ITT characters with the same beliefs as you

Not trying to be edgy, life is a big fucking joke

Other urls found in this thread:

I really like his philosophy


It's not so edgy to choose a villain, heroes all follow the same moral pattern, all variety, all the rest of the spectrum is portrayed as villains.

Beta Ray Bill is such a stupid sounding name.

Shit that was deep

I'm a filthy degenerate.

And Superman.

And I'm afraid you're the punchline.

I'd vote for him.

I do Sup Forums-Sup Forums-Sup Forumscain

>You can't half-ass being a hero

Then why does Batman keep using the same powerless suit that provides minimum armor, instead of going Iron Man with his resources? Because he gets a kick out of beating folks with his bare hands/

>a fucking horse
Came here to post this.

>instead of going Iron Man with his resources?
Only a retard would waste so many resources for a small mission. It's retarded how Marvel doesn't mention how much money Iron Man wastes just to power the suit.

Batman's style of using big suits for higher level threats and the normal suit for lower level threats is the proper style. No need to nuke a jay-walker.

I used to think this was edgy, but lately it's been making more and more sense. Lately I've been noticing things that I would think are parodies but are actually a part of reality. This recent election (both sides), America's obesity "epidemic," high fructose corn syrup in literally every food (it's probably in the bread you eat), BlackLivesMatters being hijacked by guilty white people and actual criminals (including all other LivesMatters movements, it's like a race war played with hashtags), a picture of a sad frog now being a symbol for neo-nazis, Hollywood being so creatively bankrupt that it's nothing but sequels, reboots, adaptations, and cinematic universes, as well as other things. It's all become so strange, and seems to fit so perfectly in a dystopian story, that if it wasn't for jokes and ironic memes about these events I would probably just feel empty about everything.

t. edgelord

>you'd go out and vote

lol, sure

an-cap terrorist batman, i can't think of anything more fitting

Both of these assholes. I like to believe one cancels out the others more negative traits.

Well this thread is gonna be shit

Childhood is when you idolize Daredevil

Adulthood is when you realize Stiltman makes more sense


ask robin about the batarang budget

no really, google it.

Those are barely problems. Get over yourself.

Seems a little bit like a popular choice, but Superman's beliefs are something I strive for.

I want to be a good person, altruistic and such. I don't want to be cynical, or angry, or mean. I want to help others.

You're probably right, but I just can't shake this feeling like everything is a self-parody.


I think it would be more apt to say that life itself is one giant meme and that we're only now becoming aware of it.

that's post-modernity for you

everything is made into a joke

Hi, look at meeee...

I mean Gordon had an Iron Man esque suit and he was pretty inefficient.

>Mr. A
hahaha yes


I'm trying to be edgy.

The only real answer.

But with hentai instead of heroin

Parodies, dystopias, etc. don't work if they're not based in reality. They're social commentaries, after all.


You had an ex-girlfriend die from a hentai overdose?

Sounds brutal.

Him, Frank and Cable.

I feel like there's a glaring contradiction here since Cable is /usually/ a lot more of a humanitarian than the other two. But hey, we all get a little hopeful and optimistic sometimes.

Ive stopped caring at this point. Im more like rick in how i uselly hate people but can be somewhat optimistic. Only instead of god jokes its dick jokes


So you believe that all women are sluts and having sex is degeneracy?

Who had the better philosophy?


everithing is a joke user-kun the only thing that matters is if you laugh or not

i admire the man

Same user, I just love the dude's dedication to doing good

Shit, now I'm interested. Do you know where I can read this?

I too stride to be an immortal real life shitposting skeleton man

Yeah, and death's the punchline


I don't know.

From what I have heard it's pretty much Ditko's own political filibuster that he got a tad too obsessed about by the end

>So you believe that all women are sluts and having sex is degeneracy?
Do you not?

go read up on stoicism

I think there might be a torrent or something collecting them. And there's a new issue from 2016 (made by Ditko) that you can buy.

