How can Jack kill Aku? While the sword can hurt him, it didn't have the power to kill him

How can Jack kill Aku? While the sword can hurt him, it didn't have the power to kill him.

We'll find out in 11 weeks

What? Yes it does.

not when Jack's dad "kills" him

Not if Jack's father's efforts were any indication. He did everything possible to Aku, shredding him down to the last bit. But, the most he seemed able to do is seal him away until a Solar Storm+Total Eclipse or whatever freed him.

Watch "The Birth of Evil". Jack's father defeated Aku with the sword, but it could only banish him, NOT kill him. Aku then returned 10 years later, and when he and Jack first fought, he said "Neither [Jack's father] nor the sword had the power to slay me forever."

The gods give jack another sword?
He goes in dual-wielding?

Jack's proven himself better than his father in almost all regards. He'll find a way.

Probably willpower or something.

Purity. Jack's father had a wife and a kid on the way. Clearly he was physically impure.

The sword is meant to slay "Aku", the personality that the Emperor created.
It was forged from love, where Aku was born from hate.

It might just return him to his original form, or leave an inactive black sludge behind.

>implying that the Vikings that trained Jack never paid him a hooker.

Then how was jack about to deal the final blow before BEING FLUNG INTO THE FUTURE THAT IS AKU
checkmate atheists

Aku in his original form would still consume the Earth.

He'll probably be empowered by the souls of his family and all those he saved or something, like when his ancestors gave him the power to cut through the ultra robots.

Note that I said "inactive"

Aku would be effectively dead.


You didn't watch the first episode then

It doesn't! Watch the first episode and it starts with Aku escaping his prison after the events of Samurai Jack in the far fucking future. So far that Earth became a barren planet.

Remember Aku was the one who starts the fucking story and he's telling the story about the Samurai to the viewers.

>implying the greeks didnt take his black cherry

Jesus Christ.
Mind officially FUBAR

The creators of the show commented that in season 5 Jack has become more cynical and "more like Aku", so that won't be it.

That would've sealed Aku rather than killed him forever.

>where Aku was born from hate.
I thought Aku was born of a poison arrow hitting the all devouring tar pit.

No. The arrow, or human influence, gave him sentience and allowed him to assume a physical form.

>The arrow, or human influence
I see it more as the poison, which might be (if not natural) a product of human intellect granting him intelligence.

>poison that turns you into a jap
God, the weebs would love it

I mean, pederasty WAS a thing in Greece at the time. Jack's as pure as 2d love

I have a question, some time ago they aired an episode where Jacks fights and seal him, I remember Jack getting help from the gods with a kick-ass armor
I always thought that was the last episode or did I dreamed it?

you might be confusing it with Birth of Evil, which is about Jack's father

Oh I see, I only saw the last 5 minutes of it so I had no context of the whole thing

The entire purpose of the Season has amounted to be "Jack lost his sword/purity and has to restore it" He now has to not only get back to the past to stop Aku he needs to get back to his past of being a pure hearted warrior.

I watched a lot of SJ growing up, but I don't remember: why didn't Aku ever kill Jack? I remember him having a lot of opportunities, and while of course I rooted for Jack it was weird that this Joker-Satan-Sauron character with godlike power didn't just off Jack and instead had a bunch of weaker and expendable minions try to do it. I get that Aku feared the sword since it's what put him down a long time ago but the moments where Jack doesn't have the sword why doesn't Aku just kill him?

It would stop his fun


I wonder how bored Aku got in the millennia after he conquered everything with barely any real resistance

Did Aku start to expand to other planets?

The intention is the key here.
Anyone could have used a poison arrow and muttered a blessing/purifying chant, but the intention "was to destroy [Aku]".

Instead of destroying the "Evil", the Emperor's hate was so strong, he fucked up (or corrupted) his "poison arrow and hocus pocus", striking in anger and fear. These are the emotions Aku is both fueled by and feeds on; before, he had no feelings, no consciousness, completely incapable of abstract thought or communicating with humans. The negative energy combined with magic brought Aku to life.

tl;dr bitch should have used a holy arrow instead


Yes and no, he was able to change worlds with his magic but he could get to them

Forcing the races on the planet to move to earth

Aku wants to kill Jack, but he doesn't want to risk getting beaten by Jack's sword. There are several instances in which Aku does get close to killing Jack, but Jack always pulls through and Aku is forced to flee.

>green enchanted arrow
>aku's "skin" is green

Everyone knows you can't kill demons.

You can only banish them or imprison them.

This is paranomal studies 101, fucksake.

He tried to take the sword and kill Jack twice, afaik. He is usually distant from Jack, so he has to create his own opportunities, which is risky. He is always watching Jack, but he can't just instantly appear at his location whenever he randomly loses his sword for a few minutes.

He can hurt him TO DEATH.

That is demonic propaganda. They want you to believe this because they know they are soon to be destroyed. I'm not even joking.

Why Jack doesn't ask the gods to kill Aku?


Aku was part of a black entity from space.
Aku is not a spiritual demon.

Aku can never be killed

simply sealed away

They dont give a shit about his problems. He met one of the gods the three gods that nearly killed Aku (for good). He asked for help returning to his past, but it just stared at jack for 2 seconds before fucking off back to space

The better question is why he never used the 1,000 opportunities he had to go back to the past over stupid bullshit.

How many times did that dumb asshole throw away an opportunity to fix history so he could save some faggot in the future. That was the real bullshit in this series. As soon as he goes back and prevents all this from happening, he saves everyone but no. We have to use the wish to save the fucking fairy. We have to jump at Aku when he's surprised instead of jumping straight into the portal before he knows what happened. Etc., etc.

Honestly, all the lore and series is total bullshit and the only way it's fun to watch is to pretend all kinds of retarded shit just didn't happen.

>The better question is why he never used the 1,000 opportunities he had
well, he is quite FOOLISH

>How many times did that dumb asshole throw away an opportunity to fix history so he could save some faggot in the future.

Only 1, with the monks.

I don't know why people talk like it happened all the time.

The closest other time was with the astronauts, but there was a chance that everybody was going to die (including him) if he had done anything.

When has any god or goddess ever given a damn about anything not god related?

Nigger, I just watched him wish a fairy free because she was stuck in a ball rather than wish to go back into the past.

There was a magic portal that goes to the past that Aku keep from him because he can't jump high enough. He learns to jump high and Aku tries the same trick and Jack jumps at Aku instead of into the portal. This is just from the first few episodes of season 2.

Even if it was just those two, it still would be fucking stupid.

P.S. The well is the only one that made sense since it actually corrupted the wishes. He probably would have gotten fucked somehow.

Those things go hand in hand. If you can legitimately hurt something, you can kill it.

>what episode was this? I dont think i've seen that.

>rather than wish to go back into the past.

And them he has to fight Aku without a hand.

With a weapon MADE to be used with 2 hands.

And on Jump Good,he tries to jump into the portal direction clearly.

Leaked shot of the final episode

Because Jack is compelled to help, even when it's a bad idea.

Just like Aku is compelled to harm, even when it's a bad idea.

Remember the Triceraquin, or the scientist who created the basket robots? If Aku hadn't betrayed them out of pure sadism, Jack would be doomed.

The Minions of Set.

This seemed to forget he was born from a cosmic horror sludge