So who's gonna be Nighwing...

So who's gonna be Nighwing? now it's confirmed and definitely going to happen and there is no way at all that this is a pipe dream.

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I'm OP

I'll start, I'm all for Ben Barnes

sexy mofo that is really good at comedy and is over 6 foot.


He's also 35.

user, dick is a tiny gypsy acrobat. it's hard as fuck to find appropriately-tall actors for superhero films for the roles MEANT to be tall, why are you trying to find one in a case where he isnt?

er, meant for he has the right look, but what a crime it would be to remove that beard. maybe we could just be courageous and portray men as men.. something which is apparently more taboo than men that fuck other men right now, for all the representation it gets.

because he's gonna have to be Batman when Affleck drops out

which would fit in a universe with an already old Batman.
cause a 5'9 actor alongside a 6'4 batman would look pathetic


Ben Affleck is 44. That tracks. Bruce has always been 10-15 years older than Dick, depending on the story

someone who is unknown imo

so no one else has got a suggestion?

The only answer.




This should just be a butt thread since hair can be more easily fixed with Hollywood magic.

but you can make you butt look good simply by doing squats a fuck tonne. Ben Barnes has fantastic hair without the need of hollywood magic. If he doesn't already have a fantastic butt, he can get one through working out. Or though I reckon he already does.

We get it, you want to fuck Ben Barnes

of course I do? Who doesn't? Everyone wants to fuck Dick Grayson, we all can collectively agree that he is the sexiest character in all of comics, it only stands to reason you cast someone AS sexy as him to play him.

Michael Cera

Nightwing is a manlet at 5'
10", OP

Matt Bomer

The kid from Kingsman

Have you see him lately? He's getting old. Save him for another hero.

but nightwing is always 3 inches shorter than Batman.

Ben Affleck is 6'4"
Ben Barnes is 6'1"

imagine a Manlet next to Batman. Pathetic.

Someone younger and fitter than Affleck who can become Batman after he dies in Justice League.

You know it's going to be him. Young. /fit/. Not big enough celebrity where they can't sign him for 3 movie deals and it would cost an insane amount.

Tyler Hoechlin

he'll probably get bigger in Bay Watch as long as he's with The Rock

Young Bomer would've been perfect for the role.

i like his chin

too thicc

i wonder if tehy can pull any movie magick bullshit to get scott eastwood back. nigga looks perfect for nightwing, jsut dye his hair black

Matt IS Nightwing, make it happen

he's also 39 years old

Same fag. He looks too much like Cavill anyway. Normies will get confused.

Jake Gyllenhaal. He will finally make the jump to capeshit.

A Black man. I'm serious Get Michael B Jodan on this!


it's current year man, and it would be good for race relations, especially in this time of all times.

I'm not gay but I would totally form a relationship with him


Nah he's Jason

He Should be hal but he would have been an even better Barry

Ya boy Kylo

I'd agree if he was first appearing in The Batman
but purely standalone you need the classic look

nah dude, grayson is supposed to be most handsome boy in DC

The answer should be obvious.

It'll be just like the comics then. Every white dude with dark hair looks alike

I-I uh I-I'm g-gonna beat you up punk. Yep, with my fists. yeah. get ready for it b-buster.

o-okay that hurt please don't hit me again.

we've had this conversation in another thread

Missed it senpai

>Same fag

user pls. Matt Bomer as Nightwing is a popular idea in internet. He even talked about it:

Can spin off to the Titans movie with a 40 year old dude

He can play anywhere from 28-35 which fits the story since Ben is playing a 43 year old Batman.

I know babe

It's WB so it'll be someone that looks good/fearsome when standing still but can't act.

What's Taylor Lautner doing these days?

What about Chris Pine?

He's already Steve Trevor.

WB won't remember
Chris Pine will be Steve Trevor, Nightwing and Booster Gold before they realize

nah mang glenn howerton will be Booster Gold. HE IS A GOLDEN GOD!!!

Matthew Daddario

I still want Jensen Ackles for Red Hood

he'd be alright, but he's getting a bit old

I hope they take the ass into account when they cast him.

I think they should use a Filipino, since he uses Escrima sticks

But I can't think of any Filipino actors that could fit the part.

> t. filipino

user pls.


Come on, Sup Forums, who has the right assets to play Dick Grayson?


I know this sounds wild but I've been thinking about this for a few weeks:

Is there anyway that they could put Dickbat into Under The Red Hood? Dick was always a bit jealous of Jason because Bruce took him in after Dick and Bruce went their own ways and because Bruce wasn't as hard on Jason.



his butt if anything is TOO good. Dicks is a little toighter and slightly more masculine.

Looks like a kid. A reminder that Batman is nearing his 50's in this universe.

Failed spiderman for nightwing

He's been Batman for 20 years so even if Dick was 12 when he put on the panties and somehow became Robin in Year One then that's only 32 MAX

We can round that up to like a 35 year old actor if you want. But what about when this spins off into a Teen Titans movie with a goddamn 40 year old ?

Just get some sexy 20-something actor

>which would fit in a universe with an already old Batman.
Bruce is 40ish
Dick shouldn't be more than 30

No. I mean he is a great actor but dude's ugly as fuck.

Find me an actor with dat ass.

Bruce is in his mid to late 40s. Dick should be 10-15 years younger than him. Makes perfect sense to cast Barnes.

In a shocking turn of events, it's Ben Affleck

He gets my vote.

I like what I'm seeing here, but how's the booty situation?


Barnes Butt superior

Height doesn't matter in the new DCEU, hence tall as fuck batman. Plus the guy OP posted looks a bit gypsy anyway

Nightwing's already in Under the Red Hood, I don't think you could have Dickbats without having to change a good chunk of it.

He's in The Punisher, now.

name a better waiting

As long as he's not whitewashed.

If they cast accurately, you'll still get half a dozen thinkpieces wondering why DC didn't take this opportunity to cast a black...or a woman...or a woman black!

Donald glover for nightwing

My dad works at nintendo etc etc and I heard the dude who plays Cook from skins is in the running

screencap this

>We need the female audience

Lets be honest here girls.

This is the DCEU, they will miss the point of the character:

>Superman has no charisma, spend all the time brooding and seems to have autism
>Batman is just the Punisher, and probably the most stupid man on the room
>WW is a stick, with a costume red from the blood of her enemies

Based on this, I think that our chances are that Dick Graysson is:

>A hunchback, that Batman found living on the batcave.
>that is mostly serious and keeps brooding a lot over how horrible his life is
>Spend his free time RPing in the batcomputer, with some "girl" called starfire
>Whatches Bruce and Barbara fuck from the shadows.

The actor that'll portray Nightwing needs to ooze out sex and have a thicc butt or its not gonn work

What is that thing bulging out of his pants?


Oh boy, here we go...

>he thing Nightwing has a "point"

He's just an acrobat taking out bad guys using acrobatic moves, that's all.

Robin was made to make Batman book more lighthearted and for kids to self insert.

Kind of carried over with Dick growing up.