What makes him so special that they can't mass produce his super suit?

what makes him so special that they can't mass produce his super suit?

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Token nigger armour.

In reality, almost all shield agents should have an iron man like suit

nothing, hes useless trash. just like bow and arrow, african-american widow and the captain


>dat feel when the Vulture suit completely put Falcons shit to shame

He has the patents and quite frankly his suit is less effective than Iron Man's suit

I imagine using a suit like that would be difficult and that it'd be difficult and expensive to mass produce. But then again, he just kept it in his closet, and Vulture had one.

>In reality, almost all shield agents should have an iron man like suit
Iron Man 2 deals with this. Tony doesn't want to give the government his suits, and other competitors can't make them.

the problems with Ironman trying to keep his suits secret are immense and I just don't see it being possible especially after Avengers and Ultron.

>Stark has an entire company built around Ironman and later the avengers meaning shits moving hands all day long
>Chitari tech literally raining down all over NYC
>Ultron shenanigans
>Shield secrets getting scattered all over the intertubes
>Hydra taking all kinds of Shield secrets for themselves
>Also Stark blowing up all his suits up to that point scattering parts and shit everywhere in IM3
>nevermind that Rhodes still works for the US government and routinely have all kinds of alone time with the War Machine unit even if its more dated than IronMans machines its still a great deal to go on

IM2 showed all kinds of countries, companies, and rouge states were trying to make their own mechs and doing decently well not even a few months after IM1.

>IM2 showed all kinds of countries, companies, and rouge states were trying to make their own mechs and doing decently well not even a few months after IM1.

We could have had armor wars. We could have had Tony fighting a giant goddamn soviet mech. We could have had the chink ninja samurai shit

between the alien invasion of NYC, the dissolution of Shield, and Ultron the world should by all means be in a tech/bio/etc. arms race and theres really nothing that should stop em.

By all means countries should be building all kinds of various mechanical suits and mechs, cooking shit up in labs trying to make their own Cap and/or Hulks, etc.

Nevermind that the USA has Abomination in custody being their own reverse blueprint for something close to a Hulk, has access to vast troves of alien tech, Shield/hydra shit, has bit of control over Stark.

It's not actually his, it's an Air Force prototype that they stole off screen in WAS and the DoD never asked for it back because......reasons.

Same thing that makes F-22 so special that they can't mass produce it.

everything the "falcon" can do could be accomplished from a drone

having the ability to fly....at high speeds is completely pointless when the limitation is the human body.

Its like having a TANK motorcycle

>Its like having a TANK motorcycle
I want to live in the reality where that exists

he's the "special" member of the team, he got hit by an rpg flying one of those things after all

sort of

>doing decently well
If I remember that movie right, they were all failures despite pouring tons of research and development into their projects (meanwhile, Tony made the first suit IN A CAVE. WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS). Justin Hammer gets closest to replicating Iron Man only because he has Vanko build the suits for him (and they're still piles of crap).

SHIELD did have a lot of work into alien technology even before the Chitari invasion, but after Captain America 2, it doesn't seem like that research has really gone anywhere. The government seems more interested in just burying the stuff (as seen in Homecoming) than in developing super weapons that will just fall into the wrong hands. Then there's the Falcon, who was a government attempt at new military technology that ultimately went nowhere and wound up in a box in some dude's closet.

So I dunno. It seems like governments just can't get their shit together to develop these kinds of super weapons.

>like governments
what universe are you living in where "muh governments" are the ones creating bleeding edge technology?

>missile/rocket tech
>jet engines

His buddy got RPG'd, not him.
It's not even a gubment wingsuit, Stark designed it.

This universe. Especially when we're talking military hardware, yes, governments are going to step in when you try to develop the next Iron Man suit. They did that shit to Stark.

And yes, governments are incompetent, which is why you have guys like Peter Parker making his webshooters, and the Tinkerer building all that tech for the Vulture, and the bad guys in Iron Man 3, and Hydra.

well then he must've been in the special squadron

Yeah, remember when Justin Hammer built those suits for the government. Money well spent. Oh wait no all those suits were trash and got destroyed and the government wasted their money.

considering the entire MCU went from no robots/mech suits to shit like NK having workable machines within a few months I'd consider it decently well.

Granted the machines were either wrecking the pilots, selfdestructing, or going on murder rampages.

Still its the equivalent of Aussie Abos going from the stone age to Roman era technology in days

>using movies as examples of real life
wew lad

What are you talking about? I'm talking about how things work in real life (a vague "governments are incompetent") only because some other user brought up real life. You should read a bit more carefully next time you think you have a sick slam, man.

