Hollywood hacking

Hollywood hacking.

>mkdir -p

Is this worse than when they just show someone hammering the keyboard nonsensically?

I don't know shit about hacking so I don't care, I like to bitch about guns though despite no owning any, is that weird? mostly it's just about the effects though.

anyone good with computers will use hotkeys not dick around with a mouse

Whats wrong with it?

it's weird because the UI itself has believable and valid output, it's just the dumb command that stands out

it's just the command to make a folder

>those fucking addresses

It's a command to make a directory in Linux. It's just basic day 1 intro shit, when you think hacker you visualize someone who can do very complicated things.

if you just have a terminal with a packet sniffer running for an hour it doesn't really make for compelling TV

>Is this worse than when they just show someone hammering the keyboard nonsensically?
It is a Hollywood "blockbuster" film. The people making the film nor the people watching the film care. Also,

>complaining about a command and not the use of GUIs
You Sir, are the filthy casual.

t. someone who also gets triggered by this

>dude guis suck, I fucking love using ln and grep and manually typing out the entire path when I want to copy shit, let's ignore that they had guis even in the 80s because command line was such a pain in the ass even back then

>manually typing out the entire path
No one does this, user.

>hacker scene in hollywood movie
>hacker says that he will DEE DEE OHH ESS the website that has a timer on it for a bomb
>scene just shows him F5ing at a furious rate looking like pic related

How did they get this past any form of script review?

>How did they get this past any form of script review?
because about 0.02% of the audience would be annoyed by that and they have actual problems in the script to work out

sudo apt-get install hack

>it's a Sup Forums episode

What‘s a complier?

I've been trying to find a template for that meme for months now with no success

kek it says "complier"

a program that takes source code and makes it into a binary (like a .exe)

> send virus

Looking at you, Fortress

I always wonder if the graphics people are just trolling people that bitch about the hacker screens. I mean they have to know, they are probably computer nerds themselves if they're making UIs in flash or whatever

Ironically enough I heard there most realistic hack was in the matrix at the beginning

no that's a compiler, a complier is a program that makes sure you comply with the NSA-Internet

That‘s a compiler, but it says complier in the screenshot.