This is the peak of the strip comic form. You can't even hope to debate this

This is the peak of the strip comic form. You can't even hope to debate this.

This is the peak of the strip comic form. You can't even hope to debate this.


No touching the pipe mam

The punchline is in the next strip.

>That middle panel
Can't unsee

Now where could my pipewrench be?

The strips call to mind the stories of the Iliad and the Odyssey, respectively.

Now this is funny.
I think Lasagna Cat fucked up for taking this particular two-part strip out of context.

yes it is indeed very geniouses *jerks off violentlel*

Notice how the room is no longer red and green, order has been restored.

What did you just say?!



We need to go deeper.



pic unrelated

serious MS paint skills right there

Now i want to see how lasagnacat would do a loss montage, since it had that miami vice reference in the recent videos.

This is legitimately funny though.

How did such a unfunny comic got so famous? Honest question