Best Psychopath / Sociopath Portrayl

What is the best portrayal of a psychopath and why is it Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs.

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He was literally neither though

Alex in clockwork Orange


Show your work.

He killed people with no remorse, he ate them he is pretty much a text book psychopath.

That's not Brian Cox, OP.

Hopkins > Mads >>> Cox


pic related was the most realistic imo, really freaked me out. i dont think psychopaths are as theatrical, characteristic or dramatic in general as much as many psycho killers are in movies and books.


nightcrawler for sociopath

Gyldensomething was superb in it.

Anton chigur,Patrick bateman,and jake Gyllenhaal character in nightcrawler

Hannibal’s a huge narcissist so it makes sense for him to be so theatrical

The actor looks like a funny guy.


>Dream much Will?



he really phoned in his performance for this film to be quite honest. As a huge fan of the books I can say that bale and especially Mary Harron really took Bateman in to to much of a funnyman. The worst part of the entire film is his infamous moonwalk, a complete betrayal of Betemans true character

faggot, go back to /lit/
no one gives a shit that you read the book

I must say I was really surprised at the quality of this guy’s performance. He stole every scene he was in.

Shut up bookfag
His performance is stellar, the book and movie are hardly even similar

Blew that supporting character in Silence of Lambs out of water

>he is pretty much a text book psychopath

he's nothing like the text book psychopath or serial killer. he's extremely exceptional in every way. totally unrealistic representation, as cool and interesting as he was

>He said: "I can smell your cunt".


>no one posted pic related


Norman Bates in Bates Motel was good.

Intelligence has nothing to do with Psychopathy.

Norman Bates was just autistic. in Bates Motel.

He wasn't a psychopath

what is your point? why did you say that to me?

He's a sociopath


Brian cox and psychopaths you say..

Fassbender in Steve Jobs.

Silence of the Lambs meets Julia Child

Psychopath and Sociopath are outdated now informal terms, being generally representative of the very real Anti-Social personality disorder. I don't imagine most, if any, people in this thread have a clue about what a real Psychopath looks like. Here is one of the few exceptions I believe fit the bill almost perfectly. He's a rotten compulsive liar, a drinker, and a man that acts on impulse without any regard for a value system. Most psychopaths total are failures at life.

what's this from?

Henry: Portrait of a serial killer
A decent gritty low-budget film that kicked off Michael Rooker's career

Cannibalism is more of a BPD thing.


Dennis is more of a sociopath, not a psychopath.

Brad Pitt in 12 monkeys

>Think of the smell, Dee
>You haven't thought of the smell, you bitch

This should have ended the thread. It's not hard to imagine that there are people in the world just like Chigurh, and you can die just because you crossed their path.

theres a monkey over there,theres a monkey over there, theres a monkey over there, theres a monkey over there, theres a monkey over there

there's no distinction between those two in modern psychology

This. It triggers the fuck out of me when uneducated Plebs debate the supposed difference between Psychopathy and Sociopathy

this poster has never read a book in his life


its him because he perma-spooked his retarded wife into thinking he was his character irl leading to what i assume was a long ass stretch of no sex with a divorce as a finale

my favorite kind of funny mostly sad hollywood story

dumb broad

Best sociopath portrayal

I read some article that said this was the most accurate.

those dead fish-eyes

For reals? Story?

I thought that was Anthony Perkins (Psycho)

How do I know I’m not a sociopath?

Do you wear socks to bed?

No. But I’m serious, sometimes I worry I only care about myself

Sociopaths don't even care about themselves, not real ones anyway. It's about appearances, making sure people don't find out you're as empty and as dead inside as you know you are and if you know you are you don't need to ask stupid questions like the one you've just asked. You spend your time perfecting how to emulate human emotions to fit blend in so you can get by in life. It isn't all "LOL I KEEEL YEW I AM PSYCHO HEAR ME SLASH SLASH".

The fact that you're concerned about being a sociopath means you probably aren't.

Unless you're only feigning concern to convince yourself/others that you're not a sociopath, in which case you probably are a sociopath.

Now you don't know what the fuck to do, do you?


You mean the "protagonist" in Nightcrawler.

yeah lol. i remember seeing something like that ages ago. Papers read that she said, "i couldn't sleep next to hannibal lecter so i had to leave" or something similar.

>tfw female students and women say i remind them of dexter and jake gyllenhaal in nightcrawler.
>they say it's not a bad thing

Why was it so perfect?

you're either 12 or never had a proper education

Those kinds of women are the type to have BPD, they are the ones that will cut themselves if you dump them.

That's your red alert to avoid, bright hair dye is another one.

>>they say it's not a bad thing
They totally mean that bro. It's not like they quickly add that when they realize they spoke too much

Was gonna post this as well, definitely a good sociopath portrayal but I'm curious how he holds up against the best of them.

henry portait of a srial killer.

he has the secondary traits, but not many of the first.

i recommend reading the book anatomy of violence to have a good understanding of what these terms mean and how outdated an inaccurate aspd is (it's based only on prison populations, ie. those 'psychopaths' stupid enough to act out and get caught.

>cut themselves if you dump them.
one cut herself when i broke up with her, another chopped off all her beautiful hair.

this was 2 years ago and they still don't have any bf's or date anyone because they're still obsessed with me.

one was a student, but she was of age (16 in my state)

Assuming you're older than 20, that's should have been a red flag. Only girls with daddy issues date older guys at that age. Pedo.


Pope from Animal Kingdom

>Only girls with daddy issues date older guys at that age
fuck i am that old?

Do you agree that live is mere survival and who stronger are the winner? do you want to be the winner?

Holy Shit

she of course had daddy issues up the wall. every girl i've dated has had daddy issues.

why do i date crazy girls? not like i'm anything close to normal.

go to a psychiatrist. i have all the traits of primary sociopathy (and some secondary traits) except the lack of empathy. therefore, i am not one.



Ok faggots, this far with no mention of /billyboy/ is unforgivable

So if I check all of the boxes for primary psychopathy, but none of the secondary ones, what would that make me?

It's not just me who has suspicions either. A number of friends and even teachers have remarked that I'd be a perfect serial killer.

Would I even bother trying to convince myself. Just asking

>you will never finish the book
>she will never love it so much that you can convince her to do anything you want
>you will never convince her to lose weight
>you will never fuck her every day on command


would you cry or feel emotions if your parents were killed?

i'd be a great serial killer as well, and i have all the traits of psychopathy but not the lack of empathy.

i generally don't have much empathy to random strangers though. but if someone fucked with my mom or dad i'd striaght massacre their families and torture them for months.

Rosemund Pike nails it in Gone Girl.

Is Bardem white?

tie between and

If people have remarked on you being a perfect serial killer you wouldn't be a perfect serial killer. Maybe you shouldn't go off the feedback at your special needs school.


Characters like this don't exist in real life though

The only thing I would feel is an overwhelming sense of freedom.

Only correct answer.

you just want to be special.


But he loved his son