The Flash

but can't you see barry, you are me.
Are we all in agreement that this will be the resolution?

No, it's obviously Tommy.

It's obviously Iris.

>Jay said he was the first Speedster
>Savitar says Barry created him


I would suspect wally but its clear loss of Iris is the key
barry was the first speedster

It's obviously Harrison Wells

It usually is.

His shocking reveals in Yogi Bear and Scrubs still haunt me.

it would be too much.

Wally gets trapped into the speedforce and then becomes Savitar


What did he mean by this?

Too Many Wells

yeah but then Iris dying would not be such a key point. Its A) future barry or alternative universe barry

He was the one who stole his barry's lunch when he was 5

Its iris dead bf.

Megatron is Barry?

Did Savitar's look get severely downgraded in the past episode or was I just imagining things?

Did everyone just drop the show or am I at a bad time?
it was his ultimate deception

He's pretending to be as cool as RF


>appearance wise?
They decided to go practical instead of cgi. I like it but the again, I saw the other version first so I don't
He's been trapped in the speed force since Christmas and who knows how time moves in there, he could be exhausted. Plus he used a lot of energy making astral projections and escaping

mind blown 10/10 masterful foreshadowing

It's Eddie Thawne

>You're the big bad
I can't believe they actually used that phrase

This is what I was betting on until we saw the preview for next week.
I'm pretty sold on it either being speedforce corrupted Wally or Future Barry.

I initially thought it was going to be future Wally from millennia of beign trapped in the Speedforce (a fate worse than death - saw that coming a mile away).

But yeah, as another user pointed out, Savitar keep hinting that he was future Barry.

So now I'm not so sure about Wallytar. Seems like Barrytar's going to be it.
But more importantly...all this H.R. training Wally is making me think...they're going to make him the Zoom/Hunter/I'M MAKING YOU A BETTER HERO, WALLY in the future, are they?

>Season 1
Harrison Wells is Barry from the future guys!! It's so obvious!! Grant and Tom even look similar!
>Season 2
You stupid fucks! Can't you see that Zoom is clearly Barry Allen from the future? The blue lightning is just like this [dumb-as-fuck] New 52 future Barry!
>Season 3
Savitar is Barry Allen from the future!! This time I'm sure!

Third time's the charm.

also, who ever thought that The Man in the Yellow Suit was future Barry? Seriously? It was either Eddie or Wells and they Wellsed out pretty early.

Underrated post

A good deal of people, despite comic fans existing.
But I'm talking about Harrison Wells, before they made it blatantly clear the he was Reverse Flash. The number of people saying Wells would be revealed as future Barry protecting and training Barry was depressingly high.

It's Eddie

in last night's episode, he's ranting at Barry, blaming Barry for everything, but he says "You get to have everything! You get to be married to Iris!" And this is the dead giveaway. If Savitar was just some random baddie, he wouldn't be jealous of Barry having a loving relationship with Iris. And that's what it sounded like when Savitar brought that up, just straight jealousy.

Even though Eddie shot himself to stop Eobard, it still makes sense how he might still blame all of this on Barry.


Then Barry deserves to lose everything for giving up that fine ass.

Iris winds up saving herself screencap this

Haven't seen Flash in a while, who is Michael Bay Megatron here?

Some speed god or some shit that wants to fuck barry up
he's the big bad this season

Why the fuck did Barry just stand and watch Wally get stuck into the speedforce.
I don't mean like why didn't he recklessly plunge in there and try to save Wally (I mean that too, I guess) but like why didn't he even move or physically react to seeing that. I know the answer is CW, but fuck that is just lazy blocking

Arthas Menethil, The Lich King

Another speed guy as the big bad? Did they already do the rogues and I missed it?

Great episode this week

Wells is only about 20 years older than Barry though. You can only get away with future self stuff if the age difference is vast, like 50 or 60 years. Westworld pulled this shit and it just ruins your immersion.


>Barry is fast enough to dominate Savitar in a fight
Well, at least there's no need for "need to go fastah" drama this time, hopefully.

That was my biggest gripe of the episode. Barry gets there and just stares at Wally in a "Huh thats interesting" kind of way. No sadness or worry in his face just Huh wonder what this means.

The Rogues are being used sparingly since Miller and TV-Bro were also doing Prison Break around this time. Maybe next season they'll come back.

>all this H.R. training Wally is making me think...they're going to make him the Zoom/Hunter/I'M MAKING YOU A BETTER HERO, WALLY in the future, are they?
Holy shit, that'd be fucking great.

This. They made me think he really was a faggot there for a minute. Not only did she figure out all his secrets, she was still down with all his flaky, lying, idiotic behavior and would have been down for him.

absolutely worst resolution to an onscreen relationship.


