Holy shit this was enjoyable, cant believe I waited this long to watch it

holy shit this was enjoyable, cant believe I waited this long to watch it

Literally my moms Orville

Sup Forums told me galaxy quest was trash. fuck you /t/rans/v/estites!

This is an exceedingly fun movie.

The new Harry Mudd is in it. Was a good movie.

pure kino

its NOTHING like the Orville, Galaxy Quest is a funny movie that takes place in space.

My dad's favorite movie. Watched it every vacation, along with What About Bob

No. This movie is one of the few that is universally loved here. Get your facts straight faggot.

More like MOMMY orville, am I correct?

Not bad for a science fiction version of Three Amigos with tits.

does it count as pedophilia when its with xenos?

asking for a friend

How was she 10/10 in this and 3/10 in everything else? I don't just mean the titties but I feel like her face is more attractive here.

i don't know how to explain this without patronizing you: hairstyles can make a person look drastically different

>lets get out of here before one of those kills Guy!

>Guy you have a last name... DO I? DO I?

they really captured that washed up sci fi trope well.
based movie

Kill yourself cuck

>literally on tv all your life
>never watched a movie that literally nobody on Sup Forums complains about

are you gay or homophobic? cause this is unacceptible?

>Sup Forums told me galaxy quest was trash.
It's the one movie Sup Forums never shits on,

by Grabthar's Hammer... what a savings

Spacemans Tropic Thunder

>Don't open that, it's an alien planet! IS THERE AIR? YOU DON'T KNOW

it's a terrible film. i haven't seen it

>Sup Forums told me galaxy quest was trash
Was that before or after Sup Forums told you not to watch Moon?

there is porn of these creatures