Why do minions follow a boss or master knowing that if they fuck up and live to tell the tale...

Why do minions follow a boss or master knowing that if they fuck up and live to tell the tale, they will be killed for failing them?

Didn't Aku create Demongo?

They'll be killed if they don't follow him anyway.


At least it's better then giving up

>giving up your free will is better than giving up your life


sometimes is the desire for a reward,if you work for the guy who controls the wolrd,or at least is rich,you can get a lot of things for being loyal or at least usefull.
sometimes is ideal,either you follow a cruel and ruthless boss go you really think will change/save the world, or he fooled you enough to believe that
and sometimes is just plain fear,sure working for him suck,but you know that not obeying him would be worse,either for you or for other you care about,you can just look down and hoped to not do something stupid that piss him off,with sone luck he will not kill you,and with particular ruthless cruel bosses like aku with some luck he will JUST kill you,without much pain and suffering

Fear is a great motivator

>He didn't kill the mobsters for bringing jack to his secret lair where he nearly died

Honestly, considering Aku let those guys live, he should have enough mercy for everyone else

Usually for the same reasons people irl work for violent crime lords, they're losers lacking prospects and needing money

I always assumed the logic behind this was the in a world with multiple villains you should ally yourself with the most ambitious and strongest villain their is, the one that you know is going to for sure conquer the world, it's not your fault that the hero always wins by default. In a realistic situation a villain would eventually triumph over whatever hero might oppose them, especially those villains with large armies and immense resources.

No, dumbass.
At least there is a chance they can kill Jack (as tiny as it is) because there is zero chance of them defeating Aku.

>It's best to throw your free will away for the tiniest speck of a chance that you might live
>as opposed to throwing your life away for nothing


I agree with you. However maybe he let those mobsters live since they were the ones who, in a way, saved Aku from Jack.

I assume they have off days.

Survival comes before all else. The number of people who will take death over anything is very small.

Because having a villain ice someone on their own side is a cheap and easy way to reinforce how eeeeeevil they are.

The thing is, Demongo was pretty useless as a henchman at that point, seeing as he had lost all the essence. If he had been defeated but had retained the essence, Aku might've just punished him and saved him for some future fight.

Why do advisers and soldiers follow dictators when they know they can be disposed of whenever its convenient?

Because power, OP. It's not that hard to figure out. Russia's been doing it for years.

It's about living to fight another day.

If they do really well maybe Aku will let them retire and they can live in a lakeside cabin in unspoiled Montana.

It's pretty simple, OP
>Join Aku's forces and get cash and free reign to abuse pretty much any civilian however you'd like, with presumably better rewards in proportion to how effective you are in terms of quelling rebellions, whipping statue-builders, etc.
>Say "No" and, at best, become a refugee/outlaw of some kind. At worst, you'll be a slave for life.

and, lastly
>One in a million chance you actually kill Jack or even steal his sword? You are now the favorite person of the most powerful being in the galaxy.

Dental Plan?

Lots of people would rather risk dying as a star than be a nobody their whole life.

Wow it's almost like all of the people that didn't take that offer are dead or something
as if all of the people willing to take the offer are of questionable moral fiber

Aku often held collateral if you care to recall
By collateral, I mean hostage

Aku didn't just kill him because Demongo failed, he started talking about surpassing aku once he had jack's soul and aku would have heard that on his magic tv screen.

Kevin Michael Richardson did a great job as Demongo.

Because it's a cartoon

Not every single act of submission is giving up your free will. Let's assume you have your family held hostage and you are forced to kill either your mom or dad. Instead you decide to do the impossible and attempt to kill your captors. Due to this act of 'free will' you end up killing yourself and both parents.

Everything is a choice, so choosing to serve a dark lord is just as much as an act of free-will as refusing.

An answer that hasn't been given in the thread yet:

The minions are often so full of themselves that they can't imagine losing.