I just watched this

I just watched this.
It was simply one of the best war movies I've ever seen.
Is there more like this ? Grim war kino about doomed operations where everything and everyone falls apart, preferably in german ?
Please tell me there is.
(already watched Das Boot and Unsere Väter, unsere Mütter)

Other urls found in this thread:


Mach ma nen blödes Gesicht.Danke reicht.


>außer die die Sterne, sie sind so nah
>Weißt du Hans?

Cross Of Iron, not in German but about Germans.

>Artillerie, Schweinepriester!

Looks perfect from what I was looking, thanks.


why is this movie so hard to find streaming


Was I supposed to feel bad for the G*rmans trapped in the city?

Because it's a german movie from 24 years ago, and streaming sucks, especially when you're looking for non-american shit.
But you only have to type "Stalingrad 1993" on the pirate bay search engine and you're set.

No you were supposed to be sawed in half by a ppsh41 for your edgy, nihilistic comment.

google search for the letters they wrote to their loved ones
it's heartbreaking
they accepted dying for their fuhrer and against bolshevism

Yeah I came into the thread to say this.

theres a finish production called the Winter War

>they accepted dying for their fuhrer
Shitstormer deetected. Hitler was a joke among the Wehrmacht. His nickname was "Gröfaz," an ironic abbreviation of "Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten."

Are there subs already for Tuntematon Sotilas?

>they accepted dying for their fuhrer
Nobody in the Wehrmacht wanted to die for some Austrian manlet.

No way. Soldiers banter against their leader to cope with the fact that they are forced to fight in a war? Never seen or heard of before. This doesn't make him a shitstormer (which is a reddit expression).

They deserved it.

>are there any more Sup Forums movies i can LARP with?
>preferably one’s where righteous clean wermacht are unaware of poles being incinerated or jews being gassed
>also we weren’t invading russia or murdering millions of peasants
watch Come and See


That's a common thing for soldiers to do.

Caesars troops called him what basically amounts to "baldie" and Napoleon's soldiers referred to him as le petit corporal which translates to manlet general
Both of them were beloved by their troops and while I'm not disagreeing with your point giving Hitler a funny name is not any sort of argument to support it.

Best war movie coming in

Link to letters?

>unaware of poles
you probably don't even know about the amount of polish men voluntarily joined the wehrmacht

>I haven't watched this movie but it's propaganda
>You should instead watch this piece of literal Soviet propaganda

user, I...

Ordinary Russians supported the Germans against bolshevism.

>oh yah don’t even worry we enlisted lots of poles at ze end of ze var
>donmt vorry yah ze ver all cooperative and luved hitlah
>yah no poles were killed and ze one’s zat were? zey were PARTISANS!
>ze german people were reclaiming ze land zat zer ancestas gave zem schru rite of blood unt blade!
>ze germans would not be denied ze victory foretold in herr Himmler’s premonition from ze old German king zey would have ze Land promised to zem
yeah and there were jewish wermacht generals and black ss and chink auxillary forces. the nazis loved all races just wanted racial hygeine for every race, especially their race (which makes sense! because you should care the most about your race and if your ideology centers around caring about your race and you care the most about your race and you’re the one advocating it then you’re actually advocating for your race and against others but i was trained in logic so what do i know???) and the poles saw this after 2.5 million of them were killed by german militarized police. really its allied propaganda, all true poles liked Hitler and welcomed the Nazis. Warsaw was greedy Jew poles, the Jews spread cloud of spores over Warsaw that compelled the evil illegitimate Polish nationalists from accepting German rule, which was good, welcome and eugenic, as well as protective against the soviets. remember the soviets killed as many poles as the germans (even tho they didn’t and i just made that up) and the Jews were hated more than anything including the Germans (also just made that up). All resistence to the Nazis was stupidity, greedy communist no goods and Kikes. Can’t tell me otherwise i won’t believe you



This is your brain on leftist autism
Where the fuck did you see any of the crap you describe in my OP you fucking stupid piece of shit ?
Already saw Come and See, good recommendation, but what a fucking shit post you made for that.


If only Germans knew, maybe they wouldn't kill 26 million of them. What a tragic misunderstanding

>muh 6 gorillion

Yes user I'm sure nobody actually died in WW2, it's all a big conspiracy.

And you know? According to Polish Wikipedia it was 375.000 Polish citizens but only 150.000 Poles. Most of them were forcibly conscripted.

Here is a good example how Poles wanted to fight for the Germans:
>In June 1946 the British Secretary of State for War reported to parliament that among the citizens of interwar Poland who served in the Wehrmacht as foreign conscripts, a total of 68,693 men were captured by the Allies in north-west Europe. The overwhelming majority of them, 53,630, enlisted into the Polish Army under the British Command,[2] and served in the Polish Armed Forces in the West against the Germans until the end of World War II.[1]

Nothing you say makes sense and has any connection to the post you're referring to. Yes heil hitler you dirty kike.

