Samurai Jack thread

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Man, that show was a borefest. Always robots or alien creatures cuz it's a kid's show and he can't just cut a nigga down.

That one episode with the three archers was pretty dope tho.

You are a bit mistaken though. In one episode Jack kill at least two humans (bounty hunter episode)

And show is great.


Why won't the ghosts leave me alone?

where did you find this?

It'd just a clip from one of the 30 second promos.



Dammit, I can't wait! I'm gonna watch Logan tomorrow to ease the tension; they're kinda similar.

How is "Milk Drinkin" an insult?


Look at this wimp, drinking milk when he could be chugging toxic mercury and sloth cum like a big boy.

If you're drinking milk, you're either a child or sickly, is the though behind it.
Grown men drink beer.

It implies 'nursing', not that you're drinking cow's milk. Not that it can't, however, as someone like the Scotsman would probably try to get his calcium and Vitamin D from the contents of beer. Cause Scotsman.


Babies drink milk, so Jack was called a baby

A lot of asians are lactose intolerant i guess???

sometimes tumblr puts out some good stuff

As much as I loved Johnny Bravo I dunno how I'd feel about a revival of the show

I, for one, like Jack's new armor.

it actually makes a lot of sense he can use guns now, seeing how he has mastered so many weapons of HIS time. But I'm a bit worried about scotsman and the baby

Will she return?

I'm worried about if they'll bring back that guardian guy or not myself. Are there other images like that btw?

I think it's going to be okay at worst.

The music is the part I'm fearing the most. Tyler Bates works aren't bad but they aren't memorable neither.

Imagine if the new season had Junkie XL as a composer.

I don't have any, at least

You know it'd be pretty clever to have Aku use that form again, or at least alternate between other transformations to compensate for Mako's absence. Alternatively, use Baldwin to demonstrate the change in his character; he doesn't sound his usual dark self because he's depressed as fuck and can't find the motivation to do anything without Jack.

Bonus points if they splice him with Mako's voice when he's actually getting shit done. That would be so worth it.

>show goes on hiatus at episode LII
>show comes back at episode XCII
>that leaves potential for 40 more "lost" episodes to be made about the in between time after the series wraps up

Not gonna lie, former Samurai Jack fan here. It's been hilarious watching this revival crash and burn, but seriously we can't let this guy get back to the past.

shut the fuck up aku. let him back to the past.

We assumed he killed them, nothing ever confirmed it.

He always seemed to just be sitting around not doing much of anything besides just being a prick to anyone within reach whenever Jack wasn't around.
Poor guy must have no one else that understands him like Jack does.

this is getting dangerously close to a batman/joker dynamic
If their last encounter is anything to go by, it's pretty clear that Aku is already there at least.

Man, I just got to watching this show and it's fantastic, but why does Jack alternate between being an intelligent warrior and a complete idiot?

Considering Genndy's talked about how Jack's going to kill his first human this season, I'd say it's finally been confirmed that he didn't kill those bounty hunters.

To quote Dark Helmet
>Now you see that evil will always prevail, because good is dumb.

Watched that episode only recently. One of the funniest episodes of the whole show, I'd say. Although it did kinda beg the question how the story is ever going to progress with both of them one-upping each other like that. It didn't help that the show ended shortly after

Does Genndy have a thing for light blue dog ladies? The ones in his clone wars was way too hot and now he unleash dog milf and her qt daughter into the world.
Is the mad man trying to convert us?

Don't get why so many people seemed caught up on that though, it's not anything in that episode made it definitive that he had to have killed them.

Is Aku /ourguy/?

You probably saw her in the trailers

Why didn't it work Sup Forums?
Why did it end up giving Aku an actual personality?

Becase Aku is just a living evil

Because they didn't understand what they were dealing with and their hocus pocus reacted with the evil goo in unexpected ways.

Why didn't the gods step in to finish off the last chunk of evil anyway?

Why does that line sound so badass

>Why didn't the gods step in
Where were they the last 2000 years anyway?


More like the last 599,999,980,00 years ago.

Why didn't aku ever try to make him forget exactly what year he is supposed to go back to?

>Why didn't it work Sup Forums?
Because the enchanted arrow was presumably designed to erradicate life (-1). Primordial Aku was the antithesis of life (-1). Instead of destroying the pit, it canceled itself out and created a new life form entirely.
-1 x -1 = 1
>Why did it end up giving Aku an actual personality?
Human influence, presumably inherited from the arrow or whoever fabricated it. Aku is a wizard of sorts, isn't he?

You must be from the future have already seen how things will go. Which is odd, because Aku destroyed all the time portals.

