Is this the era of White Trash Kino? These are probably two of my favorite recent movies...

Is this the era of White Trash Kino? These are probably two of my favorite recent movies. Something about poor trashy white girls is really fun to watch.

the girl in American Honey isn't white, but yeah they're good

She hangs out with a bunch of white trash so close enough. Maybe I should just say trashy southern girls.

I hope Florida Project wins some awards. Watched it yesterday and was pretty cool.

Was American Honey kino? The character's were stupid but it had some scenes that made me think there was something greater in it. It made me honestly consider if there could be a great movie about stupid people that does not look down on them or make their stupidity a point in and of itself. Also I loved the car the old blue collar rich guys had. Would grill up some steaks with them any day.

guess i'm stupid too but yeah

does florida project have the same feel that American honey does?

why are people from florida so fucking weird

yeah, it's pretty similar feel but it's more centered around children going around getting in trouble and their trashy moms.

Is it wrong for me to enjoy watching poor people making bad life choices? I grew up pretty sheltered in a middle class family.

that woman is trashy as hell in florida project and IRL but i still wish she got naked in that movie

if you liked American honey you'll like Fish Tank

humidity fucks with your head

as a lifelong florida man i can tell you with certainty that its the heat.

florida project was great, american honey was trash

Shite Beef ain't white either

These guys both have it right 100 percent
When everything other than your air conditioned home is filled with oppressive heat and humidity it just fucks with your head. As soon as I moved out of Florida my mind felt crisp and clear. Every time I go back the first thing I feel when I step off the plane is the lethargy that comes from being slapped in the face with air that feels like a warm and damp cloth.

Yeah she seems trashy IRL also, the tats alone scream white trash.

Did nobody watched this? Amazing trashkino.

That scene where the kids dad kills the hobo for his beer... FUCK

He isn't? Could of fooled me.

*Could have

Anyone here like Tangerine?

That's because you can't tell a white from a sandnigger pretending to be white when it suits him