Tmfags- want to replacing Batman with Tim Drake

Tmfags- want to replacing Batman with Tim Drake.

Lol, this cracks me up.

Keep characterfag and CBR drama out of Sup Forums

mods Timfag.

Want to see a cool trick?
Damian is a mistake and his existence ruins the Batman franchise. His fans are embarrassing and most likely pedophiles.

Timfags are delusional if they thinks that would happen.

>Want to see a cool trick?
No. Tim just needed to Die.Tim was cracking since Identity Crisis, the New-52 was just the final nail in the coffin.

Nah, Tim'll be back soon and then Damian will just be Robin forever because he's an uninteresting little shitbag.

>Nah, Tim'll be back

Is your world really so small that everyone's the same person to you? Is English even a language you understand?

Lol.Timfag.i don't care for Tim and will mock him whenever I can.

That's a no then? Oh well, I can still pray for your parents to die in a terrorist attack. You'd deserve it.

Keep this up Timfag, I just finished warming up the popcorn.

lol @ this thread

It's kind of depressing when you think about how Tim spwas completely tossed aside
Especially after having an almost 200 issue ongoing
But I like Damien as a character too, so I just try to look on the bright side

>Tim succesfully lead the Titans plenty of times
>Damian fucks up and has to be rescued on his first mission
Don't have to be an underaged sandlicker to know who's better~

>Tim and Cassandra
>Not Duke

I'm honestly surprised given how much people there lust over black characters.

: I pretty much agree with all you said there buddy,

Lhynn Do you seriously believe that Tim is capable of making Superman feel anything more than a feather falling on his cape with melee only?

Well yeah. Dick is his own hero with Nightwing; having him pick up the Batman mantle permanently is out of character. Dick is his own man. And Jason is too unhinged to take over as Batman.

So yeah, Cass and Tim are the only ones who'd be suitable to the job. I'd say Tim more so than Cass; Cass is more likely to want to be her own hero.

That is Timfag Lhynn ?


52 Tim Drake, so its irrelevant,

Lol, good joke.

Bruce has already been replaced 3 times in the past 30 years and each time returns as top dog.

Batman isn't just a guy in a suit. It's also about resolve, experience and commitment. How many times do we have to go through this?

>resolve, experience and commitment.
3 things Damian will never have enough of.

For me I want Damian to have a brand new identity that he himself has created because of personal reasons.Honestly, I don't want Damian to become the future Batman simply because I feel like it would prevent his character from growing at this point. Damian atm sees Batman as this big goal for himself and seems to be under the impression that he *failed* his redemption if he doesn't become Batman one day. For Damian's character to grow at this point he needs to realize he doesn't have to be Batman.


Damian was willing to sacrifice having a relationship with his mother for what he thinks is right. He was willing to die to make amends for his actions in RSoB.


He has more experience than any other Batfam character had at the same age, except maybe Cass.


After Damian came back to life, he immediately threw himself back into being Robin. As mentioned previously, he sacrificed a relationship with his mother for his father's mission.

Damian is a trash character that kills books.

Ibn al Xu'ffasch Which translates to Son of the Bat.Damian Wayne .Sounds better than Robin-:Damian can be anything..(Dick has taught him he can be his own hero).Tim will always be batmans clone..Tim is smart and perfect that is boring..

That is Tim ..He has killed teen titans..Every one cursed his time as robin in teen titans..Tim is a trash character that kills books.

Tim Has killed the titans,Tim is a trash character that kills books.Everyone has the teen titans because of tim

Damien's refreshing, especially after Tim drake, and he had a great character ...

Tim is a Mary Sue, It feels like they tried too hard to make him badass so they just got rid of amy's perfect in such a squeaky Mary-Sue way I actually had a double take. He's perfect at gymnastics, perfect in school,

>That is Tim ..He has killed teen titans..Every one cursed his time as robin in teen titans..Tim is a trash character that kills books.
> Tim Drake is the most blatant self-insert character ever. ..It's true.

>Tim Has killed the titans,Tim is a trash character that kills books.Everyone has the teen titans because of tim
>Damien's refreshing, especially after Tim drake, and he had a great character ...

>acrobat trained from a young age by Batman as a protegee, who eventually stepped out of Bruce's shadow to become a hero in his own right. Occasionally headstrong and butts heads with Bruce's authority, but also willing to follow him.

>Street kid who had a hard life prior to Bruce, so he had a lot of rough edges. A terrible trauma severed his ties with Bruce, leading him to go his own, much more extreme way.

>Budding young detective who chose to become Robin, rather than being adopted or born into it. Proof that the identity of Robin does not lead to failure, and proudly carries that name to his solo hero identity.

>The one true son of Batman and an ancient order of ninjas. Trained until his power is maximum by magical warriors. Eh kills people and doesn't afraid of anyone, and even Batman is doesn't tell him what to do. He is the greatest most powerful Robin ever, and definitely not my self insert. Also Batman loves me the most because he's the real Robin so he brings him back to life in a Lazarus Pit.

Loved that last part, couldn't have worded it better myself. At least not without throwing in unnecessary swearing.

His titans is a failure, for 20 years :)

Tim kind of disappeared. The first thing to do is to find something about Tim’s character that makes him stand out. To me, it’s the fact that Tim comes from a privileged upper middle class white family in the Gotham suburbs – and despite it all, he’s miserable.

Why the Teen Titans are Better Off Without Tim

Here it is: I think Tim Drake’s presence in the Teen Titans book is a large reason why it’s bad.

Without Tim, the Titans’ roster is comprised of: a thief and runaway (Wonder Girl), a clone grown in a test tube (Superboy), a metahuman incapable of blending into normal society (Solstice), a foreign hitchhiker (Bunker) and an amnesiac from the future (Kid Flash). They’re an eclectic bunch, but they all have one thing in common: they have no roots. None of them have anyone they can depend on for help or even companionship. Except each other. That’s what Teen Titans needs to be about: a bunch of superpowered teenagers alone in the world trying to make something out of nothing.

Add Tim Drake into the mix, and that dynamic is suddenly, immediately ruined.