Wow, such a powerful statement, it really made me think. Seriously...

Wow, such a powerful statement, it really made me think. Seriously, I cant wait until we start rounding up and hanging these cuck gender traitors from trees.

>Remember when Winona Ryder's career was derailed for a shoplifting conviction?


>accusations = conviction


it's almost as if convictions are worse than accusations.

And there's your difference. Gibson's career went off the rails for a drunk rant, because there was audio proof of it having happened. Your career will get derailed for the smallest shit if it can be proven to a good enough degree.

Who the fuck is this person, and why do I keep seeing xhir Twitter posts on this board?

Reported to the FBI, enjoy that knock on your door dipshit.

Also, don't follow Yashit

I fucking hate twitter, how do 6000 retards like a tweet that conflates accusations and convictions. Giving a voice to the plebs was a mistake, shut it down. People are too stupid to be allowed to have their own opinion

Social media has only hurt society.

Remember to thank Sup Forums, you main source of literally who's on Twitter you wouldn't know about otherwise.

t. Ignatius J. Reilly

Should still ruin his career. HW already said he did stuff that should ruin any career.

This guy has 200,000 followers. 200,000 braindead sheep that read everything this reactionary cunt has to say. We need another holocaust

Fuck off cuck, this is very serious and important stuff here.

>Winona was caught on tape
>accusations are unfounded claims

I wonder why one situation is different than the other.

The problem is we've lost perspective. Before the internet if 10k people agreed with your opinion, they likely were people from the local area, which made you fairly influential. But nowadays 10k people means fuck all, since that's 10k out of billions of people connected to the internet.

Why was she shoplifting? I doubt she was that poor.

Her career was derailed because she became a painkiller addict in the early 00s, which made her behave unpredictably on set.

If there's more than one accusation then that's basically proof.

Adrenaline rush. It wasn't for the material goods, it was for the rush she got from being taboo. Shitloads of teenage girls shoplift, since it's just dangerous enough without getting them in serious trouble.

>why would a rich person rape anyone
>they can have sex any time they like
>and this proves it didn't happen

This. Winona's career also wasn't derailed because of shoplifting, it had already been dying because her status as a youth icon was over and she had a pill problem.

Plus, people are now having their careers derailed for minor things like jerking off in front of people who gave consent, so I don't even know what point that guy is trying to make.

>why do people commit crimes? they can just get jobs?

oh, no. potentially the entire population of Des Moines Iowa pays perhaps some degree of attention to some of this guy's opinions

I keep seeing people who have no idea how the justice system works repeating this ad nauseum. Independent witnesses is fucking evidence retard.

Winona still has a career

Also I'm assuming there was proof of her shoplifting

Seems like a shitty way to get a rush. Go ride a rollercoaster or something.

Witnesses are different than accusers, dumdum.

This is why women don't come out sooner, everyone starts screaming "where's the proof?! oh you don't have it? then it must be fake!"

happened to jameis winston too

We have HW saying he harassed women.

>read through the replies to that tweet
>have to scroll for ages before someone points out the conflation between accusation and conviction
>rest of the comments is YASSSS QUEEEEN

Purge liberals.

It's about career ending scandals.

Taking something from a shop is maximum danger for your career.

Harassing your employees and business partners is not. We know for a fact that Harvey Weinstein did harass his employees and business partners, he said he did.

It's fun doing things other people don't want you to do. It's why I hang out on Sup Forums all day calling people niggers.

isnt she is stranger things? you know one of the biggest tv shows at this moment.

Do you clowns have the memory of a goldfish or are you both 12 years old? Winona was a ghost for years. It's only relatively recently she's come back into the semi-spotlight.

> he said he did.

And as soon as he did, his career ended. You're proving the other user's point.

>read the replies to that Jason Alexander thing
>people saying they're shaking from reading it and almost throwing up
Fuck's sake, there's far worse behaviour than what he did. Imagine actually feeling sick over some bants.

I'm sure that makes up for almost 2 decades of bitparts and shunning.

Everyone knew about Weinstein and they ignored it. I don't mean nerds on the internet, I mean everyone in hollywood knew what he was doing and what he was like. It's only now that its a public thing that makes them look bad that he's so publically reviled.

What thing?

>enough accusations can ruin a man's career even without a conviction

Powerful. Really makes me think.