
I haven't read many x-comics and I've never read anything related to legion, but this has become my absolute favorite show of 2017.
Where should I start in the comics to get my fix in between shows?
Also general show discussion. Who do you think the devil with the yellow eyes is?

I have to admit I was bored out of my mind during episode 2. Didn't even finish it.

>Who do you think the devil with the yellow eyes is?
An original creation for the most part serving the same purpose as the Professor Y personality. It being Mojo or Shadow King, as others have speculated, doesn't make much sense to me.

Yeah I was getting a little lost in the dream sequences myself, but the claustrophobic MRI machine scene pulled me back in. What did you think was real boring?

Yeah that's a good point. I've only heard of the shadow king theory myself.

>What did you think was real boring?
I couldn't bring myself to give a shit.

Basically, i think it's technically great. great acting, cinematography etc, but I didn't care about what happened.
At some point the weird pacing and mind games are too confusing, and the "revelations" are not enough to justify sticking for more.

dont read x-men expecting legion. you will be dissapointed.

I can see that. In ep 3 there's a couple of scenes where they develop syd and his relationship that got me way more invested in their characters and their outcomes if you ever think about giving it another go.

I know it's real different seeing how it's DID vs schizophrenia as his diagnosis, but I've been looking for new comics to read for me and it seemed like a fun connection.

I think I will give it another try.

It is indeed well made, and definitely worth the extra effort, so despite my recent boredom, I still recommend it to people.

I am extremley torn on this series and am rewatching it because of this thread. Could anyone clarify if X-Men Legacy is in any way related to this series?

I think the devil with yellow eyes a long with the angriest boy in the world are two of David's personalities. I wonder if his comic personalities show up or if it's all OCs.

Odds are it'll turn out he killed ar least one of his parents.

If this show wanted to make me feel as dissociated as David it succeeded, because the past 3 episodes have been hollow as all hell. The cinematography and flashy bits are all there but the dialogue and some of these characters are profoundly disappointing. For example the romance between Syd and David feels forced they met for one episode and suddenly she loves him. I hope it changes because I want to like the show but I don't see it doing so.

It's too early to tell but the cast and crew have definitely taken inspiration from that particular run.

Honestly, they are both great. The most recent episode was brilliant.

>For example the romance between Syd and David feels forced they met for one episode and suddenly she loves him.
Either she and everyone else in forest camp are all in his head, or she was sent by them to the mental hospital to find him and befriend him. Only ways I can explain why she'd humor him like she does.

Read Simon Spurrier's X-Men Legacy.

I've heard those theories before, I don't think it's an act because he can read minds after all. As for the them being in his mind theory do you see any hints as to that because if it just comes out of left field that too is kind of just a twist for a twist sake which I still feel like is bad story telling

anyone having issues watching it on the FX website?

I've had the player crash at the same point on episode 1 three times.

>do you see any hints as to that
not that user, but there was the kooky dance number in his head during the first episode.

In the second episode there were moments where David was seeing flickers of something else going on within his surroundings.

Having said that I'm still not convinced.

I fucking hate this show, it's way too filmic
>constantly jumping around through time so scenes don't make sense until you find out the context later in the episode
>dream within a dream within a dream
>long drawn out conversations with two people just sitting there
>camera is for what ever reason recording from an indirect angle or from 30 meters away from the people talking
it's everything pretentious that made people stop going to see movies in the early 2010s

and all the muties are boring as fuck, every one of them is some kind of psychic
>telekinetic throwing soldiers around
>tactile telepath that switches bodies with people
>telepath that looks into peoples memories
>psycho kinetic that can manifest astral projections into the physical plane
>main character who can basically has any and all powers psychics could have
>villain obviously has psychic abilities of some kind

show has nothing to do with mutants really so far, they could just call it a show about psychics and it would be the same exact thing and the marvel name drop is just for licensing to trick people into watching a bad show because it comes from a recognizable brand

Yea I guess well maybe that could give the show some room to improve itself. I just hope the show introduces someone with some depth I mean Lenny is the textbook definition of a manic pixie girl

>Could anyone clarify if X-Men Legacy is in any way related to this series?
Spurrier is given a special thanks credit in the credits roll so they've at least read it.

Shadow King
Which could be part of him in this universe

The show is amazing, I'm shocked anyone dislikes it. But then again lots of people only crave their splosions.

It's a fantastic journey of someone given Godlike powers and how they're coping with it.

>and all the muties are boring as fuck, every one of them is some kind of psychic
how did all those dead burnt-looking bodies happen in the pool-rescue?

Pyrokinesis is a form of psychic ability m8

>Ignores legitimate criticism and skips to splosions straw man
C'mon user you can do better


the psychic power of creating and controling fire with your mind

What legitimate criticism? I don't see any.

This, retards with low IQ keep saying "HURRR ITS BORING...I HAVE TO WATCH THIS FOR..."PAY OFF" UGGGHHHHH"

There's "pay off" every fucking episode in the form of a developing story. You fuckers have developed some TWEEST level mindset and need a big reveal in order enjoy something

Protip:Bioshock was good before the "Would you kindly" twist

I can't fathom what it's like to go through life with your level of ADHD and limited awareness.

If I wanted "developing story" I'd go watch whatever wankfest won the oscars last night.
This is a super hero show. It should be 80% kicking ass and

Okay, Captain Splosions

Ladies and Gentlemen projection the post

I've said I find it boring because all the characters are superficial and the dialogue does nothing at all to assuage that.
I mean really man at least try to talk like an intelligent adult instead of that abortion of a post. Your post reads like a school kid wrote it ; going around calling people who disagree with you retards and low IQ and then acting like you made a legitimate point

Are we ever going to have a Legion thread that isn't dominated by debate between ADHD retards who become restless five minutes into the show and pretentious film appreciation majors who pat themselves on the back for watching it while sipping from a glass of undeserved self-satisfaction?

Are you ever going to get through an argument without creating a caricature of the other person or do you need a hugbox where everyone agrees with you like the petulant child you are

I'm not a part of this argument, I just want to discuss the show without discussion being ruined by pointless debate.

Nice reading comprehension, btw.

You clearly are part of an argument if you passive aggressively paint anyone who criticizes your show as either a retard or as pretentious. I really don't understand how you insult someone and they when they respond to you act like you aren't at all involved.

If you make a thread you have to expect people will have negative opinions about the show.Part of discussing the show is faults I didn't dominate anything in fact it was the people defending the shows who went into belligerent spiels calling everyone a retard. Learn to manage conflict man it's a useful skill in life

David has pyrokenesis