

That's not really bad though seeing who/what that is.

The scene when the lava monster tells his story to Jack.

It tells you how evil he is though, it isn't about the net good killing Demongo caused. He iced that fucker, despite coming so close to killing Jack. He didn't even give it a second thought, just straight up crushed him in the palm of his hand.



Sweet thing.

>someone help aku out of desperation for his help
>Aku: "I changed my mind."

I'd say it's harder to find times where he's a villain played for laughs.

Off the top of my head, the only thing I can really think of is the time he gets insecure that the children don't enjoy his story telling.

But that can be mostly chalked up to him having a childish sense of justice and that the story telling is a reflection of how he views the world.

Watched that episode yesterday. That story affected me more than it should have...

Birth of evil shows that the first thing he did once he gained consciousness was crucify jacks dad and made him watch how he killed his entire kingdom.
Besides akus fairy tales and jack vs aku he does not play around

Its kind of stupid that none of the other extra-terrestrial species had gods that handed them down an Aku-killing weapon.

Or the Gods haven't taken one second to deal with Aku.
You can't even say they don't appear, since one literally showed up when Jack summoned him just to deal with some retarded sentinels created by an evil god before peacing-out.
If each of the thee 'good' gods had made one of those thing apiece instead and imbued them a tiny smidge of their inky-blob killing ability Aku would have been destroyed long ago.

Actually, the Scotsman's very existence sort of hints that if not gods have attempted with a very real chance to kill Aku, then the people he has conquered have.

Look at the Jack vs The Scotsman episode again and really think about what it implies.

>Scotsman is a master fighter, trained in multiple arts.
>Scotsman has the second highest (stated) bounty on his head that we see.
>Scotsman has a magic sword that is able to rebuff Jack's own magic sword.

When you think about what this means, it sort of implies that the Scotsman actually posed a threat to Aku. Otherwise, why would he have a superpower magic sword that is shown to be one of the few weapons in the entire show that Jack doesn't simply destroy with ease? Otherwise, why would he have such a massive bounty on his head under Aku's domain? Otherwise why would he constantly be travelling around? Even when he touches in with his kin, he only does it for brief periods of time; implying it isn't safe for him to stay in one place. Just like it isn't safe for Jack to do so.

I think that over the time between Jack's past, and the present, there were many such people like the Scotsman but they either didn't possess the right tools, or lacked the proper skill, or perhaps Aku simply waited for them to die.

I took it as Scotsman being a huge thorn in Aku's side, but not actually capable or hurting or killing Aku, just constantly destroying his forces and plans. I also thought the magic properties of the sword simply made it unbreakable, but I could be wrong on that one.

That's kind of the point though.

If someone was being a big enough problem, Aku would have dealt with them personally. But... if said person could actually hurt him, he'd rather play a more defensive game, like with what we see done with Jack. As for the sword simply being unbreakable, that's definitely not necessarily the case. It's got other magical properties as well, which we see demonstrated when he fights other foes alongside Jack. Primarily in how easy it cuts down foes on par with the sword gifted to Jack.

My thinking, because of the runes, is that a bunch of druids forged the sword (as opposed to monks) used by the Scotsman in the hopes that he'd free them from Aku. When you consider that Scotland is literally "FREEDOM!" the country, it adds a meta-quality to the character as opposed to just being some sort of highwayman.

When he turned Japan into hell on Earth and strapped Jack's dad onto a pillar to push and turn until he died.

is aku an anarchist?

>Killing Demongo so brutally.

Wait, this happened?


He's a fascist. I thought that would be obvious.

A plastic bag floating in the wind would make you cry, you tumblrbaby

By and far his battle in "Jack vs. The Zombies"


It's tied with the Minions of Set as the most intense and sweat-inducing fight in the series. It shows the viewers that Jack can never rest, he can never feel at ease. Aku is not only always there, but he is extremely capable and could win at any time.

the first one that comes to mind is the sea people

>banishes them under water for who knows how long
>they deliver Jack to him as part of the agreement to let them return to the surface
>he tells them to fuck off and that they're banished indefinitely

Meanwhile he has no problem rewarding obviously evil people. The next one to come to mind is the rock warrior

>attacks his village
>crystallizes him so that he can do nothing but watch as his people are decimated
>added bonus of him never dying and going to Valhalla (until Jack breaks the curse)


Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world, I feel like I can't take it, and my heart is just going to cave in.

