Name anything he's written in the last 20 years since Green Mile that was adapted to film and lived up to the hype

name anything he's written in the last 20 years since Green Mile that was adapted to film and lived up to the hype.

hell, name any BOOKS since the 80s that he's written which anyone even cares about

he finally had Dark Tower adapted this year (his longest running series btw) and it was a epic failure

I remember people being sort of excited for the sequel to The Shining, but then no one talked about it after it came out. I imagine it was shit.


i dont even see that listed

was the book titled something different?

Reminder that Stephen King’s novels all take place on a giant, space turtle’s back

According to wikipedia it was part of an audio book series before being put into a short story collection? How extremely gay.

Duma Key
Under the Dome
Doctor Sleep

These 4 books were great, 2 of them had shitty endings tho, but it's just King's thing. I enjoyed Duma Key and Doctor Sleep wholly, and the other 2 books were made into tv series if I remember correctly.

It's actually pretty decent. That and Revival have been my favorites of recent works.

He's a far better short story writer, though. His collections are awesome.

Dolores Claiborne. Great movie and I haven’t read the book but it has 4 out of 5 star rating on good reads.

Reminder: R.L. Stine's "Goosebumps" series has outsold all Steven King's books

learn to fucking read faggot

do you see that in the list?

>the epitome of twilight or harry potter which every school bought tons of copies to make sure every kid had a copy to read enmasse



was good, rest has been meh

It's not good. I got right up near the end. Got distracted for a day or two by work, and never went back.

The JFK one is his best page-turner, immersive novel in years.
The show had good and bad deviations. But the novel is still 100 times better.

Theatrical Cut ftw.

Getting books on school reading lists is the holy grail of publishing.

I was looking up what the medical symptoms of a fetal alcohol syndrome face were the other day to learn how to properly use it as an insult, and I just realised from this pic Stephen King has all the required features
>short, flat nose
>large gap between nose and mouth
>shallow/almost absent philtrum (the groove in the nose-mouth gap)
>thin upper lip
>squinty, asian-looking eyes
I guess it wasn't just his own drinking and cocaine use that contributed to his literature.

There are others from shorts collections unlisted aswell. One about a woman finding out her hubby's a serial killer that had Without A Trace dude in the TV movie, couple of others as well I think.

Hearts in Atlantis was pretty good. Should have had a rape in it though

Just remembered Big Driver. Maria Bello as a woman who gets raped by a trucker.


It did, the mother gets raped

>epic failure
>listening to popular opinion

dark tower was great adaptation for what it was. Unfortunately most king fans will never be mature.

And somehow no ones mentioned Geralds game.

I'll be here waiting for you to add some nuance to your shitposting