It will never happen but think this is what happens to Barry after he tries to deal with the future "Crisis" Red Skies

So he runs on the Cosmic Treadmill, fucks up and becomes Savitar to warn himself in the past and get ready for...god what was the original Crisis again? Infinite Earths crashing in on themselves because of Anti-Monitor?

Considering how flamboyant his personality is already, I would fucking love this.

Too bad the whole reason E2 Wells and now HR came to the team was because they wanted to keep Tom Cavanagh as a regular for the show. I don't think they'll try another Well-swap unless this show has a run as long as Smallville and they just have to start reinvinting the show after a while

I really don't think the show will survive without him.

No but just to continue the trend that Barry can't stop screwing up, even the original that Eobard looked up to and thought was the best.

Eobard would probably never know he became Savitar after leeching the speed force off him, if he does.

We're giving the writers too much credit, half the shit that gets dreamed up in threads seems to surpass whatever convoluted nonsense they scrape together and ultimately fail at serving up.

Well, yeah. We're a comics message board.

Besides, how would you even begin to explain Anti-Monitor or that the original Savitar was just a really fast Indian. Aside from:

>they're going to make him the Zoom/Hunter/I'M MAKING YOU A BETTER HERO, WALLY in the future, are they?
Im not sure what you mean

>This time I'm sure!
but I am sure, anything else would be retarded. especially if you think they will go with comic backstory

Shouldn't the writers you hire be just as capable or more so?

I feel like networking and who you know is damaging writing more than I ever realized before this.

also no one said Wells was berry, everyone called from day 1 that Wells was zoom and so it was
>MFW all the time rewritting and resurrection has not delivered Tommy to us
things would be different if he had been a hot girl

>Westworld pulled this shit and it just ruins your immersion.
it worked there

>being useful

People were also telegraphing it was going to happen as well so it wasn't an asspull out of left field sort of deal. This is cw. All they do is bad asspulls

Well now there are 3 good speedsters, how can normal crime compete

>Barry is fast enough to dominate Savitar in a fight
still not fast enough to save his wife and with wally gone you bet your ass there will be gotta go fast plot

would have been interesting if he was afraid of touching him but still tried to pull him back with wind or something

I think he was worried about both of them getting stuck in speedforce kind of deal. At least on the outside he can fix it.

That alley brawl was first fierce fight barry has ever been in with the stabbing, and the attempted head snapping. It felt really violent. I loved it.

I think I loved it because nobody was coaching his ass, he was switching to different powers and going toe to toe with him

yeah I think it was Anti-Monitor, no cash in the budget for that. I think is Barry that failed, like maybe he got stuck in the speedfroce or Barry pulling a flashpoint crunched him somewhere in time. I don't recall it clearly but one of the Barry speed copies got taken by time wraiths right? He could be that copy

good writers cost money and usually have multiple other things to do. They also get butthurt easy if you keep rewriting their shit or telling them there is no money in the budget for x to happen. I think budget is the main thing or else most of the ep won't be taking place in 1 location. you know things are bad when they cant even get coffee on screen

hmm true

Not sure if anyone thought of it but what if Savitar is the speed clone Barry from the finale in S2 instead of dying he was just flung through time into a bad future where he doesn't get to be with any of his friends, that or it's Eddie

I liked that a lot actually. They spent a lot of this season talking about how Wally is advancing much faster than Barry did, and then we got to see just how far Barry's come along in just a few months.

See, you can convey that without having Grant Gustin stay totally still and just stare at the CGI shit going down. I typically like him, but that was some garbage CW tier acting

Please go read Crisis on Infinite Earths already. It is almost 40 years old and it's still a great read.


No it didn't. Jimmi Simpson looks absolutely nothing like Ed Harris

I did
and yes I think that is a possibility

It's unironically Wally though.

Did he develop an urge to fuck his sister or is he that butthurt about not having a quickie with quick

Just chimped out.

Nah its jesse quick.

>Harrison Wells is Barry from the future guys!!

I thought this for the first episode, but beyond this it was a little obvious he wasn't

I'm pretty sure it's more that the actor who played him wants 0 to do with the show.
Even in the crossover/flashbacks/dreamworld in a machine they had to use old footage instead of getting him to return.

Why is the Didact fighting the Flash

Are we ever going to get an episode where Barry doesn't fuck up?

Why doesn't Barry just call Supergirl to kick his ass?

This show die.

considering it is still ratings winner of the network, I'd say network dies before it does.


I was there at the beginning
I am the future

It's Edward Clariss

They woulnd't do that, that would be far too obvious.

>You stupid fucks! Can't you see that Zoom is clearly Barry Allen from the future?
IIRC It was going to be, but for whatever reason they changed it to Jay.

Savitar is actually Old Man Jenkins looking to scare those meddling kids out of Star Labs so he can get at the treasure buried underneath the property.

Well they need the ratings, so hopefully they embrace darth barry and let him earn his acting chops