>Nevermind that the USA has Abomination in custody being their own reverse blueprint for something close to a Hulk
Abomination WAS the US military's reverse engineering attempt. And it didn't go too well.

>And yes, governments are incompetent, which is why you have guys like Peter Parker making his webshooters, and the Tinkerer building all that tech for the Vulture, and the bad guys in Iron Man 3, and Hydra.
what did I misread?

Here's the actual scene: youtube.com/watch?v=X5ge0pd7hMQ

At 2:45, they show what other countries have been doing. The North Korean one shakily walks then falls down and starts firing out of control, killing at least one guy (or wrecking his shit at least given all the blood on the camera). It's not in any terms "decent" or "workable." It illustrates Tony's point: that nobody is anywhere close to what he's doing and we're safe. In fact, we're probably closer in the real world to mechs than those other people were to them in Iron Man 2.

In the movie it went fucking great until Tim Roth went full retard and injected like all the roids at once. The fucking guy held his ground against the hulk while being a little human pretty fucking long. Don't know if Captain America could've done better.

"In real life, governments are incompetent. In movies, they're also incompetent. This is why individuals in the movies are closer to tech than governments."

but the opposite is true governments always either get their hands on the most advanced tech or develop it with public funds

>governments aren't incompetent in the real world
Hahahaha no kid.

nice argument

Boy, I'm not arguing with you about real world governments in Sup Forums in a thread about the Falcon of the Avengers. This isn't a debate.

And the US still has him under Gen. Ross control.

>one of the few villains to actually survive the movie he was introduced in
>neither him nor the Master will ever be shown again because Disney doesn't wanna have to share anything with Universal

lel underage brainlet detected

I was in the military 10 years ago, doesn't matter where. Anyhow they had computers running windows 98 or something like that and one of those things was in charge of a shooting simulator. The fucking sergeant in charge of the exercise was two steps short of performing a voodoo dance around the computer, because it might as well could've been magic. Didn't understand how computers work like at all and refused to listen to common sense. The guy litterally thought looking at the computer case the wrong way was bad mojo.

There might be more competent soldiers who are the actual admins, but you wouldn't believe the level of incompetence found in government institutions. I would trust a 12 year old nerd to be more competent than those trained monkies.

>looking for serious political discussion in a thread about a dude who flies around on metal wings calling himself the falcon

>implying you're even capable of one

That's the Peter principle in action.

anecdotal evidence we can easily explain away by pointing out that only the dumbest of goys sign up to die for israel

No, that's not the implication there at all.

the point still stands brainlet

Your point being that you expect people to give you serious political debate and discussion in a Sup Forums thread about Avenger's the Falcon. But like I said, little man, I just came here to talk about some dumb movies. I did, I made my points, and now that nobody is talking about these movies any more, I guess I'm done here. Take it easy, munchkin.

Sticking wings on a soldier is expensive and impractical. He's a prototype tester who started LARPing.


They don't make sense, tony can make suits for every avenger including the useless black widow, since ant man joined, he can also fuse his technology with his armor, black panther can offer the material, it's funny how tony wants to protect the world so bad yet isn't mass producing upgraded iron suits for literally everyone, only hulk, vision and maybe thor won't benefit from suits but still, it's stupid.

>Need a hand, Cap?

I love how nobody cares about Tony Stark literally having functional AI and I'm not talking about voltron either. Fuck, they all could have like a laser canon on their shoulders like predator following their eye movements or just have the computer shoot people on it's own.

> black people represented in MCU by Falcon and War Machine
>both useless baseline humans who'd be nothing if white people hadn't donated their abilities to them

I can forgive the negroes for wanting T'challa so bad

He was a mad lad trying to take on the hulk, but it made me want to cheer him on

It is mass produced though

This is why the Ultimate Marvel universe (or the first few years of it) was the best thing to happen to Marvel

>Iron Man armours are mass produced and operated by his staff for assistance
>genetics arms race to recreate Captain America leads to every European nation having their own version of Cap
>Russians create their own version of Thor using armor and weather manipulating technology
>Ant Man/Giant Man tech is subsidized by SHIELD to create an army of Giant Men
>X-Men were created as part of a black ops project
>SHIELD passes law that any genetic superhuman on US soil is theirs by right when they turn 18
>almost every superhuman going is an attempt to bolster a nations armory with living superweapons

That was some good shit back in the day