Mike: [If Superman really existed] there would be people on CNN arguing back and forth about this and that etc...

>Mike: [If Superman really existed] there would be people on CNN arguing back and forth about this and that etc. but we don't need that. We live THAT. Movies are about escapism - we don't need to see people on CNN complaining about politics in a Superman movie!

>Jay: Yeah, especially in superhero movies - like in this movie you see buildings blown up. And it's like - I don't want to watch superhero movie that reminds me how miserable real life is...

>Mike: Like two days ago Brussels airport exploded...

>Jay: Yeah, I was thinking about that during this movie!

They were right, you know

Other urls found in this thread:


Liberals in media practice a policy called "No Escapism". Their goal, which they are achieving largely, is to make it so you have no option to sit and enjoy anything escapist (movies, comics, sports, video games) without being subjected to their propaganda about race, immigration, homosexuality, feminism, etc.
There's a reason Sup Forums is on every board: every escapist form of media , outside of perhaps anime, has been politicized.
Also, anyone who had journalistic integrity wouldn't appear as themselves in a fucking movie, it makes you look like you completely lack ethics and credibility.The fact so many from cable news do should tell you something.

no it hasn't, you are just an insecure hallucinating retard

imagine being bald

You're right. When have the makers of "Space Cop" ever led us astray?

>there is a reason Sup Forums is on every board
Yeah, because edgy faggots who think they know everything as if it's religious certainty feel the need to cry about it to everyone who doesn't believe them

You're the Internet equivalent of a Jehovah's Witness or some crazy asshole spouting off about lizard people on a street corner

They have a right to their opinion, but it's myopic to think that superhero movies should only have one context or that there's a limited amount of themes that should be explored in a superhero movie. Mike and Jay's opinion on MoS and BvS should be taken with a grain of salt because their frame of reference for the newer Superman movies are the Christopher Reeve movies which were much more lighthearted in nature. You can't judge them the same, and being darker in style and tone doesn't make the newer ones worse than the old ones just because they are that way.


LMAO is that true? Can't imagine there are people on Sup Forums who likes these Incompetent fags.

So when movies cast black actors just because they're black should that not be discussed? When a movie has a political agenda should that not be discussed unless it's in favor of your side? I'm just trying to understand your thinking.

>wahhh i don't want to confront real life, movies should only serve to distract me with bright colors and funny noises!!!

What a typically American thing to say.

Except other movies have tackled political issues. Captain America 2 was all about the war on terror, security vs liberty and goverment. Except it was a good movie. Batman v Superman was not. Synder didn't know how to weave these themes and concerns in deftly, so pundits openly explain them to the audience, which is boring for morons that watch for pure escapism and talking down to people viewing it as more then that.

>There's a reason Sup Forums is on every board: there's no one to troll inside their safe space.

>there's something called "no escapism"
>it means escapism but peppered with something I don't like
you're "not retarded"

Hit the nail on the head. I can't watch anything anymore without getting angry that some disingenuous Hollyjew degenerate keeps forcing their fucking agenda down my throat. In a way its good cos I was well on my way to becoming a manchild. These fucks will be sorely disappointed when they discover alienating men from media only forces them to do real things. I'm joining my local antifa, gonna rek em.

no, because if you say anything other than "that's great" you are a racist

I don't understand why so many people here have a knee jerk response against Sup Forums beliefs. Do they actually deny that liberal politics is inserted into almost everything nowadays, or they just support it? Why do they get so triggered by it and want Sup Forums of all places to be a safe space?

What little bit of politicization was in TWS was far more heavy-handed than what Snyder did. He slipped an immigrant narrative into MoS and BvS and those chucklefucks never even picked up on it. And he did it with Superman, the quintessential alien, so their missing it is even more damning.


Sure, discuss it all you want fag, just don't be surprised when people call you out for being a brainwashed Sup Forumstard who's taken the memes way too seriously

the point is not that movies should not confront real-life themes, the point is that the audience for THESE movies isn't looking for that and ignoring them causes the film to lose ticket sales
conservative/warhawk politics is inserted into a lot of things. the dark knight was apologist propaganda for the bush administration and the war on terror.

>comics for nerds

You're on the board where people literally share their tumblrs and TV isn't a serious topic of discussion. This board is about as liberal as it gets on Sup Forums.

>discuss real things happening
>taking memes too seriously
Libtards can't even think.

