Name a more hateful, ill-conceived, waste of potential in the history of cinema

Name a more hateful, ill-conceived, waste of potential in the history of cinema.

Can't yo.

An all female ghostbusters could have been ok had they:

>not called their predominantly male audience sexists for not being on board with their horrible trailers

>Actually went with some solid actresses who played the part similar to the original rather than hamming it up literally every second they were in frame of the camera

>Not had fucking fall out boy do the theme song

>Actually made a good movie

How easy would have it have been to just have had all the original ghosbusters have daughters that they passed the reigns to?

If you're going to set out to genderbend an entirely male dominated series at least try to organically integrate it, the bulk of real life audiences isn't tumblr, you can't just swipe the dick off some characters and expect your audience to eat it up.

>Vagina Ghostbusters

No one can OP. Not even The Force Awakens reach that unwatchable pile of garbage.

Robocop 2014

Should have went with the "ghostbusters Franchise" premise where people would open their own ghostbusting agency.

>>Actually went with some solid actresses who played the part similar to the original rather than hamming it up literally every second they were in frame of the camera
I think the actresses were fine, just the director was shit and it was all so forced.

I give IDW props for somehow making the crossover comic with the 84 Ghostbusters work.

Space Cop.

>permavirgins trying to stir up old hate
>all because their perverted "heroes" are getting taken down
It's all burning to the ground. Stop picking sides and just enjoy the spectacle.


Batman v Superman

Quints of truth


> C
> O
> N
> S
> E
> R
> V
> A
> T
> O
> R
> Y

Same guy.

Honestly, yeah. In their own right they're all fairly solid, but had terrible direction and material to work with.

I'm positive McKinnon was literally told to be "goofy as fuck" anytime a camera was on her. It was so distracting how she was hamming it up every single time she was in frame. She's obviously the Egon in this new take, but Egon was just weird, for whatever reason they felt the need to shove the "she's so weird and quirky" down the audiences throat at ever instance.

Surprisingly enough, I honestly feel Leslie Jones has the most realistic acting in the movie.

>>Actually made a good movie
you could have wrote just that you long winded dumbass

I wouldn't know because I haven't seen it.

Women love the idea of 'weird and quirky' but have an innate distaste for what that actually means for how someone interacts with other humans. 'Weird and quirky' for women means shit like what McKinnon did, being unique and special and lovable, not being off and having uncomfortable and detached interactions with people.

It's a movie where female characters take over positions previously held by men, exploiting its classic iconography to sell a brand of "comedy" completely at odds to what Ghostbusters was, and concludes with said characters literally defeating the logo of the franchise by shooting it in the crotch. That's without mentioning the provocative language and dishonesty Sony and the media used to promote the thing. There's nothing wrong with female Ghostbusters, however, this was gone about entirely the wrong way.

pls gib me mummy quints