White Tiger. its on kiketube. I suggest you all watch it. its fucking based

In the chaos of war the british intelligence (of all forces) began a count of foreign wehrmacht soldiers. Don't make me laugh.

Even Soviet propaganda puts the total casualties, military and civilian, to 20 million.

Most of the civilians killed were kikes. Real Russians hated stalinism.

i just don’t feel any emotional connection to the Wermacht on the eastern front and think people who do err strongly towards being fascists which there’s a 90% chance you are
oh yah hans ve conquered ze unarmed nations of Romania, Czech Republic, Yugoslavia unt Hungary ve are ze premier fighting force. Lets invade our Aryan brüders in ze north unt france too haha

>in the chaos of war
Germany was pretty much dead by then. But yes, knowing how many soldiers you have is pretty important so they did count them.

> I just don't feel emotional connections to people because I've decided that all germans before 1945 are bad and they're all meanie
Fuck you, you racist piece of shit.

yeah well how could they determine that a wehrmacht soldier was polish or german ? now tell me ? Inaccurate af

No, Soviet propaganda counted 27 million people killed during the war.
>most of the civilians killed were kikes
Yes, some 2.2 million, but 1.5-2 million non-Jews were also killed during the so-called anti-partisan operations, more than 2 million Ukrainians were deported to the Reich as the slave labor and few millions died as a result of the war (starvation, sometimes deliberate like in Leningrad, diseases and so on). And of course some 2.7-3.3 million Soviet POWs were starved to death in German camps. By February-March 1942 at least 600.000.

Because they had identity documents, passports and so on.

> what is administration

>watch Russian propaganda

No thank you

weren't the germans smart enough to make polish soldiers look like germans after all on the "passport"?

Gee user you're really smart, you should go and edit that article on Wikipedia, it mistakenly says 26,600,000 Soviets were killed.
What's that, you can't edit it because you don't actually have sources for the info you pulled out your ass? Well user, I feel betrayed. I trusted you.

Weiter immer weiter

Why would they do that ?

Meant for this guy

>people unironically praise germans when they fucked Europe up so hard it will never ever recover and be relevant again

Thank the germans for Soviet occupation of half of Europe for half a century and American domination of the world today.

Jew detected

>Soviet era propaganda
Watch a real movie

They tried to stop bolshevism and failed.

>they shouldn't have tried at all LOL

Fuck off kike.

First they joined the bolsheviks to destroy Poland - a conservative country which once defeated the bolsheviks. They also signed various commercial agreements with those bolsheviks and Gestapo and NKVD worked together to fight against Polish partisans.

How can you blame Germany for the Soviets occupying half of Europe after Germany was defeated? That's entirely on the Soviets, and yeah man they totally fucked Europe you should be so glad Europe is under EU control now, way better than if the Nazis had won.

Dear god, the utter state of US education.

It was nothing to do with Bolshevism. Nazi Germany would have attacked the USSR regardless. It was about the drive to win territory and create an empire.

Initially Ukrainians and some Russian were quite happy about German invasion. They weren't fans of the bolsheviks. They changed their minds rather fast.

>Stables that once kept the horses of the Polish cavalry now house several hundreds of Red Army troops. Ragged and famished the figures stray behind barbed wire in silence, a race mixture from two continents. The latrines, no more than ditch-like cavities, are occupied all the time, which can easily be explained because hunger causes the prisoners to even eat grass.
>The doctor reports that famine has become unbearable, that cases of cannibalism occur because prisoners overpower their comrades in order to consume human flesh, that inside the camp human excrement has become a coveted delicacy, and that in the face of these unsustainable conditions he asks for the only solution possible: to shoot the starving so as to free them from their suffering.
>In order to prove cannibalism to the commandant the doctor sends a film with photos that we develop, and indeed the pictures show a number of dead whose thigh flesh is missing, while in other victims the abdominal cavity was opened because in this way the perpetrators took out the inner organs.
After they realized the Germans aren't exactly liberators they stopped deserting en masse.

>tried to stop bolshevisme
>literally worked with the Soviets as best fucking buddies before the war to practice blitzkrieg
>Molotov - Ribbentropp pact
>fucking up Poland together

You need to pull your head out of your ass naziboo. The only anti-bolshevik from the start and to the end was Great Britain not your pissant asshole of a """country"""" the Turd Riech

>They tried to stop bolshevism
Are you literally retarded? Germany was the one who started spreading communist ideas. Karl Marx was literally a German. Germans were the ones who started the October Revolution to take Russia out of the war, they provided passage to Lenin into Russia in a sealed guarded train, google it retard. They're behind bolshevism. Germans are literally behind everything that ruined the world. Who created EU, who opened the borders?

