Psychic character constantly and openly reads other peoples minds without permission

>Psychic character constantly and openly reads other peoples minds without permission
>No one has any issue with this

How do you know someone is reading your mind?
Or is the fact they can do it and get away with it that upsets you?

>psychic character has a specific code of conduct about not reading people's minds unless necessary or given permission
>said code of conduct is strengthened by societal stigma against telepaths and the character's fear of their abilities
>character occasionally breaks this code out of an inherent sense of cold pragmatism, and feels remorse over it, and often faces long term consequences
You want a good telepath character, go read about Saturn Girl.

>psychic put in suggestions to everyone to not care that much
>people also don't want to piss off a psychic openly abusing their powers

Most psychic characters in fiction tend to gloat about how easily they pick things out of people's minds.

The Jean/Bobby thing is shitty on its own. Treating what she did as good would be like someone breaking him into a guy's home, rummaging around until they find his gay porno, and confronting him with it until he decides to come out the closet, and treating *that* as a good thing.

You don't need to bring the shitty 'Grey turns people gay' meme into it for it to suck ass.

Is that a violation of the NAP?

Well, how else was she supposed to get a gay best friend?


Depends. Are you on public or private property?

Hang out with America Chavez. Then through the magic of lesbianism she'll discover that the gay best friend was inside her all along.

By which I mean America is going wrist deep in both holes. She will not be gentle.

Your mind is private property, right?

I'm not sure there is any legislature that covers this.

Maybe by talking to him? They don't hang out. He has his own friends who don't go around reading his mind or making him stage interventions with himself.

>Psychics exist
>Crimerate is still somehow high

I'm assuming using psychics to see if you did the crime would be a human rights violation. Something about privacy or something. The evidence that was gathered can be dismissed as an hallucination created by the psychic.

>I'm not sure there is any legislature that covers this.
There really should be.

Bodily integrity is covered under multiple laws. Beyond that the use of psychic power would legally be considered coercion or a form of fraud.

>human rights violation
my god, who the fuck cares?
A world with Psychics is an entire different situation.

Who's gonna check on them if they are mindreading? Other Psychics?
They just could do that and none is the wiser.

Okay, thanks user.
Good to know that screaming inside my head as a deterrent prevents fraud and coercion.

>my god, who the fuck cares?
The human whose rights are being violated.

How do you want to stop a psychic who violates your mind right now?
Blow your mindrape whistle?
See if he cares.


Think of the nastiest shit you can make.

tinfoil hats

I don't know why comics don't do this

What if he went to Sup Forums academy?