

tfw cheese

>dumb casual doesn't know that synthehol didn't exist until TNG
Last thread had a great twist ending.

I'm sorry they did a prequel series.


Keep it in the other thread Jesus. You are just as autistic as that guy

>be...bb...bee...beer pong!

Are you the Porthos spammer? I do not give you permission to judge me.

I'm sorry we didn't get more.

I would kill for Season 5 romulan-coalition war, shran fun and all other storyline ideas they had sounded great

Porthos did nothing wrong

No, I never said a bad word about Archer.

I also appreciate the ending of ENT not including Daniels or the Suliban. They were a terrible miscalculation


Spot has the superpower to transform into different breeds. Porthos does not.

Spot > Porthos

Hear me out. I loved Voyager, really did, nostalgia glasses be damned, it's a fun show and it's comfy. But how can anyone watch Enterprise and not be bored to fucking at yet another set of contrived Brannon Braga time travel plots and anti-continuity retcons? The only thing I can genuinely come to admire about it is their uniforms being more like astronauts than in pajamas and it's in high def.

Progress for the sake of progress yesss

It was many different cats user, not one shapeshifting cat.

Data would malfunction or misjudge his strength and regularly crush his pets, before replacing them with new ones

>tfw broccoli

it was a different time

Spot even has superior fan theories.

The only Porthos fan theory is that maybe he somehow lived long enough for Scotty to kill him.

Hmm. I didn't really care for episode 8. I think the previous four episodes were way better, especially that time loop one.

Because I was born after the period where you got hooked on ds9/TNG and only started to watch occassionally during end of Voy/beginning of ENT. I don't have loyalty to older shows and someone born after that period would be bored to death by early trek.

And honestly I was more into B5 early on, so I sort of sided with that over ds9.

I then got into ENT mostly for Trip, but mostly because I didn't have bias's that you do.

So that's mostly how I could.

Nothing wrong.

>24th century
>have mundane ginger american tabby

I'll admit Trip is the only character that seems likable (Reed's good but way underutilized). But it makes sense, thanks for your perspective.

Mudd needs tobe taken off the list now, he's a cunt in DISCO

DISCO is dead

>no deaths
>reunited with estranged wife
Yeah he's a real monster.


>no deaths

Only because Michael tricked him, he was happy to let everyone die

I mean I've tried to watch them all at one point or other just for reference and out of curiosity but I think nostalgia plays a lot into how people consume fiction so.

It's easy to see how touchstone's play into people's tastes. Just look at how divided starwars fandom is by era and niche.

i dont get it

i'm sorry, only the second worst trek

you think STD is better than ENT?

You should have been there in '94. Season 7 went out on top in a stunning display that wasn't topped until Seinfeld did the same thing four years later. One series on the air and another about to launch a network. It seemed like Star Trek ruled the world.

Better than season 1 of Enterprise.

Porthos is kill.


Better than Season 1 of DS9 and Voyager too, except the Klingons of STD are worse than the Kazon.


Nobody ever said it was the same beagle

When the Queen's corgies die, she gets new ones. Presumably Archer did the same


Exactly, Porthos fan theories are so lame.
>maybe it was the same dog
>maybe it wasn't

Spot theories are much better.
>maybe Data accidentally killed his cats
>maybe Data intentionally killed his cats in an effort to feel emotions
>maybe Data's "friends" killed his cats for shits and giggles

dogs are better than cats

>"Look, Data, I found your cat!"
>"Commander Riker, that is not my cat. My cat is deceased. You ate h--"
>"Data, c'mon, look, it's Spotty!"
>"With respect, sir, that is not Spot. That is not even a cat."
>"Data, I'm giving you a direct order as your superior officer. Accept this thing and take good fucking care of it."
>"...Yes, sir."


tfw Scott Bakula in drag will never grasp your balls and crush them

Thank fucking god.

He really must like crossdressing. He's done it on a lot of shows.

Scientifically what is happening here?

I believe the technical term is mother fucking lazers, faggot.

>anti-continuity retcons
go on

The phasers were set to disintegrate (Kill, level 8) but the alien's biology reinforced the man he had inhabited as a protective mechanism. As such it had an unusual reaction to the energy beams of the phasers

It's only like two cast members...KEK

Oh look, another forumbaby who doesn't understand how Sup Forums works.

Attempted mass murder is a crime. So is treason.

The fuck are you trying to say?


The last season of ENT was GOAT. It was interesting seeing how the federation got started with the four original species forming alliances and shit.

a very unlikeable group of people, unlike just about every cast from the 90s

You have to give STD some points for not having a child molester as a main character.

Having a dog was the only thing ENT did right. Good work, pupper.

wow i totally don't remeber this episode..

>Having a dog was the only thing ENT did right.

I like how they handled most of season 3. Sphere builders were interesting concept.

Friendly reminder that our Sisko actually blacked mirror Jadzia as part of his deep cover mission.

It was payback for the time kurzon got him drunk and bummed him

>So about Jadzia
>*proceeds to talk about Curzon for thenext halfhour*

the Gorn most certainly was in the wrong
Same with Seska, i mean who the fuck sides with the Kazon?
and Dolim from the xindi was very very wrong as we found out in the end


>nuke caretaker array the kazon were only trying to stop federation types from abusing in first episode.

Intrepid class starships don't carry tricobalt devices.


Yes, but I hate them because they can't act, not because they're not the DS9 cast.
Also isn't that the guy who says Kevin spacey touched him when he was 14?

So, did humans introduce chocolate to the galaxy? Or do different planets all have their own cocoa plants?


For what purpose did Archer and Trip engage in this degeneracy?

what is this

the model they used when Portos is dying in "a night in sickbay" one of the worse ENT episode

>tfw you don't exist in the reality where Picard and crew failed to find out their plan so they are silently ruling the Federation better than any humanoid ever could


>taking over federation
>you can just beam in with a prosthetic on your neck and phaser the leader foiling all their plans.

literally did nothing wrong

Just finished the last episode of Enterprise.

I was going to start TOS again and go from there. What a journey, lads.

is that just regular janeway in the top right?

any recommended reading?

only ones who really did nothing wrong were


rest of these traitors can burn in hell

It's in Season 5. You know, the Netflix one set during the Romulan War.

Black Mirrored?

you should be into ENT for Porthos


Quark's arc is so underrated. Him living with hu-mans for so long really showed his morality

I agree

why would internal sensor data be presented like this?

I'm sorry but that is classified starfleet intelligence

how many people have actually been properly stopped/saved by the internal sensors tracking them? 2, 3?

no, it is shit

So did the Orion "slaves girls" have super pheromones or why did they control the men?

I don't remember.

More shit than STD? You are insane

What did he mean by this?

Females are always trouble in finance

the standards the prime directive sets for civilized people are too low.

jews act like they are white people when it suits their interest and act like they aren't white when it doesn't