I know New York is full of blacks and lolberals, but is it really as bad as The City of New York vs Homer portrayed it?

I know New York is full of blacks and lolberals, but is it really as bad as The City of New York vs Homer portrayed it?

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The Sneedy of New York.

Only good season 9 episode desu




reckon it's worse



This episode is great. They stopped showing it after 9/11. Had to look up what a chud was


Sneed's Twin Towers
(Formerly Chuck's)

I've never been, but, yes.

based Sneedposters

Ground Zero
Formerly the World Trade Center

Why were their two towers that were the same next to each other? I went to new york as a kid and never saw them.

stfu samefag

And New York is pretty cool and better than how the episode shows. -Someone from LA

>-Someone from LA

oh you poor soul

>new york is okay, but I'm from LA

way to invalidate your whole post soyboy

It's not as bad as it used to be, but not as good as the years immediately following Giuliani. It smells bad, it's expensive, the bums are everywhere, and "Real New Yorkers" do stupid shit like figure out which subway car to get into based on their stop, in order to save a whole 15 seconds getting out of the station.

That being said, everything is open, you can find pretty much whatever you want, it's walkable, and if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

Yes it's fucking terrible

Marge and the kids had fun.

And no, it's nowhere near as bad as presented in the episode (which depicted NY in the 70's or so, when it was shit). Now it's pretty touristy so it's cleaned up a lot. That being said, it's still pretty dirty (I've never seen so many rats and cockroaches just walking around everywhere all at once) and smelly. As said it is nice and walkable and obviously public transportation is good.