Batsuit Thread

Post your favorite Batsuit and say why

I love the Arkham Batsuit
>Long ears
>Cape and cowl are one
>Tasteful spandex and shorts
>Bat symbol is extremely obvious

Did not like Arkham Knight's "heavily armored but still crazily flexible" batsuit

Other urls found in this thread:

>Did not like Arkham Knight's "heavily armored but still crazily flexible" batsuit

As far as the Arkham suits go, Origins was my favorite. An okay blend of body armor/plating integrated to a singular suit. Though it did come off a tad too bulky, but still. I like that they lean to more realistic suit designs.

It was a tad bulky, but still best in the series. Being bulky makes sense for it being one of the first suits he's developed and being early in his career.

I also liked Origins batsuit because of how thick it was, it made sense

Early Batman, he's wearing more armor because he isn't the best he can be yet

I love the suit you posted, it's my favorite too. Too bad it would never work in live action, the long ears and shorts would look pretty silly unless the movie was pretty dark all the times.
The long cape is badass too, but it would be in bad condition after walking a few minutes dragging it on the ground.
The only thing I would change is the chest symbol. Never a fan.

Except he still kept the absurdly bulky bracers and grieves like in .

He used those against Slade, they stop swords

They don't need to be that thick to stop bladed weapons. Even in real life there are things vastly thinner that were designed to do just that.


Batfleck isn't perfect, but it's probably the best possible live-action suit you'll get for awhile

Literally take that suit throw a grey cloth over the rubber with a black bat on the chest, just the bat no oval or outline, and you've got the 100% greatest suit possible.

I don't like the little ears

I like Batman better when his suit has a organic, inhuman menacing flare about it. A tech, tactical suit don't strike fear into the heart of enemies.

Troika or bust

Casual batfag threads are the worst. Go talk about TKJ (2016) and fucking Arkham games somewhere else.

Current batsuit really took a lot of design elements that I like and mashed into one package
>Yellow highlight logo brings back the target
>That Purple
>Short ears

>but it's probably the best possible live-action suit you'll get for awhile

My personal taste disagrees with you. I have nothing to back that up. I just think it's an incredibly shitty suit.

Everything looks great aside from the outline and lack of trunks.

The purple cape is phenomenal.

These are all great examples of mainstream Batsuits, but I'm stick a sucker for the classic grey-and-blue outfit that lasted all the way from the "New Look" through Knightfall... especially when drawn in that tall, athletic-yet-lean Aparo/Adams style. I really want to see that translated into a movie/modern comics suit the way the 60s TV Batgirl suit was updated.


not even once
shame too, because the purple is a good idea

>the way the 60s TV Batgirl suit was updated.


You need to let that go man, dont be like Superman fans.
Ok I cant argue about needless lines,its basically design filler to make the suit look more intricate

These are all great examples of mainstream Batsuits, but I'm stick a sucker for the classic grey-and-blue outfit that lasted all the way from the "New Look" through Knightfall... especially when drawn in that tall, athletic-yet-lean Aparo/Adams style. I really want to see that translated into a movie/modern comics suit the way the 60s TV Batgirl suit was updated.

*repostan cuz I forgot muh image

...have you legit never seen the 60s Batgirl costume?

I'm a sucker for the classic grey and blue

Like this user said. Batman should be scary, and fill those around him with dread. In before being called edgy.

I meant 'what?' as in I was unaware it was updated.

Superman's n52 suit looks like shit too because of a lack of trunks.

As far as the comics go, I never had a problem with the blue. And while it doesn't look like shit, I just don't think it'd work in real life setting. He wouldn't blend in as well with shadows if he had blue instead of black

I want more Batman cowls to add fangs to it
If he has a solid belt, the trunks are a non issue. Though I will say trunks on Superman are more important given the simplicity of the design and it needs something to break up the blue

I am a Superman fan lol. What's any more "silly" about the trunks than a man dressing up and calling himself batman?

I completely reject anyone trying to tell me "trunks" are where it gets to be too much. Especially Superman who literally made his shit (or Martha made it sometimes) at home. Batman you could asspull that it helps secure some genital protection.

