Voltron Legendary Defender

We gon' have ourselves a guidebook this summer!

amazon.com/Paladins-Handbook-Official-Guidebook-Legendary/dp/1534409033/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1487784143&sr=8-2&keywords=paladin's handbook

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Neat, I guess. I'd much prefer an art book, but if they do one of those, it's gonna be much later into the shows run, I'm sure.

Most likely in the later seasons.

Seems like it's geared towards little kids. There probably won't be anything new in there.

>Releasing a month before season 3
What new content is the closest to being released?
I think it's the missing S2 scenes, or them airing Golion on netflix.

Legendary Defender needs more hip-hop.

gotta love the mice

Don't do this to me man, I want these guys to have names, even Uggo.


Yeah looks like a little kids thing to me too.
Ten OG Voltron episodes in March. The bonus season two content will be in April I think. I don't know if they're gonna release Golion.
You know... as much as it pains me to say this, Uggo has a nice body, and some nice armor.

Oh god, I just complimented Uggo. Help me.

Geared towards kids with Shiro looking like he belongs in a male stripclub.
I'm sure he's becoming a lot of kids first crushes, while the teens and adults fap to his image.

Kiss his warts, why don't you?

It's less than 100 pages and for readers 6 and up, bro. I'm sorry.

Who is this? It's some cunt, not ladyKeith.

You stop that. I would kiss Fishmans warts though.

That sounds more like a little booklet

Fishman a cute, but Uggo is not.

Here's lady keith

Stop calling Keith a cunt, show some respect.

Would you a Grease Keith.

Stfu Shiro.

Shut up Lotor. That is no way to speak to your stepmother.

I want to fuck Keith's dad and steal his barbecue secrets.

why is there still no art of 80's looking shiro? he already has the hair.

>implying he wasn't a bundle of purple fluff

Any news on the Japanese dub of the series or is the idea kill?


I should have had you aborted and adopted Allura instead.

I bet McCree got into Kieth's mom's heart through her stomach.

Keith probably grew out of his baby fur after a couple of years. The rest of his life will be hairless and fleshy.

I know I'd give up the goods for some proper Southern cooking.

Man, that crazy Galra anatomy...

Keith's been magicked, dammit. His true self is fuzzy purple.

>The rest of his life will be hairless and fleshy.

What a waste.

>Zarkon will never be the baby daddy anymore

Oh well. At least Keith can fuck Zarkon without any weird incest convictions.

I sure do love family reunions.

Kek. Yeah that theory was pretty out there.
Do you remember the other theories that got proven wrong?
I remember the one about the ninja chick being Romelle. I also remember this user specifically mentioning that Keith's dagger was a ceremonial gift that his mother gave to him.
I gave that user shit, told him that the dagger was something that Keith found by the shack.

Now I regret telling that user off, because he was right on the money.

Where did this Zeith pairing start? Didn't they only have like one interaction when they were fighting?

Sadly, knowing Lotor, he would have escaped the abortion somehow. He would be born, and known eternally as the little abortion that got away.

Pretty much the same way half of Sup Forumss ships for this show started. One lonely pervert speaks up. then the rest of us start memeing it, until we actually start shipping it.

People also thought the ninja chick could have been Lotor (for some reason.)

At least the Zarkon-daddy theorists swallowed their pride and didn't mention it again. The Thace-daddy people still continue with that idea.

It randomly happened around Decemberish? I think people believed less that Papa Zarkon would happen and began to believe in Daddy Zarkon.

It kinda exploded a month or so before S2. The threads were all about slutty stepmom greentexts then.

They managed to grab Zarkon.

Do they even say anything interesting? I don't care about that show for that reason alone.

So the Galra seem to use both army and naval terms? The grunts being corporals (army), and we have lieutenants(both) and commanders (naval).

Did we ever get a rank on Prorok? Was he a commander or something highter?

