Garfield has no gender


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This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen

It's a CAT.

For fucks sake can i get my rope ready now?

Lol why don't they just email the artist for clarification.

Garfield the cat? Andrew Garfield?James A. Garfield? Garfield the Beast Boy?

Trannies ruin everything

He misunderstood a quote that's all there is too it

What the fuck


Why not have this argument over Nermal?

I swear I always thought that fucker was a girl.


this just reminds me of the time some metroid dev made a tranny joke and people took it as undeniable proof that she was some genderqueer otherkin horse shit.

>garfield is a relatable character
>"agenderd aracial a-agial afeline garfield is canon!!"

does that sound more like reaching

Garfield is chaos, he is a primordial concept of the universe and he is entropy given shape.

pls be troll

This, the little shit was obsessed with being cute

Nermal isn't a girl? Huh.

Then what is Heathcliff?

I would pay real money to see this email

He's bad news.

it was a tranny who took it as proof


What the fuck

What fucking kind of logic is this. How can he stop being a male cat. Something that important would have been brought up. He can't even identify as any other thing because he's a fucking cat. This is like those tumblr posts that say that having plants without their consent is slavery and babies have no gender until they are old enough to decide and every character in fictional media is trans and you can't convince them of the opposite.

I mean it's not really an email but this is confirmation that people are just taking shit too far.

I just watched Sex Survey results and the ending fucked my shit up

Pepper did it first

Pack it in

There was someone who voiced Garfield before Lorenzo Music?

>Garfield is a male name
>Made by a man
>Called sir in this comic

But I guess he has no gender!


Maybe that bird's just a presumptive shitlord.

Ever think of that?

not surprising

what does surprise me is how people keep treating sheik from ocarina of time as some kinda transgender magic thing when it's literally just zelda wearing some clothes.

They meant his mindset...

I think you're projecting with that presumption there, buddy boy

Her eyecolor changes, she might be a chick transformed into a man with magic to be in disguise while in hiding.

But that doesn't make her an "insert retarded tumblr gender here".

What wouldn't surprise me is if these anti-gender fags claimed "Sir" was genderless, or even convinced people to redefine "Sir" as a genderless honorific.

identity politicians are weird

Guess I should just drop this off

Based Jim setting faggots straight

>when it's literally just zelda wearing some clothes.
That's some serious bullshit there, user.

what are contacts

Those same people probably use "sir" as an argument of Peppermint Patty being trans.


Well, he obviously has no gender, because it's a human concept and he's a cat. But his sex is male.

Sup Forumstargs falseflagging, what a surprise.

More importantly, what is Jon's preferred pronoun? He looks male but he has a pussy.

I'm pretty sure he was voiced by a girl on G&F. The only way you'd realize he wasn't was the occasional dialogue using third-person pronouns.

That's obvious, gender is complete bullshit logic. His sex is male.

Jon did threaten to rape Garfield if his date went wrong.

i sometimes forget that in the long run, sex is really what matters when it comes to biology and stuff. No, Void, you identifying as a demiagender does not help with ovarian cancer rates.

I bet people will freak out over that "he's male because he has a girlfriend" comment too now.

You don't have to be a Sup Forumstard to acknowledge how retarded this whole obsession with genders has become.

> people are actually taking this seriously

I expected as much from regular people who aren't used to wikipedia edit fuckery, but you channers are supposed to be on the level. Plus it's Garfield, are you really gonna get so bent out of shape over Garfield?

2017 is fun sofar

Was that Brianna Wu? The tard who's running for Congress and tweeted sincere concerns about someone colonizing the moon to drop space rocks on Earth?

Fucking Liberals they're ruining everything!

So Garfield should have been voiced by a transgender voice actor instead of Lorenzo Music and Bill Murray?

Seems legit.

>reporting on wikipedia edit wars


jim davis is a master troll and always has been

>stating that he has a girlfriend, as a way of reinforcing the fact that he's male
>taking heteronormativity as a matter of fact
Oh boy, this is going to spark a whole new shitstorm.

Davis is a 70 year old, he was probably disgusted by hearing about people trying to turn his creation into a transexual/agender/non-binary/genderfluid icon, so he also added the "he is straight" line to shut them up forever.

other way 'round, dude. the crazy fangirl crowd insist sheik is always her female body, when it's obviously a magical transformation changing (at least) her skeleton. broad shoulders, narrow hips, the whole schlemazl
in ocarina of time that is. other sheiks are clearly ladies.