>Aku turns into a bunch of tentacles and starts pursuing Jack
>Pans out to reveal that he has consumed the entire landscape

Bruh that's some lovecraftian shit. Also that shot of Aku about to consume Jack as the sound stops and the background turns red. Holy shit Aku is such a great villain.

The God's don't deal with aku because the reason he became sentient was due to human action so they see it as a human problem

It's just so sad.

>Oh, Samurai! Where are you, Samurai? You can run but you cannot hide cause I CAN SMELL YOUR BLOOD

Chills every time

If the series hadn't been a Cartoon Cartoon garbage then this weird mix of immature comedy with exaggerated edginess wouldn't be a problem to begin with.

Even as a 8 year old I always knew that Samurai Jack is a dirty pleasure like most of CN's shows.
Intense action with weird comedy and cliche challenges.

I hope the new Samurai Jack isn't just intense cliche action like Symbionic Titan and Star Wars.


A waste of minion, he even said that he was his strongest demon.

But Demongo's defeat meant that DOZENS of warriors of the past were freed on the future to fight Aku.

But its their negligence in the first place that caused part of the monster to hit Earth and begin corrupting it.

Tell me to go fuck myself like a man, you faggot.

They probably think "fuck off, we almost were consumed fighting the primal darkness of the universe, man up and deal with the 1% that we missed".

i wasn't ready for this

>When you think about what this means, it sort of implies that the Scotsman actually posed a threat to Aku.
Aku twice directly states the only thing that can harm him is Jack's sword, and outside the elementals (which were to set up an episode and never shown to actually injure so much as drive him away) and catching a cold, this is never contradicted. He is an 'otherworldly, ultimate evil' with magic beyond mankind's comprehension, mortals don't stand a chance against him on their own.

The first episode?
Most episodes?

On a related note, I certainly think that Aku is a really good example of a main antagonist with a decidedly inhuman mindset. It's really one of the only ways to pull off having a villain that can be funny some times but credibly threatening when they need to be.

It's really hard to get right but luckily they did.

Could also have something to do with Japan's emperors being descendants of gods, according the Japanese legends.

>Fuck off, there's like 1% left of that thing, and you're like 1.0098%, you should easily take it out

He's more of a Calgiula-esque authoritarian. He's so absurd and cruel you could almost mistake him for a chaosfag, but in reality he's just wielding his absolute authority however he fucking pleases because no one would have a chance at beating him, even if the whole world immediately decided to collectively revolt.

>A plastic bag floating in the wind would make you cry

Littering is no laughing matter, user.

>season five finale
>Jack has Aku on the ropes and is about to deal the finishing blow


His regeneration and immunity are the real OP powers.

It is really evident that Jack fought guys that gave him much more of a challenge than Aku.

As long as Jack has his sword tho.

>and not a villain always played for laughs?

He's a shapeshifter, a Trickster. Learn your Archetypes.

I watched this documentary at my college ,It's so comfy


>It is really evident that Jack fought guys that gave him much more of a challenge than Aku.
That's mostly plot cancer. Jack doesn't stand a chance against Aku going all out, sword or otherwise. He never fights Jack at full size (where we see him enflame feudal Japanese cities instantly and punch through mountains). Nor makes use of teleportation, telekinesis, matter conjuration, splitting into doppelgangers, moving faster than light, etc. If he just flew around several miles up lobbing nukes Jack would be fucked.


There's something that creeps me the fuck out about those words.

I'd say the entire universe worships the same gods.
Also, Ra (or Horus) bothered to kill the minions of Set because they were that, the minions of another god. They could not be killed by anything that wasn't divine intervention. Aku can be killed by a mortal with a mystic sword.