I think he was just called commander. This show really needs more ranks beyond commander, sub-commander, lieutenant, and corporal. My autism won't be happy until I know the chain of command within the Galra empire.

>My autism won't be happy until I know the chain of command within the Galra empire.

My autism too. Inr would have thought someine being in the hub would be admiral or a captain. And I mean naval captain since they rank higher than commanders, but are lessers in the army.

Prorok definitely came off as an admiral to me. He was at central command and was commanding a whole fleet in the battle with Voltron.

But then you have that weird bit on the Voltron website, that says Sendak is Zarkons "number one commander", implying he's the highest ranked one, or at least the favorite. Which makes no sense since he was shown in the show as commanding one ship in a sector of space.

They need to get their shit together. Prorok's uniform didn't match the other commanders, which are the same as Sendak. Thace was a lieutenant, and has a similar one to Haxus. Uggo and Morvok also has a different uniform too. But my guess for Morvok is that he's probably a different type of commander? They should have made his ass a sub or lieutenant commander.

Yeah, the uniforms confuse me too. Prorok's looks like it's own thing, while Sendka has the orange one, like Throk, Bara, and Eyebrows. So I interpreted it as Prorok being the highest on the chain, with Sendak and the others being sorta mid-level guys.

Then you have Morvok (dark red) and Uggo, who are neither Hub commanders.

I got into a discussion with people about this, and about the Sendak information being all wonky once, and someone was like "Well, maybe the Galra don't have ranks like human militaries do". And that's all well and fine if they don't, but the info we have is so little, it's hard to make sense of. Plus, this is a kids show ultimately. If they're gonna have ranks, it's gonna bear some resemblance to human ones, for the sake of convenience.

I would very much like to see a blooper reel of this show.


Have a higher res version. The Galra sure are tall. Iverson looks like he only comes up to Thace's tiddy.

When's the next big pop culture convention thing members of this show's creative team will be attending?

Maybe they can give us Lotor's VA if nothing else.

I just noticed that foot behind the Galra guard dude behind Prorok looks like one of the Blade of Marmora people. I wonder if there's more to this poster that they cropped due to spoilers.
Wondercon I think? I seem to remember some other anons here mentioning it in past threads.

What if we get a new panel to it every season?

Lotor's VA will be Josh Keaton.

It was a perfect storm of size difference fetishism and Keith bullying that came along right when Keith got a lot of canon development.

"Don’t miss this ultimate collector’s guide for Voltron fans, new and old!"

That is what they said about The Answer (Steven Universe) though :/

lol It literally says it's for grade levels 1 and up. It's a kids book.

Sometimes info is wrong but
"96 pages"

more like poltron

Hey, 96 pages is a nice amount for that price. But that might be because I often import guidebooks and artbooks from Japan and that's extremely expensive.

I'll be optimistic and hope for a bit of new info on the paladins and the galra.

>Spa day truce with Lotor episode
>Male Paladins go to a hot springs planet, but every pool they go to is full of weird aliens that give off rapey vibes; Coran doesn't care and enters a chamber with a bunch of tentacle people
>go to one that's got a regular-looking humanoid in it
>he whistles and catcalls at them
>it's Lotor
>Lance and Hunk want to book, but Keith insists on staying, because he thinks that Lotor won't try anything so long as they're near and he wants him where he can see him
>the smugness (on Lotor's part) and suspicion (the Paladins') last for a while, but the heat whittles down their defenses into an awkward haze
>small talk happens: Where's the green one? Why are you wearing a shower cap? So...is Allura here, too? Come here often?
>Lotor gets fed up with the tension in the room, particularly at how the three across him are all huddled up together; there's plenty of room!
>to make a point he stretches out his legs all the way to show that there's so much space, he's not going to hit anything. Then...
>Lotor: Whose...ugh...foot is this?
>Lance: Erm, mine.
>Lotor:...you have exceptionally well-trimmed toenails.
>Meanwhile, Pidge and Allura wind up getting into a huge brawl in the women's side of the complex
>Coran and his tentacle buddies party with ping pong and space sake

Dante Basco

Here's somebody's vision of what a Galra woman looks like

>Lotor:...you have exceptionally well-trimmed toenails.
Fuck, this made me lose my shit

that's not half bad.