But anyone that thinks trunks are "silly" has no actual gripe. Subjective or not. The concept of men and women dressing up is inherently silly.

The guy who did Requiem, should do a Batman story. Then we both can get what we want.

Perfect blend of scary and classic

Never said it was silly, but its one of things you're never going to win regarding modern designs. Its a pick your battles type of thing. Im fine with Supes in trunks

>If he has a solid belt, the trunks are a non issue

The belt can't do it alone. It's the trunks that ultimately break up the grey just as Superman needs them to break up the blue.

It's why Batman's n52 suit looks terrible (along with everything of n52).

Troika was so weird cuz the artists could never seem to agree on just what exactly made his new costume "new". Like, when it first debuted in pic related, it was in shadow with only the most recognizable elements visible, and people actually wrote in letters wondering "Why the fuck are Dick and Tim reacting to a basic-ass Bat-suit like that?"

The all black actual suit was what made it new. It was scary and fully shrouded him. The cowl and cape remained blue so he'd blend in with the sky.

..both Grummett in Robin and Nolan in Detective Comics drew the suit as basically the same look he'd had since the Bronze Age, with the colorist doing the work of making it all-black like the Burton Bat-suit, especially on the covers. Which, I'm totally down for, except...

Yes but, Kelley Jones also took over penciling duties on the main title at the time, and he debuted his super-creepy, exaggerated, gargoyle-esque Batman design as though it was Bruce's new "look", so it was kinda unclear whether it was supposed to look at X-TREME SPOOPY in-universe, or if it was just artistic embellishment.

>I meant 'what?' as in I was unaware it was updated.
Oh yeah, it was part of their whole new push for her with the nu52. It's crazy to see 60s stuff come full circle to being cool again.

Agreed, he tried to fuck it all up. It looks much better with short ears.

>And while it doesn't look like shit, I just don't think it'd work in real life setting. He wouldn't blend in as well with shadows if he had blue instead of black is actually not good for night camo IRL cuz nighttime isn't conveniently inky blackness like the background in a comic or cartoon. Same reason soldiers immediately paint or duct tape up their standard-issue rifles, cuz gleaming black metal sticks out like a sore thumb.

>Yes, the great myth. In fact, they recommend in the ninja museums, which you can go to in Iga and Koka today, that black was not perhaps the best costume to use in nighttime — dark navy blue was better.

... wow.

That's a pretty bad costume. The cape and cowl is fine. But the leather jacket, and especially the boots, are absolute shit. The typical comic hero costume being tights is one thing. But it's a whole other level of bad when it the suit looks like it was put together with items of clothing you picked up from a thrift store.

Personally I really hated this run. 52 Batgirl was actually pretty good up until they switched the artist and tone to this

Here's a visual example more people can relate to - Michael Myers. There's apparently still some debate as to whether his overalls are dark blue, which could be cuz of the blue lighting...

...or dark green, as they appear here. But the point is, either way they blended really well into the shadows, and later sequels that used full-on black coveralls just didn't look nearly as good.

>.black is actually not good for night camo IRL cuz nighttime isn't conveniently inky blackness like the background in a comic or cartoon.

Indeed. But if he's amongst/behind things whilst perhaps a flashlight is being shown on, black blue will stick out way more than black will. And I know this for a fact.

>Yes, the great myth. In fact, they recommend in the ninja museums, which you can go to in Iga and Koka today, that black was not perhaps the best costume to use in nighttime — dark navy blue was better.

Ninja didn't really go around in masks and do 'ninja shit' like what we imagine a lot of the time. And even when they did, they didn't wear dark colors to blend in with darkness. More often than not, they'd usually wear disguises. And on the off chance they did do the whole dark colors and mask shit, they went go with dark reds and browns because it hid blood better if they were wounded.

I mean, I don't know many thrift shops where you can find ANY violet leather with black racing stripes, much less a whole matching outfit, but I'd argue that it's fitting for Batgirl to have a home-made quality to her costume, since the one quintessential element of her backstory is "I made my own costume for funsies and just happened to be in the right place at the right time", but I can see why you'd argue that an older, more experienced Batgirl should look more pro... that's where the leather and padding and shit comes in. But hey, agree to disagree.