Little boys don't get to be fags

Anarchists don't imprint their faces all over every major city and expect people to fear and revere him. He's closer to a divinacracy or something like that rather than any other form of human government.

They gave us the sword and we should be thankful they even bothered in the first place. After giving us the tool to solve the problem and still failing at it, in their eyes we deserve to be under the fist Aku.

There are no nukes in Aku's world. He either never thought of making them or he thought they'd be boring to make. Still, it makes sense why Aku is afraid of fighting Jack head on. It all comes down to fear. Not even fear of death, although that's a considerable risk. It's fear of pain. Aku has gone for thousands of years without experiencing what pain feels like. Jack is the only one who can actually hurt him, no matter how big he becomes.

Best in thread

Failure will not be tolerated.

Besides, for as strong as Demongo was, Aku is immensely stronger, just sucks that Jack as that sword.

Aku is so evil that he keeps Jack alive to wring all the suffering and misery he can out of the samurai, even against common sense and to the detriment of his own interests. He constantly shoots himself in the foot, and he not only can't do anything about it, he doesn't want to do anything about it.

We know if Aku really wanted to, he could obliterate Jack. The problem is that he doesn't really want to.

If Aku killed Jack while he slept, Jack would never know.
If he bombed the shit out of everything within a twenty mile radius of Jack, Aku wouldn't be able to watch the life drain from Jack's eyes.

In season 5 Aku's destroyed every time portal so Jack can never get home, and gives up on trying to kill him--keeping him in the future is a fate worse than death. Aku is annoyed by Jack still living, but killing him would be more merciful at this point. Aku realizes this which is why he can't do anything about it; he would be taking the lesser of two evils.

So is the show gonna go back to the fact that Aku is just a tree that was infected by a greater evil? And that greater evil is still out there?

Nah, that greater evil has been dead for millions of years. The gods killed it; Aku's all there's left.

I always assumed stuff like the wishing well and that demon at the haunted house were other fragments of the greater evil since they were black and evil but seemingly not directly connected to Aku.

>The face he makes when he's about to stab jack with the sword
I think that's the reason I remember Aku being really scary from when I watched this show as a kid. That one frame left a much more lasting impression than any of the goofy shit. That's some real bloodlust right there.

That's like saying the US should be responsible for ISIS just because their actions in the Iraq War led to their creation.

I said it affected me more than it should've, I didn't actually cry.

Jack may have the only weapon on earth capable of harming Aku, but honestly Aku could just roll over him like he did with those tanks in the new season teaser. Or just devour him with his darkness like he did to so many living beings for millions of years.

I always tought that Aku's endgame was to rebuild his cosmic form. Maybe at the end of time, when the darkness will devour the universe and the gods will sleep

Why did Aku look embarrassed by the muscle bound Siek dancing?

Because it was clear that the muscle bound guy was for "her" enjoyment while Jack got the belly dancers.

It gave the impression of Ikra having feelings for Jack
Not so much of "bro, that's gay"

Is Aku really the only villain in cartoon history who actually took over the world successfully?

In the episode with the insect prince and princess, he kills their not-c3po robot sidekick. Just smashes him with his thumb while he's in the middle of a sentence because he's getting mildly annoyed and bored, and boom, he's dead forever. This could only be accomplished not just because not-c3po was a robot, but because the moth kids were one-off characters. If they had their own show and he was the big supporting character, that murder would have come off as fucking traumatic.

Imagine if there was a Steven Universe episode where they visit one of the Diamonds and she just casually crushes one of the main Crystal Gems like that.

This is way more intense than any other encounter I can recall. I wonder what got Aku so fired up.

He had Jack's sword and the opportunity to skewer him on it. It would've been the ultimate way to kill the fool and spit on his dad's memory.

>If they had their own show and he was the big supporting character, that murder would have come off as fucking traumatic
Yeah, murdering Octus would suck.

