Thoughts on this masterpiece?

Thoughts on this masterpiece?

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It's forking great.

I liked it

Needs more Flaming Carrot.

Needed more Strangler

why didn't this launch kel's movie career to new heights?

why are we cursed with seeing lazy unfunny keenan as an adult?

it was a box office failure
that's right, there was a time when funny super heroes was not guaranteed box office gold


Classic, dumb fun movie. Although it fuels my seething hatred for Smash Mouth

now that I think about it, this was the last movie for pretty much everyone on that poster except zoolander guy

Red eyes, red eyes, red eyes, didn't expect to see you so...SPOON!
I say that all the time.

I love this movie, wish it had become a franchise

There is such a discrepancy between the blade runner-esque dystopian city and the nice suburbia where they spend the middle of the movie with their auditions

Did they run out of budget or something?

I love how Artie Lange was the Red Eye leader

Hey, the Spleen's had at least two more movies

>last movie for pretty much everyone

Except William H. Macy, Hank Azaria, Janeane Garofalo, and Paul Reubens.

none of them ever had significant roles again

I don't think you watch many shows or movies.

The nasty fart dude makes it unwatchable to me

>who is geoffrey rush
>who is william macy
>who is paul fucking reubens


Go ahead and google some of those names. They have had many significant roles in the past 18 years.

too busy reading comics and watching cartoons, I guess

There is something wrong with you if you think Ben Stiller has had more success as an actor than William H. Macy

>watching cartoons
And yet, you still don't recognize Paul Reubens or Hank Azaria?

>Look Up Paul Rubens
>Turns out Pee Wee Herman also was Pavel from Tron Uprising

Was anyone else traumatized as a child by whatever the fuck that death machine did? Fucking hell, why are practical effects so good at messing with me.


watched it again recently
it's still as amazing as I remembered


Once told me

>hatred for Smash Mouth

You don't belong here

So bad that is good.
And that fuckin song must be the national hymn if internet was a republic

Maybe the guy

isn't the sharpest tool in the shed

Pike off, I'm not even being Sup Forums but Smash Mouth is junk

Can we bring the Brewski's?

Spleen is my spirit animal

I liked that he wasn't really interested in being a hero and just wanted an excuse to use his powers on people

Surprisingly, even old shit still floats.

To this day, I probably use this quote more than any other.

>We are number 1. All others are number 2 or lower.

No, Michael Bay, you can't.

Everyone knows Smash Mouth is shit but... it's All Star, dude. Everyone likes it.

And they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and they

He's terribly mysterious.

hey now

It's this generation's Ghostbusters.

what did he mean by this

Did any of you plebs even read Flaming Carrot Comics?

I thought that was a stylistic choice to match the sort of stuff you would see in cape comics and movies at the time. The city reminds me of Schumacher's Gotham, and the suburbs were an idyllic pastel counterpoint to the city's darkness. The city is where you would expect to see the group of after-dark vigilantes, but seeing them in the bright suburbs during daytime emphasises the silliness of people dressing up in costumes to fight crime.

mystery women reboot when

You're Rockstar

Definitely a stylistic choice. It's part of the joke overall. No version of Gotham up to that point looks like a place anyone would or even could truly live in. So the joke here is that most people actually don't. They commute.

In the original script Champion City was a much more grounded amalgam of Pittsburgh and Detroit. A crumbling Rust Belt city on the shores of Lake Champion.

Oh and I've always liked how Casanova Frankenstein's mansion looks like a collection of rejected sets from Casper.

I watched it the first time I dropped acid.

It was by far the most hilarious movie that has been made, and in fact the funniest thing that has ever happened in the history of the universe.

I've always liked the name Casanova Frankenstein. It's fun to say.

Me too user



This movie was ahead of its time.

K... Kel loves orange soda. I do, I do, I do0oo



It made me feel a little grody when I was a kid, but it made up for with

>"Oh my god...oh my god, we killed him."
>"What do you mean we? I was right here."

That line was perfect, especially after what a straightforward boy scout Shoveler had been up to that point.

>"Lance Hunt wears glasses. Captain Amazing DOESN'T wear glasses."
>"He takes them off when he transforms."
>"That doesn't make any sense! He wouldn't be able to see!"

>"I shovel well. I shovel very well."

William H. Macy cracks me up in this movie.

>"So what do you say? Do we all gather together and kick some Casanova butt? OR DO I EAT THIS SANDWICH?!"
Greatest speech ever.

Whenever I see William H Macy in anything to this day he registers in my mind as The Shoveler before anything else.

I saw Mystery Men before Jurassic Park 2, so I was like "Oh hey! The Shoveler is in Jurassic Park, neat."

The world is kind of ripe for a Mystery Men 2 right now.

>Jurassic Park 2

You mean Jurassic Park 3. Which was great if for no other reason than having Sam Neill and William H. Macy on screen together.

>Jurassic Park 3

Let's not go nuts, user. Great actors can only do so much.

some BODY

Dat time shoveler did heroine in the bathroom and shit his pants.
Dat time shoveler had sex with his son girlfriend after nailing his hand for an on site insurance fraud.
Dat time shoveler seduced his long lost daughter for her kidney.

You must learn to master your rage

I actually really like this movie. I first saw it as a kid on VHS that I borrowed from my friend - I think it was actually the first PG-13 movie I watched. It's one of the first blu rays I added to my collection when I started buying movies, and although it's campy and ridiculous it doesn't take itself too serious and some of it is just too over the top not to be at least a little funny.


it was pretty good, plus smash mouth!

Or else or your will be your master?

You were going to say that, right?

Fush yu, mang.

It really was

Watching it now it feels like a parody of everything going on in superhero movies TODAY.

where do you even get 4 forks?

...not necessarily.

he'll always be eddie arcadian lacky trying to get the star of 7th heaven to play one of eddie's videos

Hey dad, I'm going to my room with three strange men!