Soul gem

Which soul gem theory works the best?

>its inside Mjolnir
>its inside Heimdall
>its with Hela
>its with Black Panther
>its in necropolis
>its what powers the odinforce

its with spiderman used to hold up his uneven computer desk

I feel like "necklace" for N makes the whole theory retarded because all the others are actual names used in the movies.

Heimdall and "inside Mjolnir" are reddit-tier, and we already know that the final infinity stone will be in Thor: Ragnarok. If you insist on going with the "i-it has to start with an H" then it's Hel with Hel replacing Soulworld.

this would actually be goat


My theory is that, not Heimdall, not Hela, not Mjolnir, but rather Odin and the Odin force, it's really weird that all Asgardians are shown to be normal people but much more stronger, then theres Odin whos godlike powers is still unexplained, why does he have this powers? why didnt his father before him had it?

I think Odin has the soul gem within him, every instance of his powers we're shown with an orange light, and its very possible that he enhanced Heimdall resulting in Heimdall's orange eyes, also Odin may have been able to demonstrate similar properties with the gem

>Odin enchanted Mjolnir, a hammer that can look inside people's souls
>Odin PROBABLY imbued Heimdall with his powers, allowing Heimdall to see a trillion souls
The infinity gem is probably too much for an individual that Odin has to 'share' this power in some ways, be it Heimdall, Mjolnir, and Hela, he probably gave Hela the job to foresee and manage souls in Hel, and when Loki banishes Odin to earth, Hela decides to take over, destroying Mjolnir and killing Heimdall to have more power, would probably also hunt Odin down since he is now mortal.

so the Soul gem is probably inside Odin's spear 'Gungnir', which is actually a Halberd

If Hela's after the soul gem then shes boutta release a huge amount of souls on asgard

Much better than heimmy

I am surprisingly cool with this.

Yeah I dont think it be heimdall, they made a whole point in taking the Aether to the collector so they wouldn't have two infinity stones at the same place. If heimdall was an infinity stone then that entire thing would've been pointless.

They probably didnt know that haimdall has a stone, considering the fact that they also did not know that the collector planned on having more than one of it

In another thread it was "leaked" that Hela attacks Asgard looking to collect the "Seeds of Discord", artifacts that if combined, will bring about out the end of the universe by unleashing every single soul from Hel.
Guess that might be it, but you can't take these things seriously

Could maybe each have part of the gem?
If the "seeds" need to be combined then maybe Hela has one part and now she needs to find Mjolnir, Heimmy, Odin.

Does this seem valid?

I see that besides "necklace" we've also upgraded the bait with "Heidmall" - can't wait until we get "red fog" and "blue cube".


I think such would be Odin's business to know. And it was by Odin's decree that no more than one Infinity Stone be on Asgard. It's confirmed that the Space Stone is in their weapons vault. If the Soul Stone was on Asgard, then the Space Stone would've been sent away just like the Reality Stone.

>Does this seem valid?
No. I seriously doubt any of the Stones can be broken or split.

Also, fixed OP pic because it's inaccurate as shit.

Im going with Hela, and by extension her headdress.

>Which soul gem theory works the best?

>its inside Mjolnir
>its inside Heimdall

If it's not one of those 2 I'd be really surprised.

I'd rather it be in an Immortal, like the Gardener or even the Champion. It could showcase Thanos' intellect, strategy, and vast understanding of reality itself.

I think it would actually be cool if they revealed that after Odin lost his eye, he shaped the gem to fit into the eye socket, and it is behind his eyepatch. Then when Thanos beats him in combat, he tears it out.

My guess is who ever is running the alien fight club has it and uses it to fix fights for the crowd.