>>Sup Forums

>only frivolous divas would have a knee-jerk reaction against a bunch of racist, misogynist anarchists

Relevant in precisely the opposite of how you take it. MoS was Superman in Nolan's gritty, "real-world" setting. BvS is how Superman's presence begins to change it. Justice League is the culmination of that change - a drab, gritty, "for really real world" elevated back into the sort of realm where myths and magic can live and breathe again. The fans have only been saying this for nearly two years now.

Superman had the immigrant narrative for fucking decades. That isn't deft. That is basic subtext.

Snyder has a habit of just cramming any and all themes vaguely in the movie, throw in a bunch of one the nose Mythology 101 allegories and then not actually carry through with them through the arc. Which is good for Sup Forums a ons thinking they are deep because they can google search and read a infographic which says what the allegories are, but a slog to sit through and has little coherent message.

Cap 2 stuck the whole movie, and Cap's character arc in later movies around a tight set of themes and principles. It was both a better movie, and a better exploration of its themes.



don't listen to the naysayers you're absolutely right


I don't have to, jokes on you

Seize the memes of production, or die you fascist cur.



hey at least furfags gave us the occasional bit of good jerkoff material


>immigrant narrative has always been there
Yeah, I guess that's why it took us forty years to see it in any of his movies. This was the first time it's ever had relevance outside the comics. Ever.

They missed it. They're fucking fanboy hacks.

So basically superhero movies are inherently limited in their content. Capeshit really is just mindless shlock

No. Not everything is politicized, But you Sup Forumsack cancer sure try to make it that way instead of staying in your quarantine board.

If only you could

Even a girl has a better understanding of MoS and BvS than you.

a guy I know from work told me he doesn't like any movies that don't have jokes in them or something to laugh at.


Stark was 100% right in this movie but for some reason we were supposed to be on the wrong dude side...

>don't discuss tv or movies on Sup Forums

Yeah but if you touch either Lois or Martha, then Superman will fucking murder you.

Awww poor whitey he cant play with his actuon mafigures and read comix bookz. Waaah.

The need for escapism is the reason why your people are in decline lmao.

>he didn't read the post

Bugged the shit out of me in the movie.

>Capeshit really is just mindless schlock
well I'm not a big believer in "giving the people what they want" but Mike is. he's criticized movies in the past for not doing what they say on the box. his sensibilities are pretty commercial, he doesn't have a lot of patience for arthouse movies either. so that's where they're coming from.
personally I like having intelligent themes in my movies, but that's not what this stuff is. it's propaganda. it's not all liberal propganda, the stuff that bothers me the most is statist pro-military, essentially fascist propaganda, but it's propaganda. the stuff about blacks and chinamen and jews and women being human beings I don't mind so much, and the continued presence of retards like this guy demonstrates that maybe there's a need for it.


the social decline brought the need for escapism

>implying I'm liberal

>Christopher Reeve movies which were much more lighthearted in nature

Everything is more lighthearted than Zack "Dark Cloud" Snyder. Mike and Jay were absolutely right. Snyder movies look like holocaust films.

Christopher Nolan had the perfect balance between drama and comedy. If DC was smart, they would stop bitching and whining about Marvel "bias" and hire Nolan again. Get an eighteen wheeler truck, fill it with money and drive to Nolan's house. Just throw money at him until he agrees. If DC needs to reboot and shit can the entire Snyder universe, then so be it.

>guys im not a lefty shill but...

It's almost like you have shitty real life in the news and outside the window 24/7.

Why the fuck would you want it in your movies too?

There is a reason why anime, video games, Marvel movies or Star Wars do so fucking well. I don't want fucking race issues and genocides in my entertainment.

>Snyder movies look like holocaust films.

The opening of BvS is still amazing to me.

>Bruce's parents being murdered
>all the 9/11 shit with Bruce on the ground
>cut to African civilians being murdered by KGBeast and his commando team

Nothing says family fun like 9/11 and African executions.

I'm Team Iron Man, and that is my basic thrust of thought.

But Cap had just witnessed the take over of SHEILD By Hydra. Who came within seconds of wiping all their threats from the eastern sea board. And Iron Man 3, had the Vice President be a bad guy that nearly successful coup the US government. He had reasons to be distrustful of goverment overreach. Which is the point the Russos made. They wanted the audience split almost evenly. Which is why it ended up being such a heated debate on forums.

Fine. What is so great about the thematic arc of MoS and BvS in exploring the immigrant arc of Superman?

Also hint. Even if you are right, thematic structure is supposed to be accessible to audiences. Saying they just don't understand, doesn't mean he did a good job.

