Mfw a lego movie gives Bruce more character development than 75 years of comics

>Mfw a lego movie gives Bruce more character development than 75 years of comics

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>Lego Batman Movie is unironically the best capefilm DC has made in the last ~10 years

It gave him a neat love interest too

Batman 66' was good. The Adam West one.

My god the fags losing their minds over this movie are annoying.

It was 99% normie jokes and Bruce's generic character arc is just "I was an asshole, then I learned the power of friendship!"

If you honestly think that cookie cutter arc is more complex than Batman in the comics, you obviously have not read many comics.

Says something when such a cookie cutter story is better than 99% of capeshit writing :^)

>he starts quoting other Batmen
>the onomatopoeia get more violent sounding
it was pretty good

More complex than Batman comics absolutely not. More complex and a better adaptation than the animated versions no.

But as a big screen movie it was unironically the best DC superhero big screen movie adaptation in 30 years or perhaps ever.

It utterly shits all over the Snyderverse while being chock full of great characters, references, and an emotionally rewarding plot.

>you obviously have not read many comics.

>(7*5)^2 - 2^3
>still not knowing Sup Forums's relationship with comics

>>(7*5)^2 - 2^3
1217? Was that supposed to be 2017?

Only because they made him obnoxiously in need of character development.

By destroying his character to begin with.

Is this movie good/fun enough to watch in theatres?

Not really. Where Lego Movie was fun for kids and adults, this was just for kids.

>Where Lego Movie was fun for kids and adults, this was just for kids.

Well that sucks.
I was hoping it would be fun for older audiences as well.

Nah. Timm's Batman is still has far more character and is still the best version of the character.

There are a few lines made for adults to catch. But it's such a generic story otherwise.

multiple times, in fact








>Legoshitters are the obnoxious morons
And the water is wet.

> "I like to fight around."

Batmans a slut

See, this movie "gets" him. That he needs others and that deep down he loves the people in his life. And people for years have been saying that Batman is nothing without his Rogues, that they're just as much his family as the real Batfamily. Watching them all team up to fight Voldemort and the Kraken was awesome.

And it was hilarious, so theres that too.

>Timm's Batman is the best version of the character

But he pushed everyone away and ended up old and alone. His fate is sad.

Fist me boco


>But he pushed everyone away and ended up old and alone. His fate is sad.
No fucking shit... what the fuck do you think is going to come out of a life dedicated to vengeance and acting out childhood grief through vigilantism?

People like that don't get happy endings. Good endings, maybe, if they're lucky, but never happy ones.

...but all of the movies' themes surrounding his character development have been done in the comics too, the movie just did them more over-the-top for comedy purposes.

The point that Dick saved Batman as much as vice-versa is literally maintext in modern Batman comics about their relationship; he was reckless and obsessive because he had nothing to live for but The Mission, but Dick forced him to be more responsible, take less stupid risks, and generally brood less because nobody can not smile in Robin's presence all day. Morrison expanded on this to develop Batman back from the brooding lone vigilante of the 90s and early 00s into a more stable, well-rounded father figure to an ever-expanding Bat-family. Him learning the value of teamwork, taking Robin under his wing only to push him away to protect him only to realize he can't always? That's all from the comics, just exaggerated for comedy.

It was panned critically when it came out.

Maybe he's using the Islam calendar.

>It was 99% normie jokes
as opposed to what? Autism humor?

Couldn't have said it better myself. It's a key part if not *the* key part of the Batman story and one that movies and live action had completely not adapted until now.

this is Sup Forums where we hate comedy

I think he meant the actual '66 movie, from the actual year 1966, not Return of the Caped Crusaders.

>They made bane into the joke bane from the brazzers parody
I appreciate this.

Post best lines.

"My name is Richard Grayson but everyone in the orphanage calls me Dick."
"Well, kids are cruel."

I fucking choked.

Better than Gary Stu shit from some Batman writers for sure

I disagree. I enjoyed it a whole lot. I even saw it twice.

end of thread.

I don't even like movies that much and I still found it to be a fun movie. But to each their own, I guess.

>mfw Sup Forums thinks that they know jack shit about comics

It's a very enjoyable movie but the people calling it the greatest piece of Batman media ever made, and saying shit like OP are fucking insufferable

Oh no shit comics are shit that totally means this is better than all the good Batman comics ever

But he's right.

If you've never read a comic maybe. More development than other movies and the animated series for sure.

>Sup Forums
>reading comics

Because kids will understand half the references in the movie

i cant wait for the lego ninjago movie.

i'm gonna wach it for smears alone.

Meh. My expectations were too high from The Lego Movie, but I was mostly unimpressed. If anything it showed me why Batman never gets development and preferably only gets about 30 minutes of screen time. 0 fucks given Batman is tons of fun until he wears his welcome, but "my first emotional development" Batman comes off as boring and vaguely patronizing.


i see the studio had fun making this movie.

that's good.

Oh this is too cute.

Guys this may sound crazy BUT,

let's sell DC to Lego

>When the helicopter clicked into the plane in the opening sequence

I love little lego humor like that.

>that ending song
"Batman, you found me,
And Batman, I found you"

"Meow meow I hacked the mainframe meow meow"

I wish that they made it the first song in the credits so it'd be eligible for Best Original Song.

Lego Flintstones when?

Sure, I guess if you haven't read any comics it's as if they don't exist.

But he quoted someone who was talking about movies from the last 10 years.

Why did they turn Carrie Kelley into a boy?

