Mosaic #6

In which it becomes pretty damn obvious that this was supposed to happen ages ago.

Wow. Issue 6. Didn't expect it to last this long.

Is his power the ability to pander to literally anyone that isn't white?

Gotta say, I grew fond of this comic, so I'm gonna miss him when he never shows up again, unless Ewing does something with him.

To be completely honest I don't think he's that bad in comparison to all the other shit Marvels came up with lately

The very first hero he possessed was Spidey, the real one, so take that as you will.

I take that as a desperate attempt by Marvel to try to make Mosaic relevant. And failing.

He's also kind of an asshole, so I don't really think he's pandering to anyone.


It"s going to last for a long time now, bitch. Get used to it.







Is she sticking her tongue out in the last panel or what?


Lockjaw is a cutest and a best. Its funny to me that he just pads into Sanctum Sanctorum's Library.




>Mosaic takes doggo form because of Lockjaw

219 Mosaic #5 7,313

I don't get what's turning on fire gotta do with concentrating on the people around you, though, but maybe I'm missing the point.

Already confirmed cancelled at 8, which is 2 issues more than I expected.




Man, they really timed this poorly, didn't they?

>A tie in to an even tie in
How far will the rabbit hole go


I try to not remember much from CW2, what exactly happened at this point?

Holy shit this is late


Well, his first appearance in comics was this seen in Uncanny Inhumans. Makes sense they'd explain how he got roped into it.

>This is a CW2 tie in


>"I don't want to start a war"
>Blows up a building

>Tony takes over Attilan to
>Turns out it was Triton, Maximus, Lash's crew killing people to frame Medusa
>Only Triton and Lash gets caught

>Triton and Maximus blow up Stark Tower
>Tony blames Medusa and attacks New Attilan in full force
>Medusa gets Stark to back off by revealing that it was Triton/Maximus that did it, and hands Triton over to him as a prisoner of war to make amends
>the Inhumans bow out of CWII to let Tony and Carol fight it out


Too bad this ending soon, I've enjoyed it, thanks for the storytime, OP.