Worst superhero design of all time?

Worst superhero design of all time?

Is there a reason she's the smartest or is it "just becuase?"

she's the smartest person ever because she's a female minority


>Is there a reason she's the smartest
What kind of retarded question is that.

Reed and Dr Doom could both have a quality education but one of them will always be smarter. Why? Fuck you is why.

Is there a reason reason Reed is so smart? Born that way.

She's the next generation because thats a thing oddly enough.

Stretcho is in the center of forever
Tony is a ghost
Hank is also dead

I hate that Moongirl is supposed to be 9 but she just talks like some snarky 20something. Regardless of her intelligence she simply doesn't act her age, and juxtaposing her super intelligence with her childhood naivete or immaturity is about the only angle I'd really give a shit about her for.

From the thumbnail I thought it was some kind of disney "who's that pokemon" with mickey mouse as the answer.

he's white user. that easily qualifies as the reason why he is superior. Him,tony,hank,banner,peter, beast

Just wondering how a little girl could be smarter than people like reed or doom (people who devoted their entire lives to scientific study). Like was their a lab accident that jammed years worth of physics lectures into her head?

So if they came out with a three year old that was stronger than the hulk for no reason you would be okay with it?

Maybe she's born with it
Maybe its Marvelline

Reed study really hard and the same with Doom

>they aged her up to be the same age as all the people that were aged down
Well how about that.

She's not the most intelligent in terms of actual knowledge since all she has to go off of is a shitty public elementary school education. She's the smartest in terms of raw processing power/IQ.

Bruce Banner created some kinda puzzle box that even he couldn't solve with the idea being that anyone who could actually solve it would be the smartest person on Earth because the current "smartest people" couldn't do it. Cho gave her the box to test her and she managed to solve it.

But, again, it doesn't matter if she's the "smartest person on earth" if she doesn't have the knowledge to apply that intellect with. It's commentary on the idea that there are potentially all these geniuses or savants out there that go unheard of and their untapped potential gets wasted because they never get the education and help to mold them into the next Albert Einstein.

Someone edit her with blue hair
Marge Simpson.

> Valeria Richards

funny how nobody questioned why Val was so smart.

THANK YOU! Someone finally explained the character to me without heaps of shitposting. Ty user you are one of the good ones

What's there to question? She's Reed's daughter. Of course she'd be one of the smartest people on Earth by age 3.

It's because Reed isn't in 616 right now and The Maker hasn't had his chance to mess with her.

Isn't she meant to be basically girl Hurkel?

And She has that whole cosmic radiation thing going too.

Valeria also isn't in 616 right now. And Bruce is dead. And Tony is in a coma. And Pym is "dead."

So the list of "world's smartest people" got stripped pretty bare.

because of her legs

Yeah. As adults, Valeria is the most intelligent person in existence and Franklin is the most powerful person in existence.

So Einsteins Father was the smartest man before him?

You forgot how Cho suddenly became a dumb dudebro since hulking out (even though it's not acknowledged).

its the same way that the concept of building a car would seem rather hard for someone from 700 years ago while someone like you can just order a kit online and just read a book. There is a Curve for this sorta thing. Space travel wasnt a chapter in 7th grade a ways back

I assumed it as combination of Nature (cosmic rays and good genes), nurture, and also that crazy magic shit Doom pulled so she didn't die during her birth.

Sad they apparently dropped the whole "Wasp has a crush on crazy teacher Pym" thing in this game.

Franklin is a Mutie Freak. val was just lucky enough to come out of Reeds nutsack

>So the list of "world's smartest people" got stripped pretty bare.

You know as well as I and everyone else on this board that not a single soul at Marvel sat down gave legitimate, rational thought to this girl's intelligence on the scale of Marvel geniuses. Some fat, white asshole said "WE'LL LOOK REALLY GOOD ON SOCIAL MEDIA IF WE MAKE A MINORITY GIRL THE SMARTEST PERSON EVER FUCK THE FANS" and then a bunch of fat white womyn with sassy blue hair and fat black women with even sassier Twitter accounts shouted "YAAAAAS QUEEN" and it happened.