>like in this movie you see buildings blown up. And it's like - I don't want to watch superhero movie that reminds me how miserable real life is...
>Don't show SUPERHEROES saving people from things that really cause peoples deaths
Yeah, sure, random nobody off youtube.

>Don't show SUPERHEROES saving people from things that really cause peoples deaths

I didn't realise Michael Shannon and CGI ogres were out there actually killing people user.

No. They were wrong. What we need is a Superman with charisma.

>tackled political issues. Captain America 2 was all about the war on terror

And the movie tackled it perfectly because Captain America is such a great and moral man. He saves people and makes the world a better place. Cap brightens up the world and gives people hope. That's what being a hero means.

If Snyder's Superman and Batman showed up, you would scream in terror and run for your life in the opposite direction.

Buy an ad you faggot redditor.

Stark caused most of the problems that he railed against.

t. alright virgin crying about literally everything

Fpbp. (((Critics))) complain about movies not being escapist, but applaud when the push homosexual and leftist agendas.

>polbaby goes around and makes everything political by being an obnoxious stormtard on every board outside Sup Forums
polerinas and self reflection don’t go together lmao

>Superman is a votecuck
Bravo Snyder


I wouldn't know cuz I couldn't sit through that pile of shit of a movie. Kudos to you for doing so.

Stop trying to make that happen, it's never going to happen.

>completetly forgot about Brussels airport explosion
goddamn it's been so many

Mike and Jay are truly fraud hypocrites aren't they.

>DC makes a movie that relates to modern day fears and tribulations.
>"Ugh we don't want that we want fun escapism."
>Marvel gives Thor Ragnarok that does fun escapism.
>Ugh it's a conventional Superhero story about teaming up and defeating evil. We don't want that.

Movies aren't inherently escapism but Hollywood action blockbusater sure as fuck should be, it's not like they usually have anything of value to add when they go full meta commentary anyway.

I hate that comedy has been forced into everything now. It cheapens things.

I just watched Fight Club a few hours ago. It didn't have this problem like so many movies do. I laughed at some parts, but not because they were stupid jokes. I laughed when the revolver was empty after he threatened the asian guy. Can't remember what other parts.

>SUPERHEROES saving people

Not everything has to “happen” and be an epic based pepepede meme, fellow pede :)
You thinking it has to makes you just a sad, little polerina.

Name another explosion.

It wasn't Sup Forums ruining comic books with SJW bullshit.

>when plebs expected space cop to be a good movie.

>everyone who disagrees with me is paid opposition
I guess it's easier to pretend that you're a warrior in some noble fight than to confront the truth that you're just another dead-end loser

gang rape is democratic, civilizations are created by great men and Cap did nothing wrong


but i meant terror attacks in general, you faggy little kike

Which explosion in London do you mean, little poltard?

several in sweden this month alone

You have to be at least 18 to post on this board.

>so many explosions he has to ask which one


but you could mention manchester too, or the running overs, the shootings and stabbings, the soldier decapitated

7/7 was years ago how does that affect you remembering the brussels bombings which happened relatively recent?

>Captain America 2 was all about the war on terror, security vs liberty and goverment.
Oh please, it was all about Cap saving his old war buddy and the world from a cartoony spy organization. Your allegory falls appart when you make the governement *this* illegitimate.
It wasn't clever, it wasn't well handled, it was being black and white on a very grey issue.

For all its faults at least Civil War had the 2 sides of its issue represented by characters we identify as good guys, and not one side being represented by corrupt politicians and literal nazis.

>be a poltard
>be also a Sup Forums visiting an*me posting manbaby virgin
Checks out

I didn't ask him what he meant by that, did he only watch movies that are obvious comedies or does he somehow know if a movie is going to be heavy on humor beforehand? This guy is a big Joss Whedon fan so I'm guessing he just likes when characters are too witty for their own good. He's always trying to get people to watch Firefly, I keep telling him no, that I don't want to, so now he's trying to negotiate me down to just watching the movie or something.

>political things happen in movies and tv
>don't talk about those things they upset my safespace

sure, let's forget 9/11, spain, charlie hebdo, the cartoonist friend of that clit-less ex-muzzie nigger, the german christmas attack, the new year rapings, rotterham, france soccer explosions, the cars running over people in several countries

This is so true it hurt my soul


Do you hate Sup Forums because they are always right or because you are always so wrong? Or both?

Don’t project politics in everything was what I said, polerina :)