Archie Storytime: Archie's Girls Betty and Veronica #169-178 (1970)

Greetings and good afternoon, Sup Forums!
Starting today and ending next Saturday, I will be storytiming the entire Bronze Age run of "Betty and Veronica",
written by Frank Doyle and illustrated by the premier Archie artist, Dan DeCarlo himself.
If there was ever a decade that best defined the two leading ladies of Riverdale, it was the 1970's.
Believe me when I say that I am more than happy to be with you for the next two weeks (but not on Sunday).
With nearly enough pages to hit the image limit, let's get this show on the road (and remember to bump)!










Malicious code, my ass.



























Turning Veronica's dad into an outright villain is a mistake Archie keeps making.

He works best like this, as an exasperated man to whom Archie is an unintentional antagonist.













getting some lunch brb

I'm back, with this next issue.































legs power.


That's the truth.