The fact that people are even trying to logically justify it using comics canon that even the writers (who are out there proudly claiming that these are the first comics they've ever read, let alone written) don't give two shits about.

Well doom is a bad guy with bad guy traits. Reed is a good guy. That's the explanation

Watch out, user. Your persecution complex is starting to shine through.

Is she smarter than people who are super smart as a superpower like the Leader or Thinker?

>Some fat, white asshole
Just say Bendis user.

People who get their intelligence from super-powers generally don't "count" when talking about the list.

Hindsight Lad was a character that stuck around for a while in the 90's.

And became a villain that managed to stop a couple super teams.

Bendis had nothing to do with Moon-Girl's creation, and in fact probably hates her because her existence gets in the way of Riri being the super-special genius black girl.

Beast is blue idiot

Lots of people who don't have that as a superpower are. It's dumb, but then people like the Kingpin or the Ox aren't supposed to have super-strength either.

the fact that you're getting upset over a childrens comic is the real travesty

Isn't it still sometimes argued that Reeds smarts were from his powers too?

It is still weird when Reed, Doom, and Hank are still smarter than guys like the Leader and Modok when they should be churning out cosmic cubes.

What happened to her clothes in the last panel?

Hulk is strong, he says so himself.

muties come in all shapes and sizes

Something tells me Doom never tried it

Blame the guy who thought "super smart" was a good idea for a superpower.

but bruce is just barely in the top 5 smartest,
Richards, Pym, and Stark all beat him and Doom does too, but he's often left off the list as he's not a hero.
so her solving it just means she instantly breaks into the top 5 not that she gets the number 1 spot.

Undiagnosed X-gene for super intellect.

wow, look at all this rageful misogynerds.
Its like goobergape was still a thing.
Marvel most intelligent character is a little girl of color, deal with it

Actually I hate all the Richards children too.

He was smarter than Doom even in college though and Doom is widely considered the second smartest person on Earth.

>It's commentary on the idea that there are potentially all these geniuses or savants out there that go unheard of and their untapped potential gets wasted because they never get the education and help to mold them into the next Albert Einstein.

I actually really like this idea. It seems like so many superheroes just happen to be super scientists or billionaires or soldiers or policemen or space-faring aliens or whatever—some kind of position that grants them access to all the resources and training they'll need to be a superhero.

I like the idea of totally average people, or even disadvantaged people, getting superheroes and essentially having to figure them out from scratch. No globetrotting trips of self-exploration or anything like that.

Yeah, but Stark, Pym and Richards are all "dead."

It's bad enough that i finally plan on skipping one of the special events.

man i wish they'd stop putting out events with shitty c-list charcters that no one cares about and just unlock the last two zones that have been in the game since launch.

If you play games that rely on you acting like a drug addict, don't expect them to treat you otherwise.

How does one go about creating a puzzle they cant solve?

Scienceforce, ain't gotta explain shit.

So cool, she gets bumped up to the top of the list by the vacancies...that still doesn't change the fact that solving the box only puts her in top 5 not #1 like the comics are trying to push.

yes, i'm just mad that they aren't calling her "The smartest person in the marvel universe who is also currently alive."

Except she has knowledge now. She can improve Forge's machines and build alien-to-english translator devices. Genius intellect is just another excuse for writers to pull stuff out their asses.

I actually think it's a graphical glitch as in the talking sections, she's shorter than every other character except Lucky and Rocket.

They did age Ms Marvel up for this however, and there is some time travel bullshit going on thanks to Kang dragging Cassie Lang back to a time where she's the same age as her dad Scott.

Well yeah, her appearances outside of her own book are straight garbage.

Did they add shipping in yet? I've been avoiding the game until they finally add shipping.