It's very much a tract that has 0 characters, 0 depth and 0 subtlety. And yet I'm fascinated by Mr. A because there's potential for telling a good story, if only it wasn't done in a ham-fisted way.

+ the whole design the character has

I know it has lot to do with how the rest of the comic is drawn but damn does it work.

The question wakes up every morning wishing he could make the impression Mr. A has on the reader

The design is wholly simple, yet effective and easily recognisable too. I'm a sucker for simple designs, as opposed to the overblown shit like in the Soul Calibur games (but I will admit they have their appeal), and Mr. A. hits all the right marks.

Actually, The Question has had more of an impression than Mr. A, consider the latter's obscurity. And yet I still can't be fucked to care about the Question.

this but unironically

As someone who does not know anything about Stilt-Man I need to know more.

he prefers to be above everybody else.

I hold many beliefs, but this is one of them.

is there some recommended reading for stilt-man, I can't find a list for him.

What did plank believe in?

Not trying to be edgy either
I'm a sarcastic fuck and i love it

Life's too short to deny yourself.


Are you me?


He's a man who is on stilts.

it kinda grew on me after a while...It was like a full name.

But isn't it sad? if its all a joke you should just be getting your rocks off because thats all there is to it, but if that is then why are you here? you can't tell me your ultimate joy is posting on this board user

Its really easy to be completely altruistic when if you needed something and I mean really needed it you could take it and not a person in the world can stop you.

Nah, it was pretty basic

But it was also be really easy to be completely hedonistic at the same time.

Yet Superman isn't.

you don't find stilt-man. he finds your spirit.


>And yet I still can't be fucked to care about the Question.

read o'neill/cowan late 80s run
vertigo before vertigo was a thing
it's legendary

Reminder Ozymandias has the best philosophy out of all watchmen characters.

Its implied though that his peace won't last forever though.

What's? Building burning or are an irl antifa faggot?

>Its implied though that his peace won't last forever though.

Because rorsach fucks things up.

>Peace will last forever as long as people remain sheep and don't dare to question anything or seek any kind of actual important truth
Sounds like a real utopia :^)

Now that's an ideology I can believe in

pic related

Like communism, nihilism and liberalism are ideologies good in theory only and bound to self-destruct every time.

Bro if Rorschach didn't get the truth out, somebody else would. A scientist who analyzes what's left of the giant squid and finds out "Say...this DNA is all Earthling DNA."

For instance.

Few men can claim to walk as tall.

I'd like to think when Billy grows up, he'd realize he was the butt of everyone joke

>how much money Iron Man wastes just to power the suit
You mean the self-sustaining energy source? Please, tell me how one suit is more expensive than the fleet of vehicles Batman has.

>fleet of vehicles Batman has
That always bothered, how do cops not follow it out of Gotham. The streets in Gotham seem horrible for a batmobile with all those sharp turns.

this is just nihilism
plain and simple

Well anti-nihilism but yeah

Still not my cup of tea

how's it "anti"?
Thinking nihilism erases any moral, code of conduct or belief is a common misconception.

It does deprive any pre-existent inherited morals and dogmas of value, but only because every individual should find their own moral code within theirselves and live by it, thus ascending to become the "super-man", as defined by Nietzsche.

Bill is doing just that. Doing what HE thinks is good, because HE thinks it's good, giving fuck all about what any alleged "god" might have to say in the matter.

Maybe reality itself is slowly giving less of a fuck

That's an oddly pure ideals.

>Bill is doing just that. Doing what HE thinks is good, because HE thinks it's good, giving fuck all about what any alleged "god" might have to say in the matter.
That's not nihilism. That's existentialism.

A nihilist would say there's no point doing good because ultimately it doesn't matter.

What the hell is this from?

It doesn't matter, but it's what he wants.

>A nihilist would say there's no point doing good because ultimately it doesn't matter.

Focusing on the pointlessness of things is existential nihilism, not the core of nihilism.