What are movies that activate some of my brain cells?

What are movies that activate some of my brain cells?

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Most surreal thing I've ever watched. It ranges from ultra comfy to nightmare fuel

Comfy: youtu.be/jX87rVZ0Vag

Nightmare fuel: youtu.be/e2pS4FAd7mU

OP posted a pic more interesting than the subject again.
What's the invention?

A window, idiot.

I'm usually into minimalism, but I couldn't stand this movie

I'm going to kill myself

Jesus Christ dude.

A gloryhole

a drill



My left hand?

Your left hand.

Next time, please think before posting

my benis

My penis because it's that small



No wonder this website's gone to shit.

Short. Are these for pre-school or something?

Heehee the answer is in the question





Sounds like a vague bullshit riddle to me.

A river

Literally anything with wheels wtf

>what moves forwards and backwards
>a river

Whoever the guru is looking at obviously.

Shut up, I want to keep feeling smrt.

This is a good one. My dad is the only person I've ever seen figure it out, but it took him a while.

that's not nightmare fuel, its some pretentious kike hipster going "fuck whitey"


A boat.

>tfw no Layton threads on Sup Forums

>a hole in the wall is an invention that allows you to see through walls
try again smartass

a sledgehammer.

Ok here's a proper hard riddle if anyone wants to give it a go...

There are 3 words in the English language that end in 'gry'. Hungry, Angry, what is the 3rd?

Hint: We need it and use it every day. And, if you look closely the answer is in the question.

(it's not Energy btw)

Good luck.

A swing

No idea what’s the answer user

What a stupid riddle.


Probably the best ever garage-tier independent movie. Has an insanely convoluted plot that is rewarding to unravel, because it ultimately makes fucking sense for a change.



What is a drill.

it's "what", it's a stupid riddle FOR STUPID JERKS

Two or so.
The first night, everyone presumes the guru is talking about them, so they all say they have blue eyes. The one hundred who are right leave and everyone else now knows their eye color isn't blue. The next night they all say they have brown eyes (or whatever). If they're right, they all go, otherwise they all stay, pick another color, and try again until they guess the correct color. Presuming the Guru is trying to leave too, the minimum is three nights.

>There are only three words in the English language that end in 'gry'
>that end in 'gry'
none of the, English, or language end in gry. apparently there are plenty of obscure words that end in gry, but the answer is probably "what" in this case


A walking clock

the worst part is "what" doesn't even work as an answer. the answer to the question "what is the capital of France?" isn't "what," and the answer to "what is the third word?" isn't "what" either.

I dun gedd it


"what" doesn't end in "gry" you stupid shit, take that riddle and choke on it




It's very hard.Even wiki doesn't know.


>what is the third?
>'what' is the 3rd
It's bullshit trick riddle

it's not what. how does what end in gry?

A curtain


Imagine there's only 2 blue eyed people on the island. on night 1, they both look at each other and go "Ok, that guy's the only guy with blue eyes. If I have brown eyes, he knows he's blue, so he'll leave. But if I have blue eyes, he's thinking the same thing as me, so he won't leave." Then they both wake up the next day (day 2), see each other, and so they know they both have blue eyes, and they leave.

Give me more riddles! This is really fun.

whats the bigges thing in the world, yet can fit in the palm of your hand. it can be felt but not touched, it can be heard but not understood, its faster than anyone but never ever moves

yes and part of why it's stupid is it's not clever, it doesn't even make sense

if it's "what is the third?" then 'what' can't be the answer because that's not how questions work.

if it's "'what' is the third." then 'what' can't be the answer because that's not a question, it's a statement.

Does anyone remeber those clever little detective cartoons?

my dick

wrong. it's not what i fuccking told you

They’re posted on Sup Forums all the time.


Red shirt and no knife next to plate

You're making Blaine angry with these silly riddles!

He doesn't have a knife

where's #4's knife!

It was suicide

4 because he's the only one without a knife. his knife is near the body


3. muslim

3 because she's a Muslim

I read "Who is the kike?" at first

an opinion

The internet.

mussie. he grabbed knife from table above 2.

3, stole 4s knife and entered the woman's bathroom. Someone would have stopped the man from entering.

cant tell if 1 has a knife. doesn't look like it. the mussie also stole the women she killed's purse

The Muslim, she has no food, she could have easily gone into the woman's bathroom.
She took 4's knife to place it on her table, but she has no fork because she hasn't been served. And the waiter looks confused to see her sitting at a table.

no urs

The waiter is looking concered towards tabled 2. because the guy's wife has been in there for a long time
The mussie took the knife from table above 2 on her way in. went into the bath room and murdered the girl. came out with her purse and sat at a random table. the waiter could also be looking at her confusedily. number 1 is a Sup Forumsack. the mussie noticed him on the way in, she knows if she leaves in a hurry the waiter will say something and the polack will act. so she sits in fear

added to this: she took 4's knife on the way from the bathroom to the table (by knocking into the purse she stole)

>There are 3 words in "the English language"
>what is the 3rd?
The answer is "language" you silly cucks.

He's transgendered

Obviously the Muslim. Next

The sandnig

>There's only two words that end in gry

>She took 4's knife to place it on her table, but she has no fork because she hasn't been served.
If she has no silverware then where did she get the knife to stab bathroom bitch before she stole 4's knife?

That lets you see through a window, not through a wall.

So if you look through a window you aren't seeing whats behind a wall?

>store empty
>4 arrives by himself
>is a fatass has too plates
>using hand and fork, didnt need knife
>2 arrives with his wife
>they get their food
>1 arrives
>2 wife goes to bathroom
>shes already been in there a while (pooping and reapplying makeup)
>3 walks in
>3 and 1 make eye contact
>1 is a Sup Forumsack who takes note of muslim
>polack is also autistic and has already noted the that the wife has been in there a while
>3 walks between table 2 and the one above
>grabs knife from one above (silverwear should be in twos, only fork visable)
>notices 2's presumedly wife is missing
>goes into bathroom
>kills her
>steals purse
>walks out of bathroom inbetween 2 and 4
>knocks unused knife from table 4 into purse
>waiter comes out to give water to table 2 man
>table 2 man eating wifes food
>waiter sees wife still isnt out and sees mussie who shouldnt be there
>gets nervous
>mussie sits at table 3. takes knife out from purse to shift suspicion to 4
>knows she cant walk past waiter and polack to leave
>sits nervously
its actually a guy in muslim drag, a former shitskin bf of wife 2
tabled 4 is chuck
2 man is sneed
polack is waiting on a date that will never show

That doesn't mean you're seeing through it. If I walk in front of a wall and look out I will see what's behind the wall, but I didn't magically look through the wall.
