Where does your favorite hero rate on the scale?

Where does your favorite hero rate on the scale?


He fluctuates between Batman and Conan

Switch Superman and Batman, casual.

Is Rightclops a Batman tier? And 80-90s Storm?

On Batmans watch only inocent people die.
He always saves the villains and they eventually continue killing innocents.

The fights he had with Conquest was the highlight of the whole series.

Second place goes to the Regent with Battle Beast.


Hey, what happened with "No one dies"?

Spidey fluctate a lot.
I.E in Punisher Kills Everyone, he tries to wrestle Venom away from a explosive charge, which ends with Punisher killing his halfway crippled postexplosive ass.

So in the "I'll kill you but that's ok because once I get god powers and rewrite reality I'll bring you back" section?

"I'll everything after I murder all my friends and the people who gave me my powers, and then I'll blame my actions on a yellow space bug!"

I would say "I'll try my best to kill you"
He does it alot though.

Is there any hero who actively avoids killing, but when they do kill it's what the text in front of Shadow describes?

>I'll everything
what did he mean when he said this?

Popeye, maybe?
a few anti-villains like Fantomas, maybe

Stardust sometimes gives you a fate worse than death

I mean it was a solid plan.

That's kind of weird though, someone that avoids killing usually doesn't relish in the act whenever he does.


Ask Ollie how it went for him.

Batman and Superman should be switched like this.

He got younger with no injuries and Hal also saved the earth, damn it JL you should have let him do his thing.

Can anyone point me out into where this event begins? I've been looking to read it for a while. Or is it just as easy as reading The siniestro corps war?

Specifically we're referring to Parallax Hal before the fear bug retcon, he tried to become god in Zero Hour and fix everything but was stopped.

>trying to prevent deaths
Batman's insistence on not killing The Joker places the blood of The Joker's thousands of victims on Batman's hands.

How'd I do?

Wolfie really isn't that kill happy.
He doesn't even confirm his kills.

pretty great, actually

So Emerald Twilight and Zero Hour for the whole Parallax Hal ride? I'm interested because my uncle once gave me this number and for the longes time its the only issue I've read but the art and what little of the plot I can remember were pretty cool

That's from Final Night, different story that redeemed him in death.

Fix'd for accuracy and OP's illiteracy.

Wolverine is some where between dread and conan unless you really pis him off