Whay are some good movies or documentaries that feature a cult?

Whay are some good movies or documentaries that feature a cult?

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Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones

oh god i remember the part where they make all the kids cry by saying harry potter is a tool of the devil

don't know if cult, but I liked Louis Theroux's westboro baptist documentaries


The Sound of My Voice

she was looking for honest love and acceptance
and some cultist buttered her up and told her all the things she so desperately wanted

fucking hell
so sad
look at those eyes

Eyes Wide Shut is the only mainstream sex cult movie I know of

What a waste. She could become my gf though.


oh that's definitely a cult

That was a good one.

true detective season 1.

i only watched smallville just for her.
i did enjoy the show for about 4 seasons
but by season 5 i was burned out. i didn't even know it went on till 10 seasons.

Starry Eyes is a decent watch

Underground/Backwoods cults:
The void
Children of the Corn
Red State

Secret Societies:
Starry eyes
Eyes Wide shut
The Omen
Rosmary's baby
Get out

Weird Communities:
Wicker man
Cure For wellness