Like I said, agree to disagree, but I'm pretty sure you're in the minority because I remember Gail Simone's Batgirl being the LEAST well received of the new Bat-books online, with most of the bitching seeming to be that the series was "too dark and dreary" and that Babs was nothing more than a distaff Bruce Wayne. I didn't read the run mind you, this is just what I heard, and I can definitely see DC registering these complaints as "make it lighter, funnier, different in tone from the other Bat-books, emphasize her as young and independent and as different from Bats as possible." So, feel free to dislike it, but never say they don't listen to bitching. In a few years I'm sure the pendulum will swing back to darker Batgirl stories and we'll see waves of bitching about that again.

Well I'm not going to pretend that I'm objectively right, because I'm obviously not, but for me the first half on new52 run was a quite decent story, with few good plot hooks and Babs as a more mature and self concious crime fighter(she's been into this shit for years now after all). I wouldn' really call it a female Bruce though, the difference between them was still strong and her young age acknowledged with her trying to live on her own and sort out her social and family life

Then it suddenly switched into "Let's make her a typical teenage girl, with all cringy elements involved", even though she was already a crime figher for years, a hacker and information dealer, got some really heavy experiences with Joker and in general was already estabilished as rather awkward, not very sociable and simply not like that. It just simply felt really unfitting for me, almost like some fanfiction, especially with this artstyle. Arguably though, I dropped it after two or three issues so perhaps it gets better later.


The big belt

like I said though...
take the cloth here
and throw it over and it's literally perfect.

keep the batfleck leather. So the cape, cowl and gloves. And boots too I guess.

Completely dark where you can barely see it. Long pointy ears, but not excessive. Medieval cape that moves almost supernaturally.
Barely engages in combat and uses stealth and fear to his side. Doesn't need armor.

I really, really liked the Batman Inc. suit and hated when they replaced it with the nu52 design.

Breyfogle Batsuit
Year One
Year 100

I forgot to include Steve Rude's Kane/Finger style

It only needs to close on itself, BTAS style, to be perfect.

Great taste, OP.

>The hands, the most likely part of your body to get hit in a sword fight, are completely bare

You must be referring to The Batman. BTAS suit hung behind his shoulders, it didn't wrap around to the front but I admit it's been awhile since I've seen either show.

He might be referring to v1

Oh, wait, I get you. You're probably right, yeah.


I'm always a sucker for the ridiculously long cape
You know the kind that ends up as more of a cloak

despite all the shit it gets, i like tdk batsuit the best. i like tht its all black and i like the tacticool look. it looks relatively flexible


We need that mech suit to happen Bruce

Iron man is stealing your thunder

kids wants superpowers

I feel the black and yellow, wide and angular belt definitely makes the lack of trunks a lot less noticeable though. I like the trunks too, but I feel this was a good compromise.


Batman Beyond exists already. Just put him in this suit. Like old man bruce. In this suit. In all actuality he'd be safer that way.

I really miss the creepy shoulder points. I always like creepy/abstract Batman, because I feel it's how criminals view him.

Shitty bobble head, belt that looks like cheap toy, silly little mouth hole with no details, fuzzy cape, shitty bmx gloves, hideous pants that look like cheap halloween costume, plain ass boots, tiny non-intimidsting frame.

What a fucking joke. At least he has his stupid mouth closed in this picture. CLOSE YOUR FUCKING MOUTH BALE! Why did he always look so fucking confused?!

>No on mentions Knightfall
I know it's '90s XTREME, but I love it anyway.

This isn't a lord of the rings thread.

Gotta go with the fat bat

Not counting Origins, Arkham series is where batsuit looked uglier with each new game.


I like to imagine that everyone other than Batman or Robin sees Bats as a unnatural eerie force of darkness but under the shadows, Batman has a tactical tech suit. Also with Batman's fighting and moving style regular people never get a good look at him he's just a shadowy blur.

