Who should be the antagonist?

Who should be the antagonist?

And what about their 2nd (and third for DD) season antags?

It's the Hand

Catch up Nigger.

should be Kingpin, Bullseye etc

will probably be Sons of the Serpent wearing red baseball caps with with slogan about restoring America to a previously high standard.

Who "should" be doesn't matter. It's The Hand led by an OC.

This is the right answer, but I really wish it fucking wasn't. The ninja shit is so overplayed at this point, I want something new.

Please at least feature a Bullseye subplot.

>Please at least feature a Bullseye subplot.
Why? Bullseye should be saved for Daredevil.

I'm really more interested in who you guys think could be a JJ villain or Cage. They're not exactly deeming with villains.

Assuming that wasn't auto correct, the word is teeming. But you're right.

>new mandarin court

trevor confirmed?

Fuck me I feel dumb

I still like the idea the Foom kidnapped him so the real rings can posses him.

It should be Captain America.

He's the thematic villain of the first season of DD, JJ, and Luke Cage.

Vera Gemini
Zodiac (preferably the Howard Mackie version, who was edgy but not a worthless edgelord like the Joe Casey version)
Elf With a Gun

Gerber would role over in his grave if they did a season around the Elves with Guns.

It's actually a decent storyline (elf assassin guild who kill people for time travelers who want to change the time line but don't want to get their hands dirty) they could use.

My personal head canon: Trevor is rescued off-screen, but still poses as The Mandarin when he gets invited to join The Masters of Evil. Reveals the ruse towards the end of the movie, wins Best Actor in the movie adaption during the post credits sequence.

I thought the Elf With A Gun was a random serial killer who killed for the lulz?

Signourney Weaver is playing the antagonist, apparently. And we don't know who she's playing yet.

The Grapplers
The Wrecking Crew
Arcade and Murderworld

A combined team of Elektra, Nuke, Cottonmouth and Davos

Fin Fang Foom. Nobody will expect it, and the sudden toplessness when she strips down to a pair of purple pants will be a sight to remember.

>Signourney Weaver is playing the antagonist, apparently.
I get the feeling she'll be an OC or super obscure crime boss. I also hate the rumor that she's Mephisto.

"Mandarin" on the Thunderbolts would actually be pretty good.


>ywn bang Iron Cutie up against that truck

They've already said she's playing an OC. She's the leader of the hand.

What's probably going to be the deal is that she's the head of hand operations in NYC and some big time CEO, then Matt has to get a posse together so he can finish them off in the city before they summon the beast. Then we've got Claire to bring them all together.

I really don't know why, but places online are insistent on that one.
>She's the leader of the hand.
I find it very weird that the leader of the Hand is a wrinkly white woman.

Will Matt finally get his double D's?

>She's the leader of the hand.
Did you just stop reading mid-sentence?

>she's the head of hand operations in NYC
>in NYC
In one city on the other side of the world. The Hand is a Japanese organization.

>Arcade and Murderworld
Don't get my hopes up, user.

Colleen officially gets first dibs.

That stupid bitches face. Please just spend every episode punching that skinny cunts face in.

*Please kill her off in the first episode.
That would make up for 13 hours of my life I wasted on her shit show.

That is also an option.

>Claire brings them all together

Yeah, by dying.

Roxxon Inc and Nuke and other freaks
S3 of DD should have Bullseye and Typhoid Mary
Luke Cage should have Tombstone and The Rose and Delilah
Jones should use the Spot but a twisted gritty version where he's a serial killer kinda like when he came back in ASM all fucked up