For all of the quips and jokes the MCU throws out there to try and be funny...

For all of the quips and jokes the MCU throws out there to try and be funny, this small moment remains my favorite bit of dialogue

Yeah, I like MCU Ironman. A lot of people get tired of the whole smart ass routine but I just don't.

>i get that reference
>he is adopted
>im listening
>hulk, smash
lots of good lines

>>he is adopted
That one is terrible though.

I wouldn't spend a genie's wish to be in the same boat as you, but if I wished for infinite wishes I'd probably get to it eventually.


This shit is terrible. Jesus Christ, fuck Marvel.

You're just a nonce

At least he's satisfied while you're just bitter.

>tfw bitterly satisfied masterrace

Sounds like a first grader. Sorry, but no one talks like that. Especially in such a tense scene. Having Tony do his thing to ease the tension is one thing but in a scene where no one is getting along and everyone is fucking pissed at each other (including Tony) he says "HOW ABOUT NONCE"? Fuck outta here Whedon.

Tony's schtick is a lot more tolerable when the movie doesn't treat him like a shining hero. He's fine in Civil War.

>Sounds like a first grader.

That's why I love it, and the way it's delivered makes it seem like it wasn't even a joke, but a dead serious come back....cracks me the hell up

>Marvel, not even nonce

Is he talking Nonce Sense?

In the United Kingdom, nonce is a slang word for a pariah within a community of prisoners, typically a sex offender, child sexual abuser or one who has turned state's evidence.

A stairwell nonce bashing can leave you quadra-spazzed on a life glug.

My god damned eyes! What did you make me read with my god damned eyes!

It's just a game of French Cricket, user

mcu stark is just a charismatic villain
too bad the mcu has way too much RDJ in it for me to enjoy him anymore

You guys overrate how much RDJ is in the non-Iron Man films.

Yeah okay sure
>Look! New Spider-Man movie!! And look, he's in the MCU!!! Look, guys, please, Iron Man is in it!! Spidey thinks it's a hug isn't that funny? Look they're flying around together! It's Iron Man!

>wonder woman: 13%

No one was even talking about DC, Mouseketeer.

MCU Iron Man is solid, I just hate when Whedon's writing him.

Not the point of the post, my dear shill.

You don't have to worry about that anymore.

>Iron Man
>Iron Man 2
>Iron Man and Friends
>Iron Man 3
>Iron Man and Friends 2: evil iron man
>Cap 3: iron man 4
>Iron Man and his illegitimate spider-son
yeah no

It's almost as if Iron Man sells and likely makes tons of money even if he were to only show up for 5 minutes.

>if he were to only show up for 5 minutes.
it would be nice if he did

You mean his illegitimate spider-nephew.


Son nephew. He's Spidey's new dad uncle.

Mark Millar? What are you doing on Sup Forums?

>How to not into humor

Whedon haters btfo.
Get over it, he's funny.

I do agree. His humour reminds me of old british sitcoms and his dialog is amazingly dense

> Iron Man vs Thanos: Infinity War Guest Starring the Avengers

Agreed. Although he did go a bit overboard in AoU.

Up you go


The only explanation for these kind of ''insults'' is that Sup Forums is overrun by manchildren who are a click away from posting ''Wow, you are a meanie poopyhead''.

As correct as you are, Sup Forums IS literally a board for manchildren, however I have to say there is some basis to those wars fucks are the worst and are pretty much cucks to the companies "they do it for free" for, and in the way of so called mouseketeers they really are just brainless sycophants to anything put out by Disney

>no one talks like that. Especially in such a tense scene.
Yes people do. Go outside. Talk to people. Socialize. Make friends. Become a normie. Stop being such a socially inept weirdo.

>you are a meanie poopyhead
I miss the old wordfiters

I love Tony. He is premium quality entertainment. Always hilarious.

>the first Avengers movie
>Iron Man and Friends
>Cap 3: Iron Man 4
Just because he's in it at all?

Genuinely the worst line in the franchise. I like Whedon's stuff a lot of the time, but making Thor sound like a character from Buffy is probably his lowest point.

There are a lot I like but that particular one felt stunted as fuck.
Tony's line feels very "writer-y" for lack of a better word.

Apart from the horrible acting from both Scarjo and Hemsworth, the most baffling part about it is that they joked about Loki murdering, what, 60 people? And then they come out with a statement that only 70 people died in the THE BATTLE OF NEW YORK©

>there are people on co that actually like the lame quips and jokes in mcu
that doesn't look like a party.gif
honestly makes me want to leave this board

This. Anyone who hates Whedon is just a contrarian idiot, everything he does is absolute gold.

>>Cap 3: iron man 4
Yeh, this one was actually funny

>And then they come out with a statement that only 70 people died in the THE BATTLE OF NEW YORK©

No, that's 70 people indirectly killed by the Avengers. You got it all wrong, user.

Wow, you are a meanie poopyhead

I liked a lot of his stuff when it was new, but rewatching some things, especially Buffy, have got me off the train. The only thing he's made that stood the test of time was Firefly, and I'm convinced that was just because of all the love the entire staff put into it.

The problem his he gained a large fanbase due to his quality works who would eat whatever shit he put in front of them. Over time he stopped hearing criticism and it really hurt his writing ability.

>You're unbearably naive.
>Well, I was born yesterday.

That's so bad though. Anything from Iron Man is good, but his avengers lines suck.

No, no one talks like that. You protest too much with this go outside shit.

The one that got me was "Did they work for you?" line from Wong when Strange said people used to think he was funny. It's just a quick response that's all in the delivery and much better than the other jokes crammed into the movie.

In the UK, 'nonce' means pedo.

He's going to be plowing that hot aunt pussy all night long

>>i get that reference
I don't get the hate for this line. I genuinely found it funny. Still do.

Also, it was, "I understood that reference."

Fuck, this scene was perfect. I didn't like Age of Ultron but it stings more knowing that we could have had an entire film with the tone of this scene but didn't.

This, gay af

Fuck, that line was so unnecessary and against the tone.

But I don't really know how he could've answered meaningfully either. Just having him laser Ultron down would've made him feel like an autist who can't take a petty insult too.