I'll start.

>pleb filter
how many layers of irony are we operating on now I've lost count

Nolan movies are the polar opposite of pleb filters

More like pleb magnet.

Agreed. If you think it was anything but shit you're undeniably a pleb

I concur. The film deals with a race against the inevitable death of the Earth, yet "Muh keyids" echos over the whole thing. Obviously coasting on it's ability to manipulate the emotions of the common Norman and Normette.

It's true. So many wannabe patricians are hating on Nolan just because he's popular and that makes them plebs.

The movie is visually spectacular and has a great atmosphere, I'll say that, but other than that it's loaded with issues. When it comes to the actual story you are spot on. I find the daughter genuinely unlikable.

based thread

Only atheists hate this movie.

>pleb filter
>Nolan's worst film


nah its a love filter. Only people who dont know what love is hate it.

Interstellar isn't good though.
It has way too much exposition and not just for the science bits. Why is an astronaut explaining to another astronaut what a wormhole is only just as they are about to go into one?
Characters constantly tell you how they feel. Why even have actors?
The movie is also as subtle as train crash, with them mentioning "lazarus" twice, Matt Daemon literally telling you why he did what he did etc.
Why even consider Millers planet? Why couldn't they figure out that only an hour passed on Millers since the scientist visited it before actually going to the surface?
That stupid quote that Michael Cane repeated like 5 times.
What happened to the plague at the end? In the beginning of the movie they said that they couldn't grow plants even in isolation because the plague still destroyed them. So how could they grow them in space? Why didn't they just do that in the first place?
The movie attempts to be really emotional but it fell completely flat for me. Nolan doesn't seem to be a good director when it comes to emotion.
Why did the wristwatch keep moving after it was removed from the room?

The sense of scale was fucked. Everything felt like it was incredibly close. They make a big deal of how huge the black hole is, but they go around it in what seemed like half an hour. The planets felt as if they were right next to each other.
Then that docking scene. One minute you are in the orbit of the planet, next you are falling into the black hole as if you were right next to it. Imagine the ISS falling into the sun.
It seems like Nolan created the individual set pieces first and then kept finding excuses to tie them together without any consideration if it made sense or not.

>Caspere knew this

Overall you're right about it having too much exposition, but a lot of your complaints are fucking stupid so I'm just gonna call you a contrarian dumbass trying to sound SMRT by bashing a well made movie

>contrarian dumbass for disliking a summer blockbuster
What did he mean by this?

most banal movie of his.

or maybe dunkirk is.

Anyway, call me pleb or wahtever but I loved his movies up to the big guy rises INCLUDED

I liked True Detective 2 more than 1 (which I loved). Maybe you are ironic but I'm not

Yes you fucking moron, making up nonsense reasons or disliking a popular well made movie makes you a dumbass contrarian.

Why are you so upset? Is it really that inconceivable to you that someone would dislike this movie?

>Nolan's worst film
Not Dark Knight Rises

That anyone on this board considers their taste above shit tier is high comedy.