And falseflagging like this is equally retarded. Come the fuck on, you know damn well who's responsible for this.



I'll take reporting on wikipedia edit wars over reporting on youtubers making sixth grade-tier nazi jokes

You forgot some of these lunatics don't live in reality and think their headcanons are canon.

Oh boy

technology that hyrule probably doesn't have, and that zelda visibly does not remove when changing back
it's magic. it's a magic disguise. why is this so hard for people. it's like "(insert bible story here) doesn't make sense, that couldnt happen!" .. it could if god did it. it's fine if you don't believe that, but you're acting like everyone who believes it is a retard that doesn't understand natural law, rather than the inheritor of a culture who understood natural law when the rest of the world was hitting each other with bones

>Did you just assume Arlene's gender?

>garfield canon

its a shame these sweet little bits of the digital record is going to be lost in time whenever an inevitable calamity takes humanity down a notch.

who's to say Arlene being a "girlfriend" means that she is a girl? Fucking everything's now a girlfriend. Hell, your boyfriend's your girlfriend. Have fun with your weird waifus.

>Keep dreaming cultural marxists, Garfield will always be a rugged, heterosexual MAN (who goes his own way)

Garfield isn't gender fluid and he is certainly not red pilled.

Yes, the same tranny who equalized tweets with rape.

I'm convinced Wikipedia editors are the most autistic group of people on the planet at this point. They fight for days, sometimes years, over the dumbest shit.

good post

What in the name of fuck even started this?

Lasagna Cat

>wiki edit war
Tim Berners-Lee and autism.

Most editors are 14-year-olds. Some are autistic, less are over 20.

Wikipedos are literal retards, news at eleven

Most wikipedia editors are just bots

That's no accident.

Wikipedia's been around too long. The only people left are the autists. Normies who find themselves arguing with an autist will give up when it's not worth it. And now the autists are the ones in power and no one with any sense is ever going to be able to get a foot in the door, or even want to.

Honestly I'm just trying to oversimplify everything because I'm so tired of seeing retarded arguments like sheik from OoT being some kind of LGBT icon when you've got actual examples like Poison to work with and don't need to force it onto characters where it doesn't make sense or actively contradicts the reason they pretend to be the opposite gender in the first place. Zelda isn't Sheik because she would rather be a male she's Sheik because she's fucking hiding her identity.

>Garfield is a boy. He has a girlfriend.

The absolute madman

This retarded argument would make way more sense if it was about Nermal.

Wikipedia edit wars are not news.

Anybody that takes their wikipedia edit life seriously is pretty touched, yeah. I like me some toku and I remember this one dude that would basically go full retard if you tried to edit entries to their actual english names instead of using the obviously wrong engrish used in some promotional material that never matches the actual meaning or how it's actually said.

The fuck is that anyway? Just Garfield comics turned into live action clips that are weird/creepy? I've kept on seeing it mentioned, but I got the impression it was a years-old thing and not some hip new meme.

if Garfield is Primordial Chaos, Heathcliff is the embodiment of Unfathomable universal truths, those which are inconprehensible to our limited monkey brains

You realize that this isn't the reason they had to have that citation, right?

It's an unwritten Wikipedia policy that if something isn't given an MLA-formatted inline citation backed up by three other sources and legally upheld by the United Nations, it can be removed because otherwise it's fake.

Liberals overly concerned with identity politics and forcing their agenda on America fail to understand what a metaphor is. Why am I not surprised?

Ignorant idiots like these are why we liberals are losing this fight of politics in America.

It was Chapo Trap House

So glad my flatmate's cats were already snipped.

Shh, it's okay user. Mommy looked under your bed and in the closet and the boogeyman isn't there.

I want to die rn


And sense most of Sup Forums never make any kind of contact with anyone IRL, they only see liberals through tumblr cringe and make a judgment that all liberals are like that

fucking make it stop

On a side note

How is heathclif still a thing and why does it make no sense

4chanb and reddit have both interestingly dumbed down views on identity politics. I mean, I'd think poorly of it too if I was illiterate enough to think it was only about individualistic gender assignments.