The whole thing is time fuckering. The campus is surrounded by "Time fog!"

avengers academy is more or less battleworld.

no, and they removed the "coming soon" relationships button a while ago.

Can you prove Einstein's father wasn't an intelligent man? Genetics is definitely a factor, friend.

There are a lot more villains in the supersmart area too that might beat out Tony, Bruce, and Hank.

Leader, MODOK, and Thinker were mentioned, but you also have guys like Wizard, Doc Oc, Sinister, Egghead, Maximus, Gorgon, High Evolutionary, Armin Zola, and Arcade.

They have done some crazy shit in their wanting to stop Hulk, take over the Negative Zone, invade Kree Larr, etc.

Kids growing up now are given a shitload more access to knowledge than older generations, and the tools for learning outclass anything set in place in the past. There are kids coming up with insane innovations in competitions and programs held every year when previous generations never got the opportunity because it didn't exist yet. A year of intense study now is like a condensed 5 years from before.

Yes, she is designed to be the Smartest

some people are talking Richards is the same, but it is bullshit, After tons of stories of Reed doing really smart and genius things people decide he was the smartest

Moon Girl have only a dozen comics, only a few achievements, so they introduced a Deus Ex Machina Plot device, a Puzzle that Banner made and no one even him can solve ( extreme bullshit level ) and Moon Girl solves it in instants, so Cho says she is the smartest person in the world even though Reed probably never tried to solve the Puzzle

meant for

It's going to be Hang Outs now.

... Whenever they actually get around to it

Villians are never included on those lists though.
When they say "Smartest person" they really mean "Smartest hero."

The fact that game only has two base bodies really makes her look not 11.

That seems like one hell of a weird edit even by Sup Forums, /aco/, and /trash/ standards. Like, who looked at that panel and thought "But what if she's suddenly in her silk sexy lingerie"?

Oh god. This game was such garbage. Tinyco is worse than fucking EA

>What happened to her clothes in the last panel?
>stripped pretty bare.

Cho also calls himself the 8th smartest. And then acts like a braindead chad thundercock.

That's gotta be edited.

All that green testosterone is affecting him, No wonder Banner was insane

Her being "the Smartest" didn't even become a plot point until like 14 issues in.


Doc Green is where all the smarts come from

>like the comics are trying to push

Its THEIR universe user. If They say she is the smartest, all the nerdrage in the world isnt gonna change that. They dont need to push the idea since its already stated

Is Hulk beating up Daredevil really supposed to be some shocking revelation?

I read this entire post in Toki Wartooth's voice

*Hits you in the arm*

>It's commentary on the idea that there are potentially all these geniuses or savants out there that go unheard of and their untapped potential gets wasted because they never get the education and help to mold them into the next Albert Einstein.

Reminds me of something I read where it's possible someone can be really good at ice skating but they wouldn't ever know because they live in the desert or somewhere far from any ice/snow or ice rink.

That's because of bad writing. People confusing being smart with knowing everything. Even in her own book she doesn't know all the answers, but every where else instantly solves a problem with no prep.

My guess is more that they needed something iconic to serve as the cord of the necklace.

>you need to recruit Shit Girl to progress and get Elsa and Herc later

Spider-Man event was a turd but at least you could skip Spider-Gwen until Venom.

>She can improve Forge's machines
Well yeah, it's Forge. His powers let him create shit that gets the job done, not done efficiently.

Threadly nigminder that she stole the mantle from a literal monkey and nobody yelled at marvel about it.

daily reminder that youve been yelling about it this whole time

Because people bitching about it would give credit to the racist comparason

WTF I love brown girls now!

I have no argument against that, and that's what makes me mad about it.

I need rule 34 of this now

I thought he cheated by stretching his brain to make it work better.

It's show vs tell.
They've shown us that she's capable of being in the top 5.
They tell us, "Nope, number one."

show is always a better story mechanic then tell.