>Musk of the Phantasm
>Big Belly Burger advert
I should get around to seeing this.

Dark Knight was 9 years ago. Like I can see some people preferring the Lego Batman movie over Dark Knight, but I think the general consensus would still put the Dark Knight in the lead.

The references aren't that deep. Almost everything is skin deep and can be appreciated by a layman
>Superman is holding a party behind Batman's back with a bunch of heroes you don't really need to know
>funny villains exist like "Condiment King"
>"Shark Repellent" is a funny concept

It's Richard Grayson. The cruel kids from the orphanage call him "Dick".

>Presents a flawed Batman who pushes people away because he's afraid of losing people again
>Batman is an actual piece of shit at times, isn't flawless Bat-God
>Joker is obsessed with making Batman understand that they complete each other
>Best new vehicles/gadgets in a long time
>Fantastic animation
>Good sound track
>Pays homage/represents every incarnation of the character at once
>But it had a silly comedic tone so it's SHIT

Have you ever considered that the film is presenting the same simple arc as the comics, just in a different light? That maybe the comics aren't as deep and meaningful as you'd once thought, since arcs like "Batman needs to cope with his parents' death in a healthier way" and "Batman deals with his messiah complex" and "Batman is as broken as the criminals he fights" are all too common in the source material?

they've been a thing since forever

Most definitely. It's a very fun, innocent film and I had a lot of fun noticing other people in the theater laughing at shit like the "YOU WANNA GET NUTS" line and all the middle fingers to Suicide Squad.

Strongly disagree.
If you enjoyed the first LEGO movie, you'll like this. It's very similar in terms of tone and how much of it can be enjoyed by both kids and adults. Only swap out the references to stuff like Johnny Thunder and Bionicle with references to Batman and DC Comics in general.

>Who always pays his taxes?


I havent read a comic book, but ill just ASSUME that comics have never changed

because im retarded

Wow, Boco was actually dead-on about something.

Okay why did they make Dick look like Carrie Kelley?

This user gets it

He literally has learned this lesson in the comics dozens of times. lol

I cant remember what story arc it was, but ill always remember when Bruce was leaving on the boat with Dick and Jason. After a big saga that happened because of how paranoid and assholish Batman has become

"where you going, Bruce"

"retraining. Need to relearn everything. Learn to trust. With my family"

But yeah, sure. Lego movie is the only one that counts.


You act like Batgod didn't exist before this movie.

>tfw it's another "the entire justice league is btfo by a cosmic level threat and Batman alone saves the day because he's the fucking Batman" episode

>mfw Sup Forums thinks they know anything about TV and film
>mfw Sup Forums thinks they know anything about anything that isn't jailbait actresses and their feet

IT was great! a good kids movie

plus, all the references to bat history

Im one of the people here arguing with the idiots saying THIS IS BETTER THAN THE COMICS, but yeah, its a good kids movie.

Not just references, not only was Eggman in it, he actually got to attack people with EGGS! lol

>and all the middle fingers to Suicide Squad.

Darn, I haven't actually seen Suicide Squad so I'm gonna be lost on all of that.

You're mixing up "skilled" with "arrogant." One can beget the other, but they don't come as a package.

>Hey Robin. It's 7:30.

.....this is typical Sup Forums

this has nothing to do with reddit....

You really think the Batman subreddit would forget the comics exist?

yeah, its a meme. Like wouldnt it be totally funny and awesome and show how stupid Batman fans if we said that the Lego batman movie is the greatest Batman story ever told?!? LIKE WOW!

Nine years? No it fucking...
Aw shit

If I remember correctly, there's two of them.
You should be able to get one, since it's a big wink to the audience ("What, am I gonna get villains to fight the villains? That's a stupid idea.") but the other is more subtle and only really works if you see the movie (Killer Croc arms a bomb underwater and exclaims "I DID SOMETHING!" in a goofy voice before swimming away).

I got a good chortle out of that latter one for sure.

those are good, but i still said "UGGHHH" at the Ferris reference.

If you need a reference, just put Ferris on the side of a plane or something. There you go. Its like, everywhere. Even with green lantern never to be seen, lol

>goofier than Adam West Batman
>completely out of character

Yeah, no.

It's not the best piece of Batman media ever made, but in terms of adaptation it's definitely up there.
Yeah, it's a goofy kids comedy with LEGO people but it really understands the core elements of the characters and shows tons of reverence to the source material (which I can't say too much for any of the live-action efforts, even though I love stuff like Returns and TDK).

There's "skilled", and then there's "I can dodge Darkseid's Omega Beams because I'm so good at gymnastics".

You'd think with that much skill he wouldn't need to bluster about it, it would be readily apparent.

the thing that happened once in a cartoon's series finale?

>Implying that wouldn't be his dialog if Batman wasn't meant to be taken seriously

He's the most OP character in all of comics user, nothing can pierce his mighty plot armor.

i kinda like the "sorta-but not quite girlfriend" interpretation of harley, and the lack of domestic abuse is also something i really liked

Yes, I'm implying that WOULDN'T be his dialog. That's what someone who overcompensates says.

But he DOES overcompensate in this movie. He couldn't save the world by himself even though he'd like to think he could.

>'Puter activate overcompensation

That conflicts with what you just said.
>He's the most OP character in all of comics user, nothing can pierce his mighty plot armor.
Why can't he save the world himself? Doesn't that mean they changed him to need character development?

I'm not that guy. And I don't see why a Batman who isn't Batgod is a bad thing.