Slott Spider-Epic Pt. 7

Previous threads here
Today we're starting with Amazing Spider-Man 674! Back to Slott's series....for better and for worse.

Also if anyone's interested here are the links to Bendis' Powers from start to finish. The link to the TV is provided at the bottom.
>replace "abcd" with "mediafire".
>password is the primary name Walker used while operating as a superhero. Think super HARD!

Heading home now. Going to try and pick up food on the ways. Bumps would be super appreciated until I get back. See you guys soon!

Falling to my death easily one of my biggest fears. So in this instance I'd hopefully die of a heart attack before I hit the ground.





How do the police get away with this shit? Spider-Man is a registered Avenger, because the only answer I can think of is shitty writing.


Well fuck you too Stone.



There is so much stupidity in this room it's astounding.


As weird as it sounds, I'm really pumped to see The Vulture portrayed in a Spider-Man movie, and by Michael Keaton no less. I think he's going to surprise peeps in this role way more than they would expect.




Don't back down, Peter. It's your Coffee Bean.

I can't tell if I'm just in an angry mood or if this comic is really badly written.



The Vulture has never really been my favorite Spidey villain but I'm willing to see what Slott can do with him.

















That last panel sounds oddly sexual.



Damn, Toomes. You been juicing?



And now we're going to switch to some Avenging Spider-Man to get the last couple issues out of the way before the crossover with Daredevil and Punisher.























Thanks bro. Love me some X-Men.



Liberty Bonds
Liberty Bonds

Yep, it's official. Peter has a glorious ass.


At first I thought Cap was just freakishly huge, then I looked up Peter's height and found out I got a good four inches him. Peter is only 5' 10''






Everyone does under Yu.




True bro if there ever was one. I think most people on the Avengers think the world of Spidey regardless is they show it. At the very least I know Wolverine likes his company.





Best ending.

> how dare you attempt to use logic and reasoning in order to back up your claim that the victim wasn't using Spider-powers!

Easily one of Slott's more interesting issues. I think in some cases he actually better at writing villains than heroes. His Arkham Asylum: Living Hell was fantastic.


> So that's why we missed the last Harry Potter movie

Don't worry Carlie, it sucked anyways.

Both of these lineups have piqued my interest.



Was it issue #600 when it was first revealed that Ock's body was rapidly failing due to all the blows he's sustained over the years?