When he forced a guy to create robots for him or have his family killed, and then used the robots to kill the guy's family.

>But first, I shall smite thee


>he could obliterate Jack. The problem is that he doesn't really want to.

Aku has a very unique brand of evil in that he doesn't prioritize death and destruction as much as he does domination.

user posted this is another thread, but this clip captures Aku perfectly:


He doesn't kill the insolent alien, but banishes him until he learns to obey. You see this idea come up again and again throughout the series.

>Many, many of the people Jack encounters are slaves in some way, not in immediate life-threatening peril (the scientists, the dogs, the rave kids, the ultra-bot scientist)
>Wanting to teach the children to fear him again
>Seeking other powerful sources of magic like the water jewel or the desert jewel, even though he already rules the world
>Killing Jack with his own sword to prove he's really the best

It got a comic, not a show but it happened in Bionicle

>Master Shake treating Meatwad: The post

>villain in cartoon history who actually took over the world successfully

Mandark, in Ego Trip.

Looking back, it's really neat to see the aesthetic similarity between Mandark's apocalyptic future and Aku's future - got the same black and red style.

>Jack doesn't look
>He's seen too much
>No mercy is shown in front of million of viewers

this is how a hero fall
I wouldn't be surprised if that's what we get this last season, the "hero falls" story, followed by redemption.

It didn't do much for me as a kid, but I've grown into a sucker for calm, happy death scenes, and the ending of that episode actually chokes me up a little now.

All the gods invest their power in jack's sword. All their eggs in one basket and such


Aku couldnt even defeat three elementals to get the neptune jewel

I kinda wish we'd seen more about this banishment to the pit of hate thing.

the entire "Jack vs Zombies" episode

starts with him comcially salty about Jack always winning and almost ends with him maniacally murdering Jack with a crazed look in his eyes

That's because he wouldn't hit a lady.

That is why Aku gets ALL OF THE FEMALES

>There are no nukes in Aku's world.
Meant blasting Jack with whatever. Magic, lightning, meteors, etc.

>Aku could just roll over him like he did with those tanks in the new season teaser.
Got a link for that?

They couldn't harm him either.


Aku is susceptible to divine energy/ energy of creation. Plus, they simply drove him off, they couldn't harm him the way jack's sword can.

sorry I had to do it.

>Full size.
The more for Jack to cut into.
Who knows if he can teleport spam or other things required for OP combat teleportation instead of just one sneak attack.
Have we ever seen Aku lift anything alive? He only TKs the ground to make walls or TKs columns to fall.
>matter conjuration
Like making random objects fall on Jack or what?
>splitting into doppelgangers.
Jack's dad beat that and he's shit compared to Jack himself.
>Moving faster than light.
Never used it for more than transporation. Who knows if he is able to practically utilize it.

Aku's powerset is weird when it comes to combat.

For combat he mostly uses shape-shifting, super strength, lazer beams and fire breath.

He is versatile, but not that much of a fighter compared to Jack if you remove his regeneration.

I read this in Mako's voice.

and then after Jack finally got the sweet embrace of death Aku got the show renewed.

If Demongo was that demon dude that was pretty much a Pokémon Trainer throwing around his warriors? Yeah, he crushed him in his hand after he failed.

Aku just wants to give Jack and people who oppose him the illusion of hope, only to crush it right in their faces and watch them break down in despair. He could wipe everyone out, it would be pragmatic, but not fun for him. Aku needs a few heroes to oppose him, just to have some fun while running the galaxy.


Those two things aren't mutually exclusive.

The show has a very clear stance on pain being good for personal development. Jack only becomes amazing because he has to.

Aku is so powerful his desires have never been frustrated with the exception of jack. The only bad thing thats ever happened to him is him winning so much he's bored.

He's the same as a totally oblivious super rich kid who can just buy his way out of every problem. Want to go to harvard? Daddy makes a donation. You don't have to study and actually get smart.

Aku is somebody who has been a 13 year old chuuni for a thousand years.