Fuck a dead girl

>fuck a dead girl
>turns out she is still alive

was it rape?

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if your dick brings her back to life i'm pretty sure you're in the clear

i remember that plot from sexy losers

probably the most thought provoking film i have ever seen

Necrophilia is always rape since the dead can't consent.

Doesn't matter if it turns out she was alive and is okay with it, the fact that you tried to rape a dead body still makes it rape.

it's rape regardless that she is alive or not.

no, it's necrophilia

the penalty for fucking dead girls is not as harsh as raping girls who are alive

what if she consents that you can fuck her dead body?

it's unintentional rape

Does this actually happen?

Gross, you'll get maggots in your dick

Apparently some pathologists are really into it. Heard it from female pathologists.


it probably does happen more often than people realize

the people who get into that line of work tend to be creeps

attempted necrophilia

probably would need that on paper/contract before you start your business.

I don't know but if a dead pretty girl comes to life before me I would let her live even if that means I will be prosecuted

>I felt I was morally superior when I watched this movie

He intended to bake bread in a cold oven, it's not his fault said oven still had some heat left

Never have these lazy photo composite posters been stupider.
>two guys just randomly standing there while you mount a cadaver

If a fetus survives an abortion is it attempted murder?

I'm mostly disgusted that he not only took off his shoes. He also keeps his socks on.

You can't rape an inanimate object.

>that fucking lesbian necro scene in Neon Demon
Made me cum diamongs. Any good fgake necrophilia porn?

>you keep what you kill

Bruh what are you doing you cant fuck a fleshlight it cant consent

this poster is fucking hilarious
the other dudes are just like "the fuck bro"

It's not rape cause she got no breasts


>white guy

well of course. white people are fucking crazy.

>read plot on wiki
jesus christ this is fucking dumb. who thought this could make a good movie?

check out street trash

That's not what rape is.

It is desecration of a corpse.