Yet another masterpiece from owlturd!

Yet another masterpiece from owlturd!

I understand the sentiment. Heck, he's lucky someone would say that to him in the first place.

Owlturd is actually decently funny when he doesn't make "lol depreshun" comics.
But then he deletes the funny comics for them being ableist.

Man, talk about sticking to a formula.
You see one of these you really do see 'em all.

But I sympathize with that.

I never do anything for my family so why do they want me around all the time...

What a stupid guy.

Owlturd used to make these cute little comics for a forum I went on semi often, before he had the name

it's a shame

this one hits too close to home

"I don't care to belong to any club that will have me as a member".

That's retarded

>tfw to intelligent for any home hitting

Wasn't that one time? That's hardly representative.

owlturd thread? owlturd thread.

It really bothers me that I never noticed his moustache was painted on before.




Haha I can't function like a normal human being aren't I so #relatable?????!

I like how even his guest artist once ribbed him.

It's forced relatable. That can really apply to many sad moments. You fagd should be ashamed of being so easily impressed by that garbage.

You know, a comic of that sort of format would actually be fun. You know, setting up a scenario that revolves around a common personal flaw and just harshly and unforgivingly shutting the character down, ideally in a reflected and constructive manner.

>forced relatable
I simultaneously hate you for making this term while agreeing with you here


I'll never know how my brain reacts at those moments.

If you were to win the lottery today, would you instantly believe it to be true without a doubt.

is there anyone that isn't a cartoon character that have a normal brain?

>I love you!
>I know

Is this his attempt at trying to be different?

He caved and removed this after getting shit from some self-diagnosed Tumblrinas who think that disabilities and disorders are personality traits.


This is one of the few personification jokes I can accept.


lolololol so #relatable (insert crying emoji with a smile)

Haha self-loathing, am I right?

Does that get you a free pass to spend 5 minutes doing a comic and pretending you deserve money for that?


Jesus fuck, what an a-grade faggot.



This faggot probably has a really great life and can't even relate to his own comics

awww life is so hard I have to get up in the morning can you relate tumblr crowd please give me notes

>ITT: jealous ""artists"" of a guy with nice comics which happens to be somewhat popular

>people complaining about a comic about shapes
>artist admitting that their comic about shapes was probluhmatic

This is outrage culture in its most pure, distilled form.

Fucking incredible.


don't worry, it's just another way to say "lowest common denominator"

well he has the cowardice of his convictions

what is this image

A meme of sorts from another time.

Boy, ain't that the truth.

>accepting help instead of fighting your on battles

dont expect to get better that way

>when even White Korra talks shit about you

I like it

When did "doubt" become the sign of a mentally destroyed human?
Everyone has doubted themselves at least once

Leave, Boco.

Man, what a normie. "Lol I'm so dysfunctional" might as well be the new "lol I'm so quirky/random." What an unobserved life to live. Read a book. Watch a movie that wasn't made to sell merchandise.

That's the point. He uses simplistic, childlike drawings to showcase how we all feel from time to time, but makes it seem so crushing and difficult in order to appeal to the ego of self-centered morons who are literally incapable of realizing that they're being pandered to.

I'm not talking about whoever the fuck made the comic, I'm talking about it in general. People genuinely think doubt is a sign that they're depressed or have anxiety or whatever dumb shit

He makes so many of these "depression/self-hating/anxiety/failure..etc." comics that people got concerned and started asking if he was okay and he pretty much just said that he thinks making comics like these are funny for him.

But dear lord, why does he keeps posting the same stuff over and over again? The comics he makes, that aren't this shit, are actually good.

Maybe someone thouhj gen corn is a good picture and will sell in many publications.

It's because he grew a real one from time to time.