I was talking about THE animated series.

That suit was great but I think if they went with maybe 15-20% less "padding" people wouldn't have been complaining, the stunt suit looked alot better than the hero suit. That suit is aesthetically the best for me.


>It's why Batman's n52 suit looks terrible
speak for yourself. no one other than the odd autist on here gives a shit about the trunks, most casual readers(that make up 95%) of the fandom prefer the trunkless look Batman doesn't need to have something break up the color since he's in the dark most of the time, Supes' belt thing is good enough to divide the blue, I personally I kinda miss the wrist cuffs a little depending on who's drawing it and the boots too.

Uhg, was that who drew that. I remember first seeing that in a gas station and having second thought on buying it.

Depends on the sword you're using, I've been doing HEMA for 15 years and I've only gotten hit on my hands a couple of times, the vast majority are on the forearms and upper arms.

Wrong, because DKR was shit.

That's exactly how I imagine it, like the average hood thinks he's like the chupacabra or jersey devil just an urban legend until they actually get hunted down and taken out before they even know what going on, then they wake up in the hospital with broken bones and none of their friends believe him. WE'RE so used to seeing them that we're desensitized but not the people in their world.

Is that Damien suit? Looks myeh.

Agree with this. Also, when the general population does see Batman it's usually during some grand crisis affecting all of Gotham, or something effecting the whole earth when he's doing shit with the Justice League, so the hoods of Gotham don't think Batman's coming for them.

>pic related is my fave Batman costume.

dem nipples tho

Am I the only one that liked this design?

It technically is. I forget if the origin was covered in new 52 or near the start of her whole "Batgirl of Burnside" thing but the origin to it is as follows : She originally helped stop a crime at some big event dressed up in a halloween costume. Bruce took notice and after a while trained her and eventually supplied her costume. Flashforward to the start of her moving to Burnside and some accident happens that involves a fire at some structure, I forget if it was an apartment or parking building or whatever, but basically her costume was being stored there and ends up being a casualty of the fire. Rather than going and asking Bruce for a replacement, she ends up going and buying shit from thrift stores and army surplus stores and that's how we ended up with her "cosplayer on a budget" outfit.

I get what they were going for. They wanted to make him look like a bat/human hybrid hence the nipples and crotch shots. Granted musculature and human (oid) shape already do that so it was a little unnecessary.

I like this one. Cutting back on the yellow really helps and it's a nice callback to the other symbols.
I do wish the inside of the cape was a dark navy blue instead of purple. There wasn't that much purple on Batman in the past except for first appearance.
And that the ears were as long as OPs pic.
And of course ever since I was a child I still think he needs a mouth covering.

It's cool in that it reminds me of a sportscar, but there's no way Batman would go out in a flashy two-tone like that.

I liked it better when it was black and glossy.

I really like the most of the details of the Arkham Asylum suit on paper, but in practice it just looks weird.

Granted I don't like the long ears, I prefer more medium length ones that I think would have helped the design a lot.

As a Batman redesign, it's shit.
Lose the ears and the wings-cape and it would make a decent Red Hood stealth suit.

>"I think we'll move on a different direction" - Dan D.

It looks amazing in Arkham Knight. Favorite alternative costume by far.

One thing I'd like to see done is having the grey parts of Batman's suit have a stone/granite looking texture to them, so they look like gargoyle.


Sale's my favorite artist but i honestly hate his particular suit choice lol. He draws bats super bulky which I think would look much better with short ears.

And yet, like I said, he's still my favorite artist. Especially on Batman.

Doesn't work for more than a few "years" into his "career". Especially these days. That urban legend shit was barley plausible before social media and shot-spotter technology and cameras on corners.

Batman would be like those fucking creepy clowns, a social media sensation, and that's without him being in the League. Once he's in the League he's no longer a myth.

I honestly see batman as the complete opposite. People may not have seen him but they know he's there. That's his own goal in being a symbol: to be so frequent in the fight that in their mind he becomes omnipresent thus they fear even committing a crime in his city.

Urban-legend batman is literally the opposite of what he would want.