Yo Sup Forums

Yo Sup Forums.

In X-Men 3:The Last Stand, we see that Professor Charles Xavier died and Jean Grey killed him, his body goes kaput into dust.

But in X-Men: Days of Future Past he's alive and well, so my question is where the fuck did that happen?

Did that happen in the comics and it's just retconned or something? Future Past makes Logan go back in time and sort shit out, yes, but the Proffesser was dead before that, so what gives?

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x-3 had an after credits scene where he comes back if i remember correctly

Don't worry about it.

He kind of does, but they only imply he's implanted his consciousness. They don't really say why he got an identical body and his powers don't really lend themselves to returning from poofing.


The X-films are a mess of continuity and retcons and range in quality from okay to great to laughably bad to depressingly bad.

In this it's probably the single most faithful adaptation of comics to the big screen.

I think the offscreen explanation was that he had a twin brother in a coma for his whole life, and possessed his twins body

Everyone more or less tries to forget that X-3 happened with the exception of three key developments it brought

>Jean Grey and Scott Summers are both dead
>Kelsey Grammer is Beast
>Iceman, Shadowcat and Colossus became full-fledged X-Men

shouldn't he be able to walk again then?

This. I was confused by that.

X-Men: Days of Future Past explicitly altered the future, you blind faggot.

This. Days of Future Past alters everything and pretty much makes it that X-men 1, 2 and 3 didn't happen.

It may have been the directors cut but I remember there being a scene in the last stand where Charles has a twin brother who is a total vegetable, like when they were born Chuck got a superbrain but the tradeoff was his brother having a shit brain.

Then there was a post-credits scene where his brother wakes up with Charles' consciousness, presumably because he transferred it before getting killed.

Movie-X-men actually provide an explanation for this: His inability to walk is directly linked to his mental power.

in day of future past, when he is stunting his power to stop hearing the voice, he is able to walk.

If he has his power, he can't walk. at least in the movie.

>at least in the movie
It worked like this for most of his time in comics too.

That was due to the medication. It's not his power that makes him not walk, it's the medication that prevents his power that gave him the ability to walk. His spine is still severed.

Colossus still doesn't get his due's until Deadpool.

>tfw no asian gf with a bobcut

Not OP but it's pretty obvious they're talking about the entire scenario of Professor X being alive before time was altered.

Now a real plot hole; If Beast had developed a temporary power suppressant back in the 70's, why did Rogue need to get the "cure"?


Neasy probably got rid of it by that point given he was full fledged blue beast by then.

>calls others blind faggots
>unable to read the OP
>Future Past makes Logan go back in time and sort shit out, yes, but the Proffesser was dead before that, so what gives?

That's really retarded tho, in first class he got specifically paralyzed by a bullet.

He is talking about the Future with the sentinels faggot

He possessed his brain-dead twin brother

I think it's a mental thing. Charles has spent decades on that wheelchair, and the link between his mind and legs have been severed. Even if he transferred his consciousness onto a healthy adult, his mind wouldn't know what to do with or can't register two brand new limbs.
Also, the twin has been comatose all his life, and the muscles in him are probably all dead. So Charles has to strengthen all the upper body muscles while the legs remain withered up.

I just hope Marvel takes back the rights of the X-Men and they just retcon everyhting like any of the previous movies didn't happened at all.

LAme they'll probably just keep with that inhuman shit.