Writers are rewriting season 6 so the show can continue without frank

>writers are rewriting season 6 so the show can continue without frank.

lol. so how are they going to kill him offscreen Sup Forums?

first scene will just be a funeral with narration from Claire on "what went wrong," and her description will likely allude to the real Kevin Spacey.

Frances did almost die in S4 so they'll likely link his cause of death to a combination of the transplant and stress.

as long as they include Doug just as much as Claire I'm okay with it, I'd much rather we get an actual ending, even if it's not that great. I just really hope they don't try to portray Claire in a positive light, she's literally killed people and is as bad as any other character in the show.

into the trash it goes


All that plot and character development for such an anti climatic off screen death? are you fucking kidding me.

I dont give a fuck if he is a creep get him in the studio to finish those fucking scenes you lazy SJW fucks

Jesus christ just kill the fucking show

Note: Frank died on the way back to Gaffney

No the first episode will be outtakes of frank underwood getting into a car and a car bomb going off

>tfw finished House of Cards few week ago.
Why did this have to happen.

And i'm not watching anything past Season 5.
So, cheers.

>it's going to be the robin wright show

it's funny when leftists drink their own coolaid

america was a mistake

>first scene is a CNN breaking news segment
>President Frank Underwood has been found guilty on all crimes and will be sent to prison
>camera suddenly pans out from the tv to Claire sitting on the couch drinking wine
>Claire looks directly at the camera >looks like the chickens finally came home to roost for our dear old frank. Such a shame to see a great career come crashing down because he was secretly a sick freak. Just think about all the lives he's damaged trying to fullfill his own desires. Oh well though, looks like it's my show now.
>social media explodes with yas queens and people bashing on spacey

But how would they explain Claire having any sort of political career after her husband was found guilty when for the last 2 seasons their whole gameplan has been "we do everything together, we're an inseperable team!"

as if it didn't go into the trash after the failure that s5 was?

S3 was bad.
s4 was a pile of shit
s5 was a flaming dumpster overflowing with shit.

>tfw when this entire problem could have been avoided and the show would have gone down in history if they didnt prolong the entire fucking series with shit plot like they have.

missed opportunity. show should of be written to end in s4.

I really hate this shit, I don't give a shit what he does in his personal life. I'm watching the show for the character not the actor.

This is very likely, tbqhwyfamalanmohammedpbuh

They'll probably incorporate elements of To Play The King and The Final Cut. Claire is absurdly unpopular but a necessary evil of sorts who shuts down the token Republican strawman who opposes her.

As for how they can get rid of Frank? Best way would be to just do a full-on terrorist attack ala 9-11.

ISIS pulls a 9-11 style terror attack to kill Frank, because they don't care he's not President anymore and just want to kill him and as many innocent civilians that they can.

Claire, who's Presidency is already on super shaky ground, manages to exploit the carnage and her being widowed, to turn the public to her side.

Eventually they will link the murder to their Putin stand-in for added drama, along with revealing Not-Putin has been working with Scott Cambell's Not-Bannon character to manipulate the public to get rid of Claire.

My worst fear also. I just have a feeling they will make her a hero type character and it will ruin everything.

Will watch if Goose turns up as her autistic personal assistant, who is seemingly oblivious to her come ons.

>"we do everything together, we're an inseperable team!"
It works like real life and real women. Translation: I will mooch off everything good you have but any problems you have are your own.

he will be killed by a group of white supremacists while honoring a holocaust remembrance for the 6 billion

Doug was interesting but since he killed his oneitis I'm not sure where his character can go anymore

What spineless gutless asshole people.