Uggo reminds me of Trollkin from Hordes/Warmachine

I don't want to watch a review about two episodes longer than the episodes themselves. For Pete's sake, even Plinkett's reviews of Star Wars were a bit shorter than the movies.

Why would Galra culture promote long hair among females?

>anime mom ponytail
no wonder they must all be dead





Why Klance such a big ship anyway? Sheith I could sort of understand, but Lance is one of those Johnny Bravo types. Is a ship bound to be more popular if two characters hate each other?

So Lo-Tron is probably going to happen, but how big would you want it to be? Same size as Voltron like Zarkon's suit or a much bigger mech for that David vs Goliath imagery?

I think Lance is a fun character but I don't find him appealing enough to sexualize him. Many people seem to have a different opinion, and since Keith is more of a prettyboy than Hunk, they ship Lance with Keith.

I wish I could hate you to death.

I don't ship it myself but it's a fun ship especially for beginners (let's ignore the morbid klancers for a moment here and think of normal people who like the ship). While Keith is much more mature and even headed when he's paired up with either Shiro or Allura, Lance manages to drag the competitive-tsundere out of him with his childish antics, which is entertaining to many people. The fact they get under each others skin is a big factor in my opinion.

You can see a bit of that different perception they have of Keith by Lance and Shiro in episode 8 when Lance offers to join Shiro for the trip to the blade of marmora base and says he's going to need someone cool-headed and reasonable, to which Shiro replies that that is exactly why he's taking Keith. That's just a speculation though, could be also because Shiro was suspecting something was up with Keith and knew taking him on that mission would bring him some sort of resolution and/or answers. It's probably the mix of both reasons, together with the fact that aside from Shiro himself, Keith is best in close range combat and would be his best chance of survival if things go sideways and they have to skedaddle the fuck out.

Its the " I don't like you that much but I respect you and we work well together" pairing, so of course it would have a lot of fans

What bothers me about the ship is the uncomfortable amount of shippers who honestly think that this will become canon. They believe with all their heart, and harass anyone who can't see "the obvious"

I mean, I saw art and things about this ship before I even watched Voltron (to be fair, also Sheith), and, the way people talked about this ship, it sounded like it was the most canon ship.

But then I see Season one, and I'm left with only a line of "we work well together", a glance of a few seconds, and a "I cradled you in my arms", and that was all. To be fair, I didn't see anything for other ships either (and the Season 2 and all the Sheith and Kallura happened)

In my opinion, Klance is one of the most overrated ships in a long time

Kiss kiss fall in love, faggots

Didn't mean to quote you.
Maybe you're the one

Why is he so delicious?

I know they're building Keith up to be the leader but I don't want Shiro to die. He's suffered enough.

I'm having a commission done. What's cuter, Zeith kissing or Zeith forehead-nose touching?

The latter. Especially if one of them is blushing.

Should Zarkon have a subtle blush?

A shameless slut like Keith has no need to blush.

I thought Lance and Pidge were the host club pairing with Pidge being so deadpan and tomboyish and Lance being so over the top.

That blush better be an electric magenta.

Hand/arm position?

As you may already guess, it's the standard Zeith position.

Kolivan had a braid, maybe we've only seen mostly short haired Galra so far.

Handchin, don't be a pleb.

Keith could have that slut blush with bedroom eyes, if you wanna.

Very interesting. Shiro is on point with the call outs, with nearly twice as many as the next person which is, surprisingly, Lance? Huh. Would have thought that'd be Allura.

Allura is the most popular, edging out Pidge. Lance is the least popular overall, but Pidge stole Keith's only chance at a highlighter with Shiro. Dat S1 development.

I'll post a bit of art for fun.





