First Thor is on TV now...

First Thor is on TV now. Makes me sad seeing how good it was compared to what we've been getting since the Disney purchase. TDW was awful and Ragnarok looks like bootleg Power Rangers. Also the godawful hipster braid then short haircut.

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What the fuck am I reading? It was a shitty generic romantic comedy with two action scenes.

Current MCU makes it look like a masterpiece.

I found it enjoyable also.

I enjoyed it when I saw it, but maaaaan, it's slow on second viewings.

I suppose, but it's still SO much better than where he's been since Avengers.

Honestly I'll take formulaic superhero junk like Doctor Strange over turds like Thor any day.

Thor and Captain America were such rushed piles of crap, I remember before Avengers came out being really worried about the future of the MCU because of how bad they were.

you know everything other then the Hulk movies were made after Disney bought them right?

Wrong. Paramount did Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America. Universal did Incredible Hulk. Purchase was made in the midst of the first Avengers movie and Paramount still got credit. Everything after that was Disney.

You forgot Iron Man 2. Was crap, but still a better for Tony's character than Iron Man 3 and Civil War.

Kenneth Brannagh is a great director. I was just surprised he did a cape movie.

>better for Tony's character than Iron Man 3 and Civil War.
Civil War was RDJ's best performance as Tony.

It was completely out of character. The rebellious ladies man suddenly turning into an authoritarian who beats up his best friends at the behest of the UN. Why?

because he felt super guilty about what happened with Ultron. Coming off the heels of him going behind everyone's back and nearly destroying the world, he wanted to atone, and ended up overcompensating.

It's character development if Tony feels guilty over everything.

How else would you write Tony after he nearly destroys the world with Ultron?

That feel when Feige will never buy Marvel back from Disney.

Feige saved us from Ike and Bendis.

That's pretty damn good.

First of all Thor was meh, and TDW was slightly better.

Second of all
>Makes me sad seeing how good it was compared to what we've been getting since the Disney purchase.
What the fuck? Disney bought Marvel before the first Thor.

>completely out of character for Ironman
Just like the fucking comic, am I right?

>implying Feige is the good guy

Yes, but production was Paramount until Iron Man 3.
As someone who hated the comic, I'll give you that.

The visuals on this movie and the first Cap were so fucking good, seeing Doctor Strange ignited that feeling i had while watching these, seems like they're going in the right direction with GoTG2 too, the color grading on the digital shot movies was garbage, even Strange would be shit if not for the Kirby shit

You are so in your own little world I'm not sure anything I can say will change your millennial mind.

Rip off power rangers? That's either a really weird thought or weak trolling...
You know the movie is off earth gladiator arena battles and dimension/ space travel shinangins with concepts of death gods and higher beings/powers.

Power rangers are kung fu teenagers that fight clay people and a crazy witch on earth with a robot butler.

Not sure you understand

Well everything would be a little off without Kirby man


Fucking summer babies don't leave now.
Did you see that Beast Wars thread a few days ago? We need more of that

>short haircut

Soooooooo you're saying a gladiator slave should ask politely to keep his hair?


>thinking that's a bad thing

>There are people here who don't think Rangarok is gonna be great

You're delusional as fuck. Winter Soldier, Civil War, Avengers, GotG, Ant-Man, and Doctor Strange are the best films to come out of the MCU and all were after the Disney purchase.

Sup Forums


Tony has spent most of his arc to this point learning humility and teamwork. However, even in IM3 at one of his lowest points before AoU, Tony has never gotten over the need to be objectively right.

Despite his ego, to say he was obsessed with himself is inaccurate. He's obsessed with his self-image. This is why he publicly declared that he was Iron Man, to claim a heroic act to his image. This is also why he hid his impending death in Iron Man 2 from even Pepper - his image came first. In AoU, Tony parades around his near-self-sacrifice as a credit to himself. A theatrical self-sacrifice is the only death that would even be fully up to Tony's standards. Tony can't help but be in the world's spotlight, especially as a hero.

Steve is the polar opposite of this, guided by internal principles. This is why he's the title character of "The Winter Soldier" - a winter soldier is one who will remain steadfast even in a losing battle. Cap will stand against the entire world for what he knows is right.

Age of Ultron proved Tony wrong in a way that he couldn't recover from just by defeating Ultron. His intelligence had almost ended the world. Tony is desperate to recover his image in Civil War, and a little more distrustful of himself now. Working with the U.N. is a way for Tony to get back in with the good guys. If he can't trust himself alone to make him the good guy, he'll relinquish his decisions to someone who he can trust to be the good guy. It's also a built-in Nuremberg defense.

This is why he's willing to go to the brink with Cap - he sees Cap's self-righteousness as the same arrogant drive that caused him to create Ultron.

Charismatic in Thor. Block of wood in the other movies.

That's not a bad thing if the characters are best suited as non white people, but erasing white people, like that current shit with Valkyrie, just for "muh diversity," is racism, plain and simple.

nah. the movie is trash; torn apart in editing. You can see when the MCU brass was like "add some humor here" and took the movie away from the Shakespearean roots Branah wanted.

Paramount handled distribution. Production was all Marvel Studios.