Aku did take a form very similar to the new assassin ladies when he transformed from woman to normal appearance, I could see something like this happening

Except the one the blue guardian was guarding.
Also the Lizard monks claimed that while destroyed, they could rebuild it, it just takes time.

And time is now something Jack has in abundance. This does assume that Aku just leaves the lizard monks alone, though.

always assumed he was the lady on the left.

>he doesn't sound his usual dark self because he's depressed as fuck and can't find the motivation to do anything without Jack
wonder what he did all those years between flinging him through the portal and Jack reappearing.
There are always more worlds to conquer, like the Imakandi planet and Chrystallis

Because Jack's dad prayed to the wrong god.

Why did Aku woke up with a Japanese voice?

Because he had been living in Japan and eating Japaneses for millions of years.

Oh shit.


Scotsman confirmed

Come here to post this

I just watched this episode in my rewatch/marathon thing, since I've never actually seen the whole thing like many other cartoons I watched when I was a kid, and in part 2 this happens.
The Emperor strikes the final blow upon Aku's final bit of himself, and instead of some fuckhueg explosion or the usual burning paper animation, he gets absorbed into the sword.
So, if The Emperor had just sheathed the sword, would Aku have been trapped? He seemed pretty helpless as he was being sucked into it. Do you think this is going to play into the new season's finale at all?

Looks like a gun dick now

Can the sword even truly destroy Aku? It only managed to seal him away last time.

That's what I'm saying, when The Emperor "Banished Him from the Sword" by stabbing the ground, all he did was temporarily transmute his form back into a tree. Aku simply bided his time in it until he had once again gained enough power to reform himself.
But, if they had just sheathed the sword and locked it away what could he have done? It just seems strange, the way the sword behaved when he was defeated.

>7 Days...
Now there is 6, pretty soon.

Is that Steve Harwell, Lead Singer of Smash Mouth?

>mfw I get to enjoy SJ and nier automata before my birthday hits

Not sure. It's a gif from Over The Hedge.

It's almost like it's a kid show that showed on a kids network when we were all kids.

So many years and now it all comes down to one single week.

Who hyped?

I really enjoyed your pretend urban slang. Very funny! We should hang out sometime.

>post yfw The son of Leonidas that Jack helped in the spartan episode is now an old king himself and because of what Jack did all those years ago the Spartan kingdom are forever indebted to Jack and they end up aiding him in the final confrontation with there being a large scale war between the Spartans and the Aku's minion army right before Jack has a showdown with Aku himself

more like
>Post yfw everyone who jack has ever helped on his journey comes back to help him on the final confrontation with there being a large scale war between them and the Aku's minion army right before Jack has a showdown with Aku himself

Could be the case, if Jack bothered to tell them he was OK.
It was kinda sad to see the Spartan king pass away with the knowledge that Jack didn't survived the battle.

where's his beautiful wife?

>mfw niggerjack appears and he's just afro samurai while voiced by sam jackson

It's an interesting way of highlighting the timeskip. Makes me half-wonder if Genndy has a bunch of episode outlines lying around that were written up before the show was cancelled.

I mean, I doubt it because that's a lot of episodes to have planned out (about three years worth), but it'd be fun if it were true.

who had a harder life, Jack or his Dad?

I didn't know how much i wanted this until now

Think they'll bring him back?

i would much rather see aku go try hard and have the entire cast try and fight him while he uses 110% of his power.
in the first episode when he escapes from the tree, he's the size of godzilla or bigger and no one can even do anything to him, so a fight like that but a lot longer would be sweet

How would the Gate Guardian do against Aku?

Honestly i don't think so, the trailer makes it seem like they're gonna take a more serious tone with the story so we might not get someone as wacky as the SAM-U-RAI showing up.

>frustrated ginger on a wheel chair shooting things with his foot minigun isn't whacky

After Jack taught him, I expect him to be anything but.

He's naive, not stupid, a subtle, but important distinction. He tends to assume the best of a lot of the people he meets and take them at their word, and this has led to trouble on many occasions.

>Jack realises he's got to get back to the past to undo the future that is CN

>Emperor sheathes the sword
>Aku is trapped forever
>Samurai Jack the cartoon never happens


Wouldn't it be cool to seem him come back after the lessons jack taught him?

That's some Diabolo shit right there.
Some powerhungry bastard will look out for the demon powered sword in the near future, because legends and so on and release Aku.

I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that that was Aku's true form.

At least his dad had a life. Jack's been running headlong since he was like 8 years old.

True, true.

>New series comes out in just a few days
>Decide to rewatch the show because I barely remember it
>Only halfway through S2
How do I get the motivation to knock back two and a half seasons in a mere seven days?

Pathetic, I have marathoned 24 episodes of some anime in a day once, you weakling.