Stan Lee cameos in whatever the fuck last Sup Forums thing you saw. What's he doing?

Stan Lee cameos in whatever the fuck last Sup Forums thing you saw. What's he doing?

He's the announcer at a strip club.

He commenting on Deadpool's nice costume.

He's eating pineapple salad.

Riding a city bus, reading 'The Doors of Perception'.

I can't read in a moving vehicle, makes me queasy.

Getting shot by Vigilante

>Zip it Stan Lee!
>You didn't even create me!

Also, he should of been the old man who was killed.

>should of

Voltron S2
He's the one abducted and now for sale in the Gray's item shop instead of Kaltenecker

>Lego Stan Lee
>"Iron Man doesn't suck!"

Do the Paladins have to ride a Hover Stan Lee out of the space mall?

That's the plan.

Still being better than the ending.


Maybe he appears as one of the people Sniktbut has to drive for?

He was the old man with the dog that X-23 stole the truck from

>latest Steven Universe
He's sitting in the audience and remarks "Spidey wouldn't do that"




Is that true?
I swear I thought this was going to be the second time he wouldn't appear in a Fox movie (which this time I feel deserved more a Stan cameo than Trankt4stic)

I also just saw Logan so idk maybe an extra at the casino. the movie really wasn't the type for a stan lee cameo joke.


He was dnagling from a cable strapped to a fire hydrant in a park.

I was playing Lego Marvel