People actually think shere khan would win against a fight with a lion

People actually think shere khan would win against a fight with a lion.

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Tigers are bigger than Lions.

Tigers are about the same size as male African lions

i mean, he would

He would definitely win in a singing competition

Neither Scar nor Simba can compare to that majestic voice

Tigers will always wreck lions for one very simple reason. Tigers fight with both of their front claws, lions with only one while having to support themselves with the other. They're also bigger and more aggressive as solitary predators.

Watch any fight between the two in zoos, lions get blown the fuck out by how many swipes a tiger can throw out.

Shere khan might actually lose. Goofy looking shit

Get that shit out of here, that show had a gorilla fucking karate chopping a lepoard. Anyone who's studied big cats knows tigers are the most dangerous of the lot.

Historically, whenever tigers were pitted against lions to fight for nobles' entertainment or some shit like that, the tigers would win the overwhelming majority of the time.

In the wild it might be a different story, since the tiger would likely be alone and lions live in groups, but one on one the tiger would win.

Friendly reminder tigers routinely eat bears.

Wild lions have been seen using both front paws when fighting.

You are all doing some fine shitposting

Male lions are unable to because of how front heavy they are. Female lions can because of how much lighter they are built, but a female lion has zero chance against a tiger because of the size and strength difference.

>Watch any fight between the two in zoos
What the fuck kind of zoo do you go to

Thanks ~

A better question is how would Shere Khan have faced the dhole invasion in Red Dog, the second-to-last story in The Jungle Books. It took all of Kaa's memory and Mowgli's daring to whittle down their immense numbers so that the wolves, Baloo, and Bagheera could defeat them.

This kind probably

>Scarlett Johanson Kaa will never gobble you up

Fun fact: the subsonic frequencies in a tiger's roar can paralyze animals if directed at them (generally to their torso area).


An average adult male tiger would beat an average adult male lion.

BUT Shere Khan is lame. A healthy lion could probably take him out.

Shere-khan is a cripple

>that show had a gorilla fucking karate chopping a lepoard
Yeah man, Monkey King taught them karate. What's the big deal?

There was some Animal Planet show where they got a bunch of animal experts of specific animals and see which animal would win in a fight.

The Lion vs Tiger episode had the lion winning, but narrowly.

A grizzly bear could kick both their asses.

Whoa there, friend, you gotta back up a bit.

Which Shere Khan we talking about here?

Because if it's literary Shere Khan, lame, old, toothless, and weak, than any lion any day of the week would mop the floor with him.

Now, almost any film Shere Khan? That's a different story. Especially 2016 Khan, that guy doesn't fucking play.

Are you confusing real life with fucking pokemon

I'm glad I am not the only one who watched it.

Lion wins cause male African lions may be smaller but are built for brawling with other lions. Tigers are built for hunting, but has less stamina compared to lion in terms of continued energy output.

Conclusion: Tigers might win if ambushing a lion, but in a full on frontal brawl, male lions win cause that's how they're built

The lion won because they thought the mane would actually protect shit.
The show in general was shit