Yeah they allied so Germany could accomplish its first goal but that was a shaky alliance at best

You idiot Nazis and Commies are diametrically opposed, Germany literally quelled a commie revolution in its own borders and helped Spain defeat Commie revolutionaries, you're a fucking retard if you think they didn't fight party because their ideologies are completely incompatible

>they accepted dying for their fuhrer and against bolshevism
Except they didn't. They German 6th Army surrendered at Stalingrad, specifically to avoid dying for their fuhrer,

>"what are some war films"

can we not

>Nazi Germany and USSR were buttbuddies
>Nazi Germany would have attacked the USSR regardless

Can't decide, kikes?

damn, germans might be smarter than jews

Yep. Peasants rebelled in many places in 20s here. After 1929 they were ready to side with anyone.

>>Stables that once kept the horses of the Polish cavalry now house several hundreds of Red Army troops. Ragged and famished the figures stray behind barbed wire in silence, a race mixture from two continents. The latrines, no more than ditch-like cavities, are occupied all the time, which can easily be explained because hunger causes the prisoners to even eat grass.
>>The doctor reports that famine has become unbearable, that cases of cannibalism occur because prisoners overpower their comrades in order to consume human flesh, that inside the camp human excrement has become a coveted delicacy, and that in the face of these unsustainable conditions he asks for the only solution possible: to shoot the starving so as to free them from their suffering.
>>In order to prove cannibalism to the commandant the doctor sends a film with photos that we develop, and indeed the pictures show a number of dead whose thigh flesh is missing, while in other victims the abdominal cavity was opened because in this way the perpetrators took out the inner organs.

This is pure propaganda.

>France had an empire
>Britain had an empire
>Russia had an empire
>Italy had an empire
>Greece had an empire
>Spain had an empire
>T*urkey had an empire
Germany is SEETHING because every major player in Europe had an empire and they LITERALLY never could create a proper empire despite being hardworking autists their entire lives. Imagine being that big of a loser.

>and helped Spain defeat Commie revolutionaries
Holy shit, the Ameritards are everywhere. The fascists were the revolutionaries in Spain, you utter fucking retard.

As for Germany, Google "drang nach Osten" and STFU.

If you weren't retarded you'd see it had nothing to do with Ideology but everything to do with empire building. You're the same gullible retard that would be arrested at the end of the war and explain to the NKVD officer "we was jus followin ordas massah!!"

Go ahead and say that to fucking Russian war veteran you fucking Nazi vermin

>more appeal to emotion

Kike shill, you are so easy to spot.

>Germans were the ones who started the October Revolution
No-no-no-no-no-no-no. Only silly whites believed that shit.

user, the situation was fucked up by the Temporary Government that wanted the old opressive rule back. It took back our property rights so Bolsheviks said they will fight for democracy against tsarists. Educate yourself.

This is taken from a diary of a German soldier.

>the Soviets would never falsify a diary

Psst ... maybe they're not all actually kikes.

Also, you're a retard.

Temporary Government wasn't perfect, but it was a good first step. You don't need to constantly overthrow everything just because it's not perfect. Remember that 10 million people died in the Civil War that came after the October Revolution. Pretty sure it wasn't worth it. Should've just stuck around with the democrats and waited for them to get their shit in order. They've only had a few months to get the government working, can't really blame them for fucking up a bit. And remember, WW1 was still going on at the time.

>germans would never lie to cover up their crimes

Protip, son: 100% of stuff written after WW2 is propaganda.

>jews, russians, brits would never lie during and after the war

Stolypin reform gave us wealth but that temp govt basycally took it back. People were enraged,
>Should've just stuck around with the democrats and waited for them to get their shit in order.
True but Bolsheviks used the lowest of peasants who had no idea. Well, even hard-working and proper people had no idea here. Half of my family just escaped to China in 1917 because they couldn't withstand another war and godless people.

>are you retarded
>Karl Marx was a German
>Germans are behind everything
Notice how if you take the word literally out of every point you make it still reads the same.

It's from a German book. Come on, we have quite a lot documents regarding the so-called Hunger Plan. The Germans clearly didn't care about the Slavs.

More from the Nazi officials:
>"When we shoot the Jews to death, allow the POWs to die, expose considerable portion of the urban population to starvation and in the upcoming year also lose a part of the urban population, the question remains to be answered, who is actually supposed to produce economic values?
This is how they were thinking.

They would but they didn't have the chance because they were controlled by the winners after the war

You mean Jews user

Shitstormer confirmed.

What gets me about you whiny faggots is that the actual Nazis would also have pissed themselves laughing at you ...

No you fucking faggot that war was fought between leftist extremists and right wing extremists the gov was caught in the middle

The funniest part is they would most likely throw them in the concentration camps too.

fartsniffler confirmed. you aren't even worth the time I have to type in this.

zivi i mrtvi

>Hurr tru Nazis wouldn't accept you!
No true Scotsman? Come on kike try harder

Most peasants supported the SR. It's honestly the Whites fault they lost that war.

It was a military coup against a democratic government, you mouth-breathing American fucktard.

Yeah and leftist extemists and literal anarchists joined the fight to overtake the government too you faggot europoor

They were too relaxed for some reason. Many soldiers and officers just waited for others to take capitals.

ITT: Americans display their grasp of history, while the rest of the world rolls about laughing.