What kind of god would put a kid through this suffering?

What kind of god would put a kid through this suffering?

a god with a wicked sense of humor

I really want to laugh but that's horrendous. Poor kid.

How is this tv related?

How did he put that tshirt on?

I hope you enjoy cancer.

He could make it as a gimmick actor.

>God is perfect so everything He makes should be perfect
Is atheism the religion for idiots?

>56% face

how'd he get his shirt on?


With great difficulty.


Pulled it up from the bottom.


This is from an allergic reaction to a bee sting,

His imperfect creations prevent him from being perfect.

In natural conditions that kid would be dead, so don't blame god
Blame the doctors that help this ghoul live with their unnecesary medical advances

Nature is evil. Culture is a coping mechanism we developed to distract us from that

Ah yes, I love this particular Television & Film :^)

By the time I'm in my 50s+, cancer survival rates will be pretty gud

i am guessing he was trying to do the "I identify as Joker" reference


It was extremely painful

intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

>Is atheism the religion for idiots?

chew 5gum they said

Everything is perfectly made to serve the Lord in different ways snon.

Also part of God taking the piss.

Is that the 23% face?

research Gnosticism

If you bad at something. And this something causes suffering, maybe you should just gtfo?

>Blame the doctors that help this ghoul live with their unnecesary medical advances
This. When your kid has "cancer" (made up BS! from the doctors), just pray for him.

You won't make it to 50.

maybe the kid is an atheist?

Gushers, actually. Only '90s Kids will get the reference.

fuck you for making me laugh

he's a detective with a NOSE for crime

Either god wants him to be a hideous monster and therefore god is an asshole. Or god had no had no choice in it and therefore is not omnipotent. If god creates suffering, he's a dick. If he can't stop suffering from existing, he's not a god. If god is perfect (your words), then yes, he should be able to eliminate suffering.

I know you want to rail against annoying atheists but do try to at least grasp one of the most basic arguments they use. And make sure you read up on your theology because I'm sure you're equally clueless about religion.

God's a cunt

Way to miss the point dumbass.
A consequence of our medical advances is that it allows suffering people to continue suffering. Assisted euthanasia is illegal in most states.

you guys gotta stop being so racist. being born black isnt "suffering"

But God wants suffering. Everything he does is perfect. If there is anything perceivably imperfect about what he does, you're wrong because it's actually perfect and that perfection is allowing you to think it isn't perfect. Perfect is just another word for whatever God does.


I love off topic Sup Forums threads desu. Always some gems in them you don't see elsewhere

cancer can be treated, this can't
grow up

>Reddit spacing

>this can't
oh boy ;_;

he truly does

does Sup Forums, dare I say it, have the best off-topic threads of all time

Who will play him in the inevitable bio pic?

And a fortunate result of our medical advances is that we're able to cure diseases and treat conditions that previously would have been a guaranteed death sentence. The quality of life now is vastly better than it was in the past.

Even if it is an unfortunate result, those medical advances aren't "unnecessary."

>that duck he has shaved into his hair
nigga has style

John Deere

Atheists are more concerned about the complete lack of evidence for the existence of any specific deity.

fuck this gay universe

it's time to pull the plug


Definitely. For a board so dedicated to shitposting these threads have remarkably little circle jerking etc

God can go fuck himself, I'm no slave.

Help him live with what? You can walk around with NF1 neurofibromatosis without having a doctor sustain you every waking moment. There are complications, but the life expectancy is generally normal. Unless the kid is getting chemo or surgery to have them removed, they're not doing much.

Tbh medical advance in general is undeniably good but I don't see why assisted euthanasia should be illegal at all. It's horrible to make already terribly disabled people have to turn to other means or continue their last miserable days until they finally give out. Sometimes the pain really does outweigh everything else and it's the best option. People with locked in syndrome and similar stuff can't even do it themselves.

literal free will
also this tends more since sub-humans are mating more than ever


>God makes it perfectly clear that fucking your relatives is bad by making the offspring deformed and/or retarded
>Sleep with your relatives anyway
>This thing pops out
>It's still God's fault somehow

oh you

Maybe one day he'll get to do a film with Scarlett Johansson too

It's funny

>make the child suffer because the parents fucked up

nice plan you got there god

they are unnecesary to this sort of patients

>oh so your boy is fucking retarded but he will live, your welcome

>S-suck my dick every Sunday!!

uhh.... all part of G-d's plan.... lol!!!!!!!!!

God manifests itself in free will
I spell that word with a capital letter only for the sake of Grammer

that thing should just be killed

You're cool bro

>He's making it up as he goes along

>God HAS to intervene or he's an asshole

There are child sex slaves out there right now that you could save if you devoted your life to helping save them. You could study cases, learn detective skills, get close to street people and eventually find leads, and give them to the cops. Why don't you do that? Are you an asshole?

Anyone else look at this and feel terrified?

I'll probably have children and the fact something like this could happen is paralyzing. I'd have to kill them, I wouldn't be able to sit there and watch as they freak the fuck out because tumours have eaten their eyes.

I have face blindness. Who is that?

Naah not yet, bear with me

Literally me

Idris Elba

it probably fastens at the back, or has buttons along the top of the shoulders giving it a huge neck hole

Barack Obama
OP implies that the younger generation is doomed because of his policies that put them through suffering for years to come.

Not a fair analogy. God has a magic button he could hit and end child slavery, and people don't.

all Earthly joy and suffering are fleeting and insignificant compared to the glory of God

As far as I am concerned you are all just part of a very convincing simulation.

if god, who is all powerful and all knowing and all loving can't even be bothered to snap his finger to help the ten of thousands of suffering children then surely child sex slavery is a vital part of his great plan and I wouldn't want to interfere with that

According to the bible the creation of mankind was through incest